♫ E n c o r e ♫ Angeline Lee♫ 〈Main Vocal〉 ♫


Angeline Lee





User Name:btobmelodyokay

Activness: 4

What can I call you?: Ajen



Name: Angeline Lee

Nickname: Angie, Angela

Birthdate: July 18, 1996

Age: 96 Liner, (17)

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: San Fransisco, California

Hometown: San Fransisco, California

Languages: English, Korean, Tagalog

Height: 160cm


Bloodtype: B


Chocolate Girl 

Idol Face: Ailee

Links/Tumblr: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5fe1mp0fw1rpo5ruo1_500.jpg http://static.tumblr.com/iddho6m/Ndqm1lj42/421999_304046876328764_299944470072338_810034_48030825_n.jpg

Back-up Face: Park Sojin

Links/Tumblr: http://24.media.tumblr.com/76a0b3f7a13eac3234d4c5e8a4d8af07/tumblr_mgdoqpio5g1qgi4w5o1_250.png http://24.media.tumblr.com/6ad39b268d9e0fb3a7c2793d1f4dd1c9/tumblr_mgw3gs9lQI1qbz70so1_500.png


Casual: 01-02-03-04-05 She's a t-shirt kind of a girl. T-shirt with shorts or t-shirt with jeans. When she can dress casual, t-shirts are her comfort zone.

Broadcasting: 01-02-03-04-05 She tries to keep her comfort, with flowing skirts, and leggings. But she wears these casual dresses and skirts to captivate the audience with her girly side.

Airport Fashion: 01-02-03-04-05 She tries her best to dress casual for the airport, because she HATES airplane rides. So, most of the time she'll be wearing jeans and most likely any shirt she managed to find in her closet that isn't hideous. 

Dorm: 01-02-03-04-05 Her dorm outfit varies a lot. Sometimes she'll wear shorts and a tee, and she also has a couple pairs of animal pajamas. And when she's really tired she'll just be wearing her underwear and sports bra. Who cares? She's comfortable.

Practice room: 01-02-03-04-05 She will always wear sweats when she practices. It feels most comfortable for her, and when it gets hot, she just wears leggings. She doesn't like wearing shorts when she practices. 

Extra Prior to debut: She had one piercing per ear.

Extra after debut: She had a total of two per ear.

Turn It Up

Personality: To put it simply, she's moody. Most girls are moody because of their period and stuff, but she never gets that because she's naturally moody. And sometimes her members are irritated of her for it, but she tries to change it. Her moods usually don't change so often, maybe one day she'll just be irritated at everything, and the next day, she'll be slightly better. 

But whem she's happy, god, she is happy. Sometimes she'll laugh at a joke for longer than she was supposed to. She'll be a total happy virus and get on her members's nerves again (whoops). She laughs and is gittery when she is happy. Most of the time, she is at this stage, if no one pisses her off, then, she'll be moody again. But thats all only if she's close to people. If she isn't close to people, she'll act shy. 

Personality on stage: She acts more shy on stage and on camera. She'll throw the occasional greasy heart at her fans or show her aegyo at randomest times, but she usually isn't the one to talk as much. She feels like she doesn't really have much to say to her audience, mostly because she's scared to.

Likes: She LOVES to sing. She really likes cherry blossoms, mystery books, Japanese horror movies and she loves to learn, anything. She loves to sleep. She has a special spot in heart for almost every KPOP group.She likes photography too.

Dislikes: Spiders, mangos, needles, the sound of a water bottle being crushed, fish, flies, humid weather, and rain.

Fears: She fears that no one actually likes her and just is nice to her because they have to, She fears that she will always say the wrong thing. She fears not being able to fit in.

Pet peeves: When people chew gum and don't close their mouth. When people use the ":P" icon.

Hobbies: She loves to travel and take pictures on her spare time. She's also slowly learning how to do origami. She also loves to read books!

Habits:She has a habit to figit, collect junk, and to worry a lot.

Bad Habits: She procrastinates a lot, she has a habit of comfort eating when she's stressed, and to fake-listen to people.

Major flaws: Because she grew up in the States, she's darker than the people around her. She also has a slightly bigger than average nose and she gets pimples at the randomest times. 

Trivia: She has an iPhone 5. She played the flute and violin for for a total of 4 years in middle and high school. She's played piano and guitar for 2 years. She's allergic to pollen and pet dander. She broke her arm in her first year of high school. She actually gets into fights with one member a lot, but usually they're just small arguments. 

