☠ welcome to ℒast ₩ishes, Moon Saeryun ☠



you're in danger now
username: shawolcassieelf
profile link: click here~
activeness: co-author/author/whatever darls.
nicknames: Well, I'm Anna sweeties~

stop provoking me

character name: Moon, Saeryun

other names: Gabriel Moon

nicknames: Ryun-ah [used only by his closest friends, he'll murder anyone else]

age: 21

date of birth: 22/09/1992

height: 179cm

weight: 58kg

uality: Panual

blood type: B-

ethnicity: Korean-English [fully Korean bloodwise but born and raised in England]

languages: English [fluent], Korean [conversational], French [conversational], Chinese [horrible/learning]

birthplace: London, England

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

i don't even know what i'll do
ulzzang: Lee Chi Hoon
             on file: gallery

extra: He has a tattoo of a dragonfly on the back of his neck as well as a pentagram (the right way up, it's not satanic okay) on the inside of his left wrist. He has a birthmark of star on his right hip which he finds embarrassing as hell.

appearanceHe is a pretty pale boy, whether it's because of the London weather when he was growing up. He has a bit of muscle but it's not much and he's relatively thin because he can't be bothered to exercise without his horse. He doesn't know why his wrists and his ankles are abnormally thin, they literally look like they could break and his thin ankles give him walking problems, when he's running he's five times more likely to roll or sprain it. His cheekbones are sharp and his nose stands tall but it's so sharp he could cut someone with it, not literally. His eyes are perhaps the nicest part of his body, they're big and almond-shaped, honey-brown in colour and framed with think lashes. His lips are a pale pink colour and the upper lip is slightly more full than the bottom. His hair is usually dyed a brown colour, it depends on what sort of brown he is feeling like that day. It's usually hangs long, side-swept bangs that cover his eyebrows and from the back it seems rather feminine. His fingers are his pride and joy, without them, he can't produce the beautiful drawings and play the violin. They are long, thin and as pale as the rest of his body.

style: how does he dress? include links/description for the below categories
         Casual: He dresses in a pretty stylish way. Fashion is definitely something important to him. He loves to wear tight pants (but not too tight) and of course, his favourite shoes, boots. He loves boots, especially black combat books. He'll usually wear skinny jeans or leggings that are black or some other dark colour such as dark red or dark blue with black combat boots or some other chunky black boots. On top, he'll wear a loose shirt if it's warm in a colour such as grey or beige, neutral palettes. His jackets are always the 'point' of his outfit. They're sometomes past his bottom, sometimes cropped, sometimes leather, sometimes cotton but they are always stylish. His colour palette in general is quite neutral and dark but he always wears accessories such as fingerless black leather gloves, bracelets etc.
         On Campus: Same as casual except minus some of the most flashy accessories and a coat that's a bit toned down.
         Dorm: He'll wear either leggings or baggy black pants with a pair of sheepskin slippers or just barefeet if it's warm. On top, he'll wear a hoodie or a hooded knit or just a random top.
         Formal: He'll go with the full on tuxedo. He does like to mix it up though and wear a black button down with a white jacket, white pants, white bow-tie. But if it's a really formal event, not just a dance, he'll stick to the traditional black and white the right way round.
         Party: Oh he uses parties as an excuse to wear anything he wants. It's a party for gods sake! You can wear something ty and no one is going to give two s about it. He wears his tight shiny leather pants as well as a pair of chunky black boots. On top it changes but parties is where he wears the bright and the wile. He sometimes even goes without a shirt on at least because yes at parties, he's the 'ty' dresser. Sometimes he wears a mesh top with a blazer around it that looks completely normal from the back but from the front it's very different.
         Date: For dates, he'll try to refrain from wearing dark things and too tight pants. He'll wear a nice brown pair of boots with a beige coloured pants, still relatively skinny and usually a knit on top, or a casual, flattering top.
         Sleepwear: He wears dark grey baggy pants and a black tank top to sleep.



