Dimentia Application~


AFF Username | WangZiShinWoo

Link If you will | ;link;



Name | Park Ni Byul // Ryan Park

Age | 17

Birthdate | December 30, 1993

Height | 169cm

Weight | 61kg

Ethnicity | Australian - Korean

Hometown | Coober Pedy, Australia

Languages | English - Fluent; Korean - Fluent; Tagalog - Basic

Orientation | Biual

Ulzzang | ;link; ~ ;link; ~ ;link;

Ulzzang name | Kim Shin Yeong



Personality | Ni Byul is a very open minded person and always seems to be positive no matter what event happens. She likes to be very hands-on because of her being partly raised in Australia where it is normal to hug or hold a person of the same in public without getting frowned upon. She can be a really immature person but when the time calls for it, Ni Byul will get her act together and behave properly. She likes to have fun more than anything and loves anything to do with music. 

She has a bad habit of 'falling in love' with random guys she doesn't even know. She fangirls about them for their skills or looks but deep down there is only one guy for her.

Likes | High Heel shoes, Rapping, Baking, Playing cello and guitar, Things that sparkle (clothes, shoes, jewellrey etc.), Spiders, Branded items, Gadgets Tights, Skinny jeans, Shorts and Hooded Jackets.

Dislikes | Not wearing jewellrey, falling up stairs, being ignored by people, people who do not pronounce foriegn words correctly, wearing flat heeled shoes unless they are high tops or Gladiators.

Hobbies | Dancing, Rapping, Drawing, Cooking, Jewellrey Designing.

Habits | Drinking Earl Grey tea EVERY day without failing, Walking around the house with a giant teddy bear in her arms, Falling UP stairs: Not down, walking into glass walls or doors.

Trivia(Stuff I should know?)|

- Ni Byul LOVES high heeled shoes and dance run around, jump up and down and dance in them easily.

- Has a difficult time waking up before nine-am. Difficult - But not impossible.

- Can not start her days without a cup of Earl Grey tea - Well she could, but she'd spend most time wondering when she can have some. 


How did you become a trainee? | My younger brother and I used to be in a band and we used to play gigs in hotels and bars. We got a request to perform at a wedding reception and one of the groom's friends was a scout for the company and suggested both me and Alexander audition which we did. I got in, he didn't until the second chance.

How long have you been a trainee for? | I've been a trainee just over two years.

Position in the band | Visuals, Main dancer, Lead vocal



Romantic Interests | Kim KyoungJae (U-KISS Eli); Choi Minho (SHINee); Choi Jonghun (FTIsland); Lee Sungjong (Infinite)

Do you know each other? | Eli - No; Minho - yes; Jonghun - no; Sungjong - no.

If so, how? | I met Minho backstage at the Sydney Kpop festival 2011.

If not, how would you like them to meet? | Eli - in a dance studio; Jonghun - At a concert; Sungjong - on a basketball court.

Friends | Lee Taemin-18-close; Shin Dongho-17-close



Something you wanna tell me =__=? | I love you ? <3

Are you excited for this story? | Yeshhhh :D

Did you answer no? | Pshh as if.

Did you answer yes? | of course!

Do you realize that by saying "No", I'll...you figure out the rest ^^ | Yes yes, I know: You'll throw me into the volcano and place an everlasting curse on me for not saying yes. I know, I know~

Password if you found it?: JTUNE


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I thought so~
HellsRainbow #2
Delicious ^^