class crushes

My class had dinner outside together a few days ago and the girls in my class planned this gift exchange session. Each of us draw out a paper from a box. The name written on the paper we chose is the person we will have to give a gift to. So I got a boy's name. No big deal. The problem was to find a suitable gift since I never bought anything for a guy. I've only cooked for them a few times. In the end, I managed a cook notebook that I swear if he didn't like it I'll myself will use it. Anyway, before dinner, I meet up with my classmates and help them find presents. During this time that I found out that she was supposed to give his crush a present. That's why she was so nervous as to what should buy. In the end, I helped her settle with a brown leather wallet. However, its not the end. As I helped more of them, I found out that majority of the girls in my class actually had a crush on some of the boys in my class and vice versa. How canci not know this? Oh yes wait. I'm absent 60% of the time. No wonder the class sometimes have awkward moments. I thought we didn't get along well with each other. turns out we all have class crushes. Goddamn so fuxkin cute. I swear there's still more than meets the eye. Also, there won't tell me who's who and i didn't push further more (yet im screaming to know) I received a teddy bear in a glass jar with lights on when you tap it. Yeah its cute but I prefer practical gifts like shawls or stuff I can use. Ah whatever, shut up zee, you ungrateful .


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I don't think its that uncommon to have class crushes since you kind of have like to spend half the day with them - even I have a crush on a guy in my class. yeah it does make.things awkward but well there's fun in shipping your friend with her crush :P

haha I do agree with you on preferring practical gifts ^^