♫Im Sorry

Background: She was adopted by Filipino parents (that's why she knows Tagalog) and they had their own kids as well. making her feel left out being the only Korean, and the only one not blood related. She never really fit in well at school either. No one seemed to like her that much. She got into K-POP in middle school and started to learn more about her culture and her language. She studied Korean in secret from her parents, and that was when she wanted to be an idol. She always loved singing and dancing because that was her escape from the world. In her first year of high school, she had a close cousin of hers drive her to LA after she passed the first online audition. She ended up making it in. And when she told her parents, they were upset, because she was a straight A student, and they felt like she was throwing her life away, but she eventually convinced them, and even know they still don't like it. She went to Korea and she went trained and went to Hanlim Performing Arts School. She still goes now, but its her last year.


  • Dad | Carmelo Reyes | 49 | Engineer
  • Mom | Bernadette Reyes | 41 | Accountant
  • Brother | Martin Reyes | 19 | College Student
  • Sister | Samantha Reyes | 14 | High School Student

Best Friend:

Erin Huynh | 17 | High School student | Reliable, Kind, Otaku, K-POP lover, Bubbly  | Met in high school, she was the only who supported the K-idol idea | She's still in America so they occasionally KKT, but usually they're playfully mean to each other.


  • Peniel Shin | 20 | BTOB | "American connection"
  • Park Jimin | 16 | 15& | Through school
  • Baek Yerin | 16 | 15& | Through school


이 노래 웃기지 

How many years did she train?: She trained for 2 years, starting from when she was 15.

How Did She Get In?: She did an online audition and passed, so she went to the 2nd auditions at LA and passed. She sang Halo - Beyonce the first audition and Listen - Beyonce the second audition.

Any Previous companies?: Nope.

Trainee life: She was bullied a lot because of her darker skin color and her Korean wasn't the best at the time. They made fun of her accent a lot, and it was tough for her. So she spent most of her time getting her emotions out by practicing a lot. She became better than the bullies that way, and it ended up making her feel more confident when she noticed that and she stopped caring about what they said. So, her last year as a trainee, she loved it because she didn't let them get to her. But she also struggled a lot at learning new instruments. She had only known violin and flute back at the States, so learning piano and guitar was a struggle. And she was always tempted to give up with them at times. But she never did because she knew she would seem more of a better canidate for a group if she learned those instruments.

Stage Name: Her stagename is Angel. CUBE wants her to have that angelic aura to her, and have her to be somewhat shy and bubbly at times. She has to seem like an angel on Earth.

Persona: She's the shy maknae.


  • Vocal twin: Bang Minah 
  • Rapping twin: She's not a rapper, but lets say she raps like Seo Eunkwang. HAAHAH which is obviously bad, but funny. OTL
  • Dancing twin: Jang Dongwoo

Back Up position:

  • Back up Vocal twin: Hyorin
  • Back up Rapping twin: bad rapper.
  • Back up Dancing twin: Hoya (previous link)

Special skills: She can imitate frog's croak and a bird's squack.

Before debut: She was in BTOB's Second Confession MV as the girl who got the letter.

Solo activities: She wants to host something on Arirang, because she is fluent in English.


사랑하나 봐 


Yook Sungjae


Love Interest: Yook Sungjae

Age&Group: 95 Liner (18), BTOB

Personality: He's a sweet and charming guy, who does what is right.

How You met: It was her first year of being a trainee and she was experiencing a lot of bullying. At that time, she would easily get hurt by it. Sungjae walked inside the practice room because he had to mentor the trainees. But he saw her the group of girls surrounding her, bullying her by calling her name. He immediately put a stop to it and told the bullies never to do it again. They were obviously scared since Sungjae was their sunbae. He then personally mentored her in the piano room and has taken an interest to her ever since. 

How you interact: He likes the shy type of girls and she likes the upfront type of guys. Both of them are very shy and awkward to each other. He often made the excuse a lot to help out with trainees, when he only just wanted to help her get better to debut. Once she debuted, Sungjae was the one to always give her confidence

Relationship: Friends (for now). 

Are you dating?: Not yet ((;

Since when?: 

Do you wanna date?: Yes, once they become better friends, and Sungjae asks.

Who started liking who first?: Love at first sight for both of them.


Jung Ilhoon


Back Up Love Interest: Jung Ilhoon

Age&Group: 94 Liner (19) BTOB

Personality: He's a boy that tries to be mean to hide his feelings because he doesn't want to believe them.