you might get hurt

plot line: The Suicided

personality traits: troublemaker, self-righteous, moral compass, devoted to his family, "honest", reckless, believes in justice

personality: Troublemaker. Prankster. Words that sum up Saeryun in a nutshell. He treats people like his toys, playing pranks that aren't really jokes on them for his own amusement. They're only funny to him because they're the deadly sort of pranks. He doesn't go for embarrassment, he doesn't go for laughs, he goes for humiliation, to teach them a lesson that they aren't going to be forgetting soon. Saeryun might be called a little sadistic, with the enjoyment he gets from the suffering of other people but he's not a cruel, ruthless person. He only plays his "little" tricks on people who deserve it. People who are hoisted up on their own pedestal, with a head so big it's a wonder why it hasn't exploded it. Saeryun just aims to take them down a peg, that's all...in his own unique way. He is just a bit of a playful, mischievous person, an "honest" person who makes his dislike and/or disdain for someone all too clear with his actinos. You can't blame him really, blame the person. It's their fault for existing to tormet him, says the mentality of Saeryun. Saeryun is a daring and reckless guy, but it's not between illegal or legal. It's more between life and death. He's an adrenaline junkie, always looking forward to sky-diving and parachuting and bungee jumping.

But while it's not entirely a mask, it also is not entirely true. Everyone needs to vent from time to time and pranking other people, tricking them, more like it is the way that he vents. By playing these little games for people (as his pranks aren't just a whoopee cushion, oh no oh no) he is distracting himself from what he is reluctant to face. Maybe he has daddy issues. Maybe he's just so angry with the way his life turned out that that's all he can focus on. Bitter, temperental, vengeful anger. He's determined to make his father pay for what he did but he can't find his anger. Any other human being is good enough for a while. Until he's bored of them and finds some new toys to play with. Saeryun is not a meglomaniac though, from what he seems to be, He doesn't break the people that he targets. It's all just to take them a peg down. He would never destroy someone else's life, at least he has that right. At least not willingly. He is also a perfectionnist but not the normal type. No, he's like a perfectionnist on crack. Sometimes, you would think thath is latest trick didn't work for some reason or another but every move is carefully calculated by him. If something didn't go 'according to plan' it probably did because he will refuse to admit to himself that he failed. He is also a hard-worker, working himself half to death because of his perfectionnist tendencies. And quite the competitive guy. If you challenge him to something, he will half kill himself to produce something twice as good, then rub it in your face for the next week or so.

You see, it's because Saeryun does have a heart under that 'I'm the king and you're just my pawns' kind of demeanor. Perhaps the one redeeming quality about him is of his moral compass. He believes in justice, in doing the right thing. He believes that he was supposed to do what he does, bringing people off their high horse. His moral compass is quite strong, and he believes in doing what is right. Maybe what is right it not necessarily what is good and he has come to terms with that eons ago. But justice is something that prevails strongly in Saeryun. He is also a bit self-righteous, and a bit self-centred. He doesn't really thing about other people. He can feel sympathetic but he can never feel empathetic because that's just not how he rolls. He says that he doesn't care about other people or what they think of him but for such an honest person, that is probably the biggest lie that he has ever told.

And perhaps the most important thing about Saeryun is that he is a family guy. He believes that family should stick together, through thick and thin. Maybe he doesn't believe in true love and he thinks that love is a thin, easily snappable string, but he believes in the love of family. They are blood and thus they are family. Everything Saeryun does is in one way or another related to his family, in a good or bad way. They are his world and maybe his brothers and sisters don't see that but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to be seen as the knight in shining armour or anything, he is quite content to hide behind the others, perhaps his older brothers. His love for his family is so great that even if one of them betrayed him, they would never be able to sever that bond. Sometimes, they call him clingy but does he not have the right to stick himself to his blood-bound family?

