Boyish VS Girlish


(x) You wear hoodies

(x) You wear jeans

(x) Dogs are better than cats

(x) It’s hilarious when people get hurt (Yea~ I laugh at my friends then help them up... Hell, I laugh at myself when I get injured. But I'm a bit of a Klutz...)

(x) You’ve played with/against boys on a team

() Shopping is torture

( ) Sad movies  

( ) You own an XBOX

() You own a Wii

(x) You played with Hot Wheels as a little kid (With my brother... always fighting for the cars -_-)

() At some point in life you wanted to be a firefighter

(x) You own a DS, PS2, PS3 or Sega (I do play videogames... On the computer .-.)

(x) You used to be/are obsessed with Power Rangers

(x) You watch/watched early morning cartoons (Still do when I have time)

(x) You watch sports on TV (wrestling, cricket, football...)

( ) You go to your dad for advice

( ) You have played sport at a state level

(x) You used to/do collect collector trading cards (Yu-Gi-Oh! I still have some :3)

( ) You have worn baggy sweatpants (I don't think I own a pair of sweatpants...)

( ) It’s kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people

(x) Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors (Green, Black and Sapphire Blue)

(x) You love to go crazy and not care what other people think

( ) Sports are fun (Fun to watch... I left my athlete side in elementary school... I was good at it but...)

( ) You talk with food in your mouth

( ) You sleep at night with your socks on

(x) You have fished at least once (Many times and caught stuff :D)

Total = 14




(x) You love to shop

(x) You wear eyeliner (I love eyeliner ^_^)

( ) You considered cheer leading a sport

( ) You wear the colour pink

(x) You go to your mom for advice

() You hate wearing the color black

(x) You like going to town or city

() You like getting manicures and/or pedicures

(x) You like wearing jewelry 

(x) You cried watching The Notebook (It was a good romance... ofc some tears were shed)

( ) Skirts are a part of your wardrobe

( ) Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies

( ) You don’t like Star Wars (I ADORE STAR WARS!!! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU)

() You are/were in gymnastics

(x) It takes you around a half an hour to shower

(x) You smile a lot more than you should (Unfortunately >.< when you have a clown for a brother xD)

( ) You have more than 10 pairs of shoes

(x) Sometimes you care about what you look like

( ) You like wearing dresses sometimes (I detest dresses although they look good on me. Vain much? xD)

(x) You like wearing body spray or deodorant (I have an eternal obsession with perfumes. I love smelling good :3)

( ) You wear high heel shoes (I cannot balance in them. I will probably twist my ankle)

(x) You used to play with dolls as a kid (And pull them apart xD I have my little collection though)

(x) You have put makeup on others 

(x) You like being the star of almost everything (Does this count as being the centre of attention? Or an attention :P)

( ) You love shoe shopping

( ) Pink is one of your favorite colors (Hell NO!)

Total: 13

More a boy than a girl? O.o Well... it's almost even. Growing up with an older brother probably influence all the boyish stuff I did as a kid xD :P 


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Uhm actually almost all the boyish things,i am almost like that especially with the cartoon related stuffs i always watch them if you had a brother that is an cartoon and sonic and lego maniac,you will be an addict too and about the girlish stuff , i dont hate starwars nor like them too so i think i'm equal
You can fish? Wow~