How You met: He saw her dancing late one night and she was learning WOW. He "had nothing better to do" and decided to help her, since she was doing the choreography wrong. He tried his best to seem stern and charismatic, but she knew that it was all an act. They practiced until she got it down and he started to really like the way she would dance. It was... beautiful. 

How you interact: They hardly interact because Ilhoon is always so busy. But once in a while, late at night, they would practice dancing together and learn new choreography. He would also try to teach her to rap but she would end up sounding so pathetic. 

Relationship: Friends for now.

Are you dating?: Not yet ((;

Since when?: 

Do you wanna date?: Yes.

Who started liking who first?: Ilhoon, but he didn't realize it till later.


♫No Reason


Love Rival: Peniel

Age&Group: 93 Liner,20 (no other closer age range) BTOB

Personality: He has the best guy friend type of personality. Always there for her.

How You met: He was leaving the practice room when he heard her talking on the phone to her parents and switching from Tagalog to English a lot. Peniel overheard the whole conversation and as soon as she were done he was like, "Great! Another English speaker!" And high fived her. They ended up getting a drink at the CUBE cafe and reminisced life back at the states. Both of them ended up seeing that they'd be great friends together.

How you interact: He was shy to talk to her, and would only talk to her if she'd talk to him.. They would hardly meet in person, and usually just text each other instead, because in person it was awkward, but through text it was fine. 

Relationship: Friends

Why is he a love rival?: He is closer to you than anyone else in CUBE.

Who do you want to end up with?: You choose!


Rival: Kwon Sohyun

Age&Group: 94 Liner (18) 4Minute

Personality: She's actually a sweet girl, but she's really competitive and enjoys irritating you. She's only mean to you, and not anyone else.

Reason for rivalry: She was good friends with her because Sohyun mentored her a lot, and she would confide in Sohyun a lot because she had no one else including her feelings for Sungjae. But once UCC came around, Sohyun's feelings for Sungjae started to appear and she made sure to make her jealous when they danced Troublemaker together. And ever since UCC, Sohyun has been trying to make sure Angel is at her worse and hardly gets to talk to Sungjae. They're also rivals because Sohyun sees her as a threat because even though Sohyun is her sunbae, she feels intimidated by her talent since she's really good for a trainee. 


Scandals/Rumors: Angel was caught hanging out with Peniel at the CUBE cafe once, causing an uproar from Peniel stans. Angel skipped school a lot at one point, because of stress. Angel once talked back to the CEO, getting herself in a lot of trouble from him.



Comments/Suggestions: No. LOL

Scene request: Since I'm leaving it up to you whether you want Angel to be with love interest or love rival, if you choose love rival there can be a scene where Angel feels like she's at her worst and that all hope is gone, partly because of Sungjae, and the love rival comes along and he comforts her and tells her that it's going to be alright. But if you choose love interest it can be that she's confused of her feelings and she just doesn't know what to do. And Sungjae comes and kisses her and tells her, "If that didn't mean anything to you, then you don't love me. But if it did, then you know your feelings." And walks out. Leaving her knowing what to do. 

Anything else you wanna tell me?: 

Password:  http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34100000/Sungjae-josh-shirohige1939-34108676-500-281.gif


♫I Must Confess

Is there a hair style you want for debut?: Maybe blonde hair like this c:

What is you're ideal type: Funny, sweet, and dorky.

Who is the celebrity closest to you're ideal type?:Jang Dongwoo

Amongst the members of Encore who are you closest with?: Main rapper.

Amongst the members of Encore who are you most awkward with?: Face.

Who do you want to room with?: Lead Vocal

What do you think the best part of you're body is?: Chest LOL

Message to fans: Thank you for supporting me. It really means a lot. I never thought I would make it this far and have fans. I love all of you guys! Keep loving us! c:

Message to family: I know this isn't the career path you wanted for me. I know you're probably still disappointed in me. But I hope you can support me now. 

Message to other members: I know I have been a pain in the a lot but I thank you guys for putting up with me and loving me like family. 

Message to Lablemates/company CEO: Thank you for supporting me as well. Thank you to my sunbaes that have mentored me as a trainee. Thank you CEO Seung Song for giving me this opportunity. I won't let you down. Fighting!

What is your favorite Kpop group and which member?: INFINITE - Jang Dongwoo

What is your relationship with your manager?: [He's actually like my father, because he's always there when I need to vent, but he actually thinks I'm annoying at times, whoops.