    The beach
    Fresh Snow

    Ugly things
    Traitors and liars
    The cold

    Horse riding
    Art (Sketching, painting, origami, whatever)
    Playing the violin

    Methodically takes apart thing in his hands when nervous, eg. pen
    Voice goes higher and fidgets when lying so it's easily noticeable




    He's left-handed
    Quite a heavy sleeper and he's a sleath snuggler
    He sleeptalks
    Doesn't really eat much in the morning
    He's really good at art


you make me go crazy

what is your last wish?: For his family to be together again.

do you (as your character) know (how) you will die?: He knows that he's going to die. Or "knows", it's not like he believes that load of tosh that the guy is spewing.

do you tell anyone?: He would tell Kai because he trusts his best friend with all his heart

are you afraid to die?: He might go on about how death is just passing on and he hates life anyway but he's terrified of dying. He doesn't want to retreat to the eternal darkness. Life is too much fun for him to give up and he doesn't want to leave his loved ones.

how do you handle being told you're going to die?: He doesn't believe the shinigami but once it actually sinks in, he starts panicking. Full-blown panic attacks, he doesn't, refuses to believe it and tries so hard to deny it. But he's only denying the truth.

does this knowledge change your lifestyle?: He develops a kind of #yolo mentality. He does crazy things which his shinigami eventually knocks out of him. He tries to change his relationships with other people, sometimes his ex-victims but it's not that easy.

who dies?: He probably wouldn't let other people sacrifice themselves for him but at the same time, he is terrified of dying.


 1. why would he commit suicide?

Perhaps one of his only redeeming qualities is his strong friendship. He would do anything for his loved ones, his family and that would be why. He would never willingly commit suicide because that's not a glorious death.

2. why is he so lax about life?

His father never really gave him the best outlook on life and if he forces himself to believe that he doesn't care about life, maybe one day it will actually happen. But he's not really lax on life if he's terrified of death. But at the same time he doesn't really care if he truly lives or not. If only there were some middle ground.


a black shadow awakens in me

background: Wow was his life ever ed up. He was born and raised in London. A family with a bit of power and wealth, not too much but more than enough. His father married his mother, the love of his life and with her, he had two sons. But during the pregnancy of their second son, Luke (their first son being Michael), she fell ill and was in weak health. And when she gave birth to Luke, havnig insisted on a natural birth, it was too much for her body to bear and she died in labour. And his father just...lost it. Blamed Luke for killing the moon of his life, blamed himself, blamed Michael, he couldn't live without her. And in a way, he kind of went insane. He just wasn't right in the head anymore. His father would start to sleep with a bunch of and not- and he got a few pregnant. Perhaps more than Saeryun knows. See, some of the women he impregnated were too ashamed of their child to keep "it". And while his father was half-mad, he was not so cruel as to leave a child to the orphanage, god knows just what kind of conditions are in orphanages. Thus that was how Rachel came to be, her mother rejecting her. And then Saeryun or Gabriel. Then Annabel and Casey, the 'twins' who were conceived on the same day by two different women.

During his younger years, it was Michael who raised them. The between them was large enough and Michael was forced to mature much earlier to take over from their absent father. The children practically raised themselves. And when Michael came of age, their father signed over his estate and business to Michael, took a hunk of cash and just took off. Saeryun hasn't seen him since; he doesn't even know if his father is dead or alive. But he doesn't care, or so he keeps telling himself. Michael had known their father the longest, back when he was somewhat sane and while his departure hurt him greatly, he squared his shoulders and kept on going. But he never stopped believing that their father would miraculously come back to them and be in the right mind again.

But there was also Luke. Michael and Luke knew their father for the longest and were the closest to him. His absence hurt the both of them but Luke took it in a bad way. Being sixteen at the time, he dropped out of high school, starting doing drugs and hanging out with the wrong people. He would get into fights every now and then, sometimes he would lose, sometimes, he wasn't so lucky. He was just so angry and hurt that he had to release it in some way and it was a bad way. Michael knew about this all along and as Luke and Michael were the closest he let it pass. But as the years passed, the actions Luke started taking became more and more reckless. Michael had to do his responsibility as the head of the household and he disowned Luke from the family. He was an ugly stain and he couldn't have him influencing the younger children. It was what father would have done, is what Michael said to himself to justify it but he didn't really believe it. Luke packed up without another word, moving to America to start a film career. Apparently, trainwreck is a highly sought after image.

