Zodiac Quiz

♈ ARIES. (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)

[  ] you have a tendency to not finish things you start.

[x] you are very conscious of what people think of you, and you let it impact you deeply.

[  ] you’re impulsive and spontaneous.

[ x] you are very headstrong and hard to sway.

[ ] you are more likely to take your own approach to something rather than go by conventional methods.

[ x] you’re not afraid to say what you think, but sometimes you forget how what you think might make other people feel.

[ x ] you are young at heart.

[ ] you love to experience new things, even though you bore of them quickly.

[ ] you can be very jealous.

[ ] you know how to make the best out of any situation.

Total: 4/10


 ♉ TAURUS. (APRIL 20 - MAY 20)

[  ] you are very possession-oriented and have a hard time sharing your belongings.

[x ] you are extremely affectionate.

[ ] you have great tolerance, and it takes you a lot to reach a breaking point.

[ ] but when you do, it’s disastrous. (I get upset, but it's not too dramatic?)

[ x] you like to take things slow and know what you’re getting into.

[x ] you have never been one for change.

[ ] you can’t stand to be challenged.

[x ] you have a firmly set comfort zone, and it irritates you when people tamper with it. (this one girl from last yr who continued to hug me grrr)

[ x ] you are especially reliable, and you are always there for people who need you.

[  ] you always keep your promises without fail.

Total: 5/10 


♊ GEMINI. (MAY 21 - JUNE 20)

[ x] your dominant trait is absolutely your love of communication.

[  ] you are naturally a very curious person, but since you flutter from one thing to another so often, you aren’t one to appreciate the deeper aspects of an experience.

[ x] you are all about logic. things need to make sense to you.

[ x] you are very restless and active, in both body and mind. (probably the reason why I'm so damn clumsy and I run in the rain XD)

[ ] you tend to be two faced.

[  ] you are a very critical person.

[  ] you are a cynic.

[ ] you thrive on change and hate being in the same environment for an extended period of time.

[x ] once someone betrays you, you have difficulty trusting them again.

[x ] you are very unpredictable.

Total: 5/10


 ♋ CANCER. (JUNE 21 - JULY 22)

[ ] who you are as a person is deeply affected by your childhood.

[ x] you are very in touch with emotions, to the point where you can almost instantly tell how someone else is genuinely feeling. (I'm an intuitive person ;P)

[ x ] you need a place you can call your own, which is why you value ‘home’

[ x] you love kids. (i'm just awkward with them >.<)

[x ] you are very affected by other people’s problems, and have a knack for putting yourself in the shoes of other people.

[ x] you dislike confrontation.

[ x ] you have always valued your heart over your mind.

[ ] you hate being told what to do.

[ x] your moods are very fluid, as you are very sensitive. 

[ x] if you like someone, you accept them into your heart just the way they are.Total: 8/10 


♌ LEO. (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22)

[ x] you would move heaven and earth for the people you care about.

[ x] you would never consider yourself petty.

[ x] you are naturally a very generous person. (too generous sometimes >.<)

[  ] for you, there is nothing worse than losing.

[  x] in arguments, you come across as stubborn and hot headed, but you just want to justify your actions and explain why you believe you’re right.

[ ] you set very high, occasionally unreasonable expectations.

[  ] your ego is the size of a small planet.

[ x] unlike Gemini, you dislike change, and would much rather have stability in your life.

[x ] one of your talents is making people feel special.

[ ] you love being in the limelight, and it roots from a need to be appreciated.Total: 6/10 



[x ] you like to dream and fantasize, but in the grand scheme of things, you are realistic and won’t waste time on the impossible.

[  x] you know exactly what you want, you just don’t know how to get it.

[ x] education is very important to you.

[ x] all you really want is to feel useful.

[ x ] you never lose your cool. 

[ x] you second guess yourself a lot, and majority of the time, you don’t think you’re good enough.

[x ] you don’t mind going the extra mile, even for people you don’t really know.

[ ] you are not overly emotional, and you sometimes perceive them as messy, embarrassing or even a weakness.

[ x] you are deep and reflective.