Who is the most intimidating sunbae?: B2ST's Doojoon

Who is the sunbae you look up to most?: 4Minute - Hyuna

What was your first impression of B2ST, 4minute, and BTOB?: I thought 4minute was a really y and beautiful group, and it made me self conscious. I thought B2ST was somewhat scary because they looked so stressed and mean. I thought BTOB had the most amazing vocals, I walked in on them acapella harmonizing on accident, and it was gorgeous.

Have you been in past relationship prior to debut?: No.

Do you like older or younger men?: Older!

What are you like in relationships?: I like things simple. I don't want too much attention, but I don't want any little. And the same goes for the way I treat them. I don't give too much attention or too little attention. But if they act that way, I'll act the same way.

Have you had your first kiss?: Nope (someone's going to steal that ((;)

Any funny stories while you were a trainee?: One time, when I was practicing late at night, I heard people coming in the room, and I wasn't supposed to be in it at the time, but no one was there, so I figured why not? Bad idea. I had to hide myself inside the closet while 4minute practiced for hours. 

What were you like in school?: Studious and unpopular.

Is there another idol you want to collab with?: I want to have a collab with GNA and just be a powerful vocal collab. We could alternate from singing in Korean and in English. 

What do you think are the good traits of your love interest?: He's kind hearted and has beautiful vocals, oh god.

What do you think are the bad traits of your love interest?: He's a klutz and can be really stupid. 

At a company concert is there a stage you want to do?: I want to have a stage with all the main vocals of each group and just sing a really soft ballad together. c:

What part of your body are you least confident in?: Face.

If you could get plastic surgery what would you get?: Nose.

Have you gotten plastic surgery?: No.

What are you're views on plastic surgery?: Hey, it works, why not? LOL.

What part of a guy do you look at first?: Face.

What do you always carry in your bag?: Snacks and water.

Lately what songs do you listen to?: Female President - Girl's Day Destiny - INFINITE Shadow - B2ST Baby Don't Cry - EXO Coffee Shop - B.A.P No No No - A PInk

What is the song your practiced to most while a trainee?: For dancing, Be Mine - INFINITE, for singing, Midnight - B2ST

What is the song that has the most impact on you?: Face - NU'EST the lyrics relate to me.

If you were an animal what would you be?: Flamingo

What does love mean to you?: It means acceptance for who you are, for all your flaws, to just accept it all and be okay with it. 



I want you guys to know that i will be having more questionairs later on in the story so i know more about your characters that i havent found out here


Lastly! Now your done. Now i need you to do something.



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Deleted all the brackets!! Ill mark your application with Mistakes if you dont delete them all!! so go back and check!!


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I dont get this. Is this..uh...what is it..uh you ? OwO
01: Can you state her fluency in each language please, remember only 2 fluent

02:Can you also hyper-link pictures of her piercings please?

03: Fears, well these should be fears like spiders, balloons, heights, ect. not things that really have to do with her interactions with others.

04: In her background: How old was she when she auditioned, how old was she when she moved to Korea? Did her family move with her? where did she live as a trainee?

05:Can you give her friends that are idols/Models/actors. Korean celebrities basically.

06:Because shes from america i would think maybe she would be close with Peniel whos from chicago, right?

07:Can you make her rapping and dancing twins female.

08: for her back up vocal Hyorin is a power vocalist, no one but the Main vocalist should be a power vocalist. What is her position and back up position?

09: Where it says Love interest on the picture of Sungjae, can you please fill his name in there [leave the pink brackets so his name is in the blue]

10: Oh no no no no no! i cant chose who you're character wants to end up with! haha i wouldn't want to make a bad decision that you'll regret.

11: For the rivalry i don't mind if its about a love interest but please don't make it about talent. Sohyun is the sunbae which means she has MORE talent than angel, acting, variety, hosting, and MCing are skills Sohyun would have that Angel wouldn't have, so please get rid of the talent part.

12: For the scandals can you make them things like dating or fighting scandals things that went public and got Angel into trouble. It doesn't have to be related to Sohyun at all.

13:Just a question why is Doojoon the most intimidating sunbae?

14: For the who you want to collab with, Angel should not be a power vocal at all, only a main vocal can be a power vocalist.

So this really wasn't bad for you're first time!:)

01, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 10, and 13 please answer them as a reply to this comment. and then fix everything else on you're app.