And the thing was that Saeryun thought of Luke as his favourite older brother. Luke's expulsion from the family threw things into sharp relief for him. Michael thought what he was doing was right, and he knew that but was it really right? He tried not to contemplate it too much but it still naggled at the back of his mind. The years passed uneventfully and in his last few years of high school, he was offered to study in Korea for the remaining two years of high school. He accepted and moved to a boarding school and remained in Korea from 16 onwards. When he finished high school, he truly felt like this country was the one that he wanted to live in. There was no Michael trying to exercise power or Rachel, silently disapproving. He missed the liveliness of Annabel and the adorableness of Casey but he was free in Korea. When he graduated, he continued on to study at univeristy, living in the dorms because he did not have the money yet to buy his own appartment. Of course Michael could pay for it but he was heavily disapproving of what he saw as 'running away'.

Now, Saeryun lives on the university campus in the dorms. It is not a bad dorm, a far cry from his home in London but he liked it better. It wasn't filled with empty spaces that made him feel lonely. During the weekends or what he doesn't feel like sleeping at his dorm, he goes to Kai's place. Kai has his own appartment and his door is always open for his best friend. Saeryun is every grateful for that and he will repay Kai back one day, despite Kai insisting no because Saeryun always pays his debts.


father | Joseph Moon | ? | ? | ? | crap | hell no | unknown

mother | ? | ? | ? | ? | they've never met | He doesn't even know her | unknown

older half-brother | Michael Moon| 32 | Successful Businessman | mature, responsible, strict, charismatic, logical, caring | they aren't that close. Their conversations are awkward and stunted but they trust each other despite that. Saeryun can tell Michael whatever and he knows that Michael will listen and respond because that's the kind of guy Michael is. | He probably would but later, near the last minute | alive

older half-brother | Luke Moon | 30 | Rising Actor | reckless, daring, fun, loud, chatty, cunning, clever | Luke is Saeryun's favourite older brother and Saeryun is probably Luke's favourite younger brother. They both have that sort of reckless streak and are in a way, like kindred spirits. He knows that like most Moons, Luke will probably never betray his family but he cannot completely trust him nonethelss. | No | alive

older half-sister | Rachel Moon | 27 | Nurse | quiet, caring, sympathetic, gentle, headstrong, independant | Rachel is the sibling that Saeryun is probably the least closest to. They tried honestly but their family is divided into two. The older group, the younger group and Saeryun is just smack-bang in the middle. He was too old for her to coddle and they never became all that close. | At the very end, probably yes | alive

younger half-sister | Annabel Moon | 14 | High school student | chatty, loud, easily excitable, outgoing, friendly, confident | It's hard not to like Annabel because of just how friendly she is to everyone. Despite that, Saeryun has no control over her, only Michael and Rachel can get her to shut up sometimes. | no, he doesn't want to burst her happy bubble | alive

younger half-brother | Casey Moon | 14 | high School Student | quiet, thoughtful, innocent, takes things too literally, serious | Casey is adorable in his own words and as the baby of the family, everyone loves to coddle him, even Saeryun. Well Saeryun mostly wants to corrupt his innocence which Michael half-heartedly scolds him on. | yes | alive



             Best friends | Kim "Kai" Jongin | 21 | University Business Student | flirty, devoted, loyal, kind, reckless, carefree. He is a reaper however not part of the rebellion, he is firmly entrenched in the reaper society. However his weakness is that he cares too much for his loved ones and those relationships make him vulnerable. | Kai is like the ying to Saeryun's yang. They are just so incredibly close, they're like brothers not bound by blood. Kai is the more 'dominant' of the pair, he's usually the one that takes charge but it's not an unequal relationship. They are pretty protective over each other and if anyone was making romantic advances on one of them, the other would definitely hiss and scratch at the potential suitor. They can tell each other anything, hang out at each other's place after school (their parents even know each other incredibly well) for however long, even staying over with a moment's notice. If Kai needed help, Saeryun would be over in a second and vice versa. Heck they would even sacrifice themselves for each other because that's how close they are. They have  alot of skinship and lots of people think that they're together but it's not true. Nonetheless, they can't be bothered to corect the others, all that matters is that they know that they just love each other in a familial way. | yes because Saeryun can tell Kai anything | alive