[ x] you would rather be lonely than settle for less.Total: 9/10



[ ] you are very laid back and you don’t mind a lot of things.

[x ] you are fascinated with people, and you love to understand others.

[ x] you dread hurting other people’s feelings.

[ x] you are very charming.

[ x ] you would rather look at life through rose-tinted glasses than acknowledge the negatives.

[ x] you are very focused on balance. if someone pushes you, you will push them right back.

[  ] you are indecisive.

[ x] you wish more people would give peace a chance.

[x ] you become annoyed when you spot unoriginality in others.

[x ] you will never forget to let the people you love know how much you care about them.Total: 8/10 



[ x] if someone tries too hard to control you, nothing will hold you back from rebelling.

[  ] you are vindictive.

[ ] you prefer to keep your feelings to yourself.

[ x] you can see right through people when they lie to you.

[ x] you can always be trusted with secrets. always.

[ x] you are horrified of being made vulnerable

[ ] you have complete control over your emotions. people only see what you let them see, and you prefer it this way.

[ ] you do not desire approval from anyone; you’re content to do your own thing.

[ ] you can be pretty blunt.

[ ] people often say you’re a mystery.Total: 4/10 



[ x] you’re a risk-taker. you’ve never been afraid to act on a hunch.

[x ] you love to learn and gain knowledge. wisdom in general is something you find very, very respectable.

[x ] freedom means the world to you.

[x ] you’re not a dishonest person, and very rarely will you take advantage of someone to get what you want.

[  ] a lot of people think you have a great sense of humor.

[x  ] you are very carefree by nature, but occasionally you tend to be careless.

[x ] you don’t freely hand out compliments, but when you do give them, you mean them.

[ x] you love a challenge. if something comes too easily, your interest in it will disappear.

[x  ] you are very enthusiastic about life.

[x ] you are generally upbeat and happy-go-lucky.Total: 9/10



[ x] you are very reliable, but you have a hard time relying on other people.

[x ] you don’t know how to ask for help.

[x ] you finish everything you start.

[ x] you hate making mistakes, no matter how small.

[ x] you don’t like talking about your deeper emotions, and you get really irritated when people try to make you.

[x ] you are far more complicated than people believe you to be.

[x ] you may come across as harmless, but you are tough as a keg of nails.

[x ] you like to be in charge of everything in your life.

[ x] you always stand your ground.

[ ] a trait you hate to see in someone is vulnerability, and you might find yourself taking advantage of someone who tends to play the ‘victim’ role.

Total: 9/10



[ ] emotions can be scary for you.

[x ] you are a walking contradiction. you want freedom, yet you want protection. you want to be alone, yet you want the laughter and adventures that only other people can bring you.

[x  ] you are not the jealous type.

[  ] you are an inventor. you live in today’s world, but think in tomorrow’s world.

[x  ] you rebel for the sake of rebelling. you love to shock.

[ x ] you won’t change for anyone. someone must either take you as you are, or stay out of your path.

[x ] you like to listen to other people’s opinions and views, even if you disagree. you aren’t at all unreasonable.

[ x ] no matter how close you get to someone, there will always be a part of you reserved for yourself.

[ ? ] much like Leo, you expect less than practical things of people.

[x ] you’re more interested in being a friend than making more friends.Total:7/10 



[  ] you are very artistic, to the point where you can’t keep it in. art is your life.

[  x] you have no emotional boundaries; you feel practically everything.

[  x] you are very, very open minded. you would never put anyone down because of their beliefs.

[ x ] you have your head in the clouds maybe too often.

[x  ] you want a fairytale romance.

[x  ] sometimes you tend to see things less as what actually happened, and more as what you wished happened instead.

[ x] if you’re excited about something, you become a dog with a bone. you could talk about it all day.

[ ] you are capable of surprisingly biting sarcasm.

[x ] you have a hard time accepting criticism.

[ ] you hold onto people who are bad for you.Total: 7/10


 My Result: Virgo/Sagittarius

My Actual Sign:Virgo

Stolen from xxkpopbiasloverxx


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Ima cancer hahaha !!