Starting On Monday

School will start 19th August for me. Which is on Monday.

This will be my last year in school and until the next summer, I will graduate. 

This means that I will be focusing a lot on school this year. I will also work hard for m driver's liecense. I also turn 18 in November.

I'll try to not leave my stories hanging and I'll do my best with the graphic shop but everything will be going a bit slower for me. Starting from this year. 


Please understand this priority :)


I love you guys <3


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jung_sshi #1
Where do you live dear eonnie?
AeChaPark #2
Waaah, FIGHTING! I'll keep you on track and pray for your last year!
my school starts on this Saturday... but we're going to celebrate our 'raya' on that day in school so its going to be fun :D

study smart! :DDD
same as me...but i will graduate next year~