            Close friends | Oh Sehun | 21 | University Arts Student | quiet, innocent, serious, childish, cute, bratty. He is Kai's 'cousin' in reaper terms and also on the council's side. His weakness is his inexperience despite having the same visual age as Kai. | Sehun in a way reminds Saeryun very much of his beloved younger brother Casey despite there being a significant between them. Saeryun just loves to dote on Sehun and in a way acts like an 'umma' towards him, and Kai is the 'appa' and Krystal is the grandmother older sister. And Sehun loves the attention, relishes in being treated and doted on and he had stacks of aegyo to reward those who care for him | no, Saeryun wouldn't want to hurt Sehn but Sehun would find out anyway | alive

            Childhood friends | Krystal Jung | 21 | Fashion Designer in training | blunt, honest, "two-faced", naggy, logical, 'y', defensive, clingy | Krystal is someone that Saeryun wonders how on earth they ended up being friends. They are so similar and when they're together insults usually fly but they're not really meant. The two of them had a pretty rocky start to their relationship. When they first met they hated each other. But there is a thin line between hate and love and they they ended up dating for a year or so. They they both decided to break it off but still remained steadfast friends. The two of them have realised that together, they could probably be the iest duo out there, they keep each other in check | towards the end, probably yea | alive


             Rivals | Wu "Kris' Yifan | 22 | University Law Student | Dorky, serious, poker-faced, charismatic, outgoing, responsible, mature | their rivalry is purely based because of scholarly reasons. They are both law students and are constantly competing for the top spot because their dedication to their degree is phenomenal. It started out as only a 'who will get first thing' but now, they compete over basically anything, law-related or not. When they see each other, it's usually a nod and a wave but otuside of the law-sphere, they can have some polite conversation to an extent. | they are the two top students and are constantly competing for the top spot | no way | alive



             Childhood friends | Krystal Jung | 21 | Fashion Designer in training | see above | see above | it just wasn't working out and they were kind of bored of each other. Their love wasn't all as hyped up s it should have been. It was a mutual breakup and they still remain strong friends today. But she can always pull the whole 'I dated you before so I know you better than you think you do' | see above | alive


i want to hide you in my arms

Degree:  Law

Major: Criminal Justice

job?: Starbucks barista


let's erase everything

Does he know any of the other 7 guys? If yes, state why?: No.

Who does he get along best with? Why? How do they interact?:  The Newcomer. They both have a sort ot "I hate life" mentality and kindred spirits and all. Even then, the two aren't the best of friends, they just tolerate each other much better than the others.

Who does he not get along with? Why? How do they interact?: The Terminally Ill. His constant happiness is annoying and grates on Saeryun's nerves. He just wants to pop that happy bubble but he is just so happy and everything that Saeryun tries just slides right off him. It infuriates him, to be honest.


one by one, except for us

Love Interest Plot Line: The Neutral One

First Meeting/First ImpressionHis first impression of him was that he was a . Someone that Saeryun would just love to figuratively beat into a pulp. They definitely didn't get off to a good start with the Neutral one instantly blurting out all that 'black magic' hoodoo voodoo as soon as they met. Really.

How does he treat you?: The Neutral One is a bit dismissive of Saeryun. But he definitely pays him a lot of attention, but it's not the caring, lovey-dovey kind, it's purely ual.

How do you treat him?: Saeryun finds The Neutral One to be annoying and grating on his nerves. He tries hard to prank him but maybe it's a reaper thing that he never falls for them. It's all very infuriating.

Love RivalFrenemies | Lee "IU" Jieun | 21 | Model/University Student studying Music | Clever, spoilt, clingy, sweet, cute, big-headed | They know each other because Krystal and Jieun, stage name "IU" work together in a similar industry. Krystal has never spoken nicely of the ego-inflated model and the two of them tolerate eachother.


so that it's only you and me remaining here

questions/comments/concerns: Apply to my story! It's wonderful! /shot/

scene requestsThat's for me to know and you to find out.

passwordWhy should I give you the password? Find it out yourself lazy bums!



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