Mei Huan Yue ✓ Queen

Mei Huan Yue

❝fake it 'til you make it❞


- killwitchesgetmagis -  - kitty, magis, whatever floats yo boats - - 10/10 would bang -



NAME ¦ mei, huan yue

NICKNAMES ¦ "beyonce" - mainly friends because he is the queen, just like beyonce, and he never lets them forget
"this " - pretty much everyone else because of his rough edges
"girly boy" - mainly his peers, due to the fact that he has a girl's name
"yu" - his penname, and the name he goes by in the game

GENDER ¦ male

BIRTHDATE & AGE ¦ 08/16/2013 & 20

ETHNICITY & NATIONALITY ¦ taiwanese, south korean

BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN ¦ taipei, taiwan & seoul

HEIGHT & WEIGHT ¦ 170cm & 49 kg

LANGUAGES ¦ chinese (mandarin) - native, korean - fluent


VISUAL ¦ kim hui dae

LINKS ¦  yoooo

BACK UP VISUAL ¦ na hyun chul

LINKS ¦ yoo

style is very important for huan yue as it can make or break you. he likes to make sure everyone else know's that he's cooler than them, and he does that by always looking cute. always. in all honesty, he wears girl jeans because e loves the way they accentuate his and thighs. huan yue has a soft spot for sweatshirts and loves to be all cuddly in them, he will seriously even wear them in the summer, during a heat wave, in his non-air conditioned house. he really doesn't like neon colors so often opts for pastel and neutral shades, hell he'll even wear candy colors, just not neon.
casual: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
formal: 1 2 3 4 5

as for tattoos, he has a few: one on his underwearline that says 'stay grimy' he has a bird on his left thigh and a bird cage on his right, and he has the star trek insignia tattooed on his wrists.


PERSONA ¦ the haughty queen

KEY TRAITS ¦ abrasive,  emotional, awkward, headstrong, boy crazy, outspoken

          "sorry for being so perfect, xoxo"
     one thing about huan yue is that he's very harsh. he has no problem with making someone feel smaller than a grain of rice. yes, he's know as the "bad cop" to the king's "good cop". he is marie antionette, the critical and promiscuous queen. huan yue is the one who keeps the team in check, from dealing with the king's chipperness to settling in team disputes. this boy is incredibly stubborn, and maybe a bit self righteous, and once he decides on something hell nor high water can get him to change his mind. once he believes something, he feels that it must be true because he's perfect and never wrong. one thing you should never do is ask huan yue to talk about himself. this boy can go on for hours about how amazing he is, from his looks, to his charms, to his ; huan yue is very arrogant and loves to be complimented, and if you dare insult him you won't live to see tomorrow.

         "if you knew how fragile i am, you would excuse a lot of the things i do"   
    people view the boy as heartless and cruel, but he is in fact, quite the opposite--although he wants to be seen as such. huan yue is very fragile, and even the littlest things can get him worked up. he isn't tempermental persay, although he is very harsh when it comes to his critiques, but he can skillfully hide his anger, although he definitely is the one to hold grundges. the tiniest insult will make huan yue crumble, so he takes a lot of time perfecting himself. huan yue is really a big crybaby, very weak-hearted, and even the smallest thing can make him want to curl up into a ball and cry (especially dramas). him being emotional doesn't mean he isn't strong minded, he really is; he doesn't let his emotions throw the battle, he'll fight through the tears. hell, he'll even fight while crying.

          "i'm your right hand man,"
     even though huan yue seems like just another pretty face, he's a powerhouse. he's 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remeber the name. huan yue is not only critical in his critiques, but also in his moves and observations. he's quick witted and is able to think on his toes, not to mention he has no problem whatsoever with speaking his mind. with the kings lackadasial personality, huan yue often has to make sure everyone's prepared properly, like making sure they have enough energy to summon magic/weapons, making sure they understand the strategy, and just in general keeps an eye on them. he also watches after the king, making sure he's not about to crack under pressure. behind the scenes, huan yue is the one tryng to get as much information as he can about their opponents, and occasionally revising strategies with the king.

          "you don't know how real the thirst is,"
     dear lord this boy. this boy is always on the hunt for the d. he falls in love pretty much every other week and when he falls, he falls hard. huan yue loves pretty much everything about boys from their chocolate abs to their honey things to their whales. he tries to hide it when he's checking someone out, but let's be real, it's pretty damn obvious. huan yue just can't help but flirt with guys, he just loves that fun and energized feeling and those lingering gazes and touches. often times, his crushes don't last too long, but every once in a while a specimen so fine the huan yue can't help but need him comes along. when his crushes last for a while, he can become a bit stalkerish. he ends up knowing the boy's life story--not literally, but you know what i mean--even if the other knows nothing of his existance. because he falls in love so easily, people say he's a bit of a , which he pretty much is. huan yue has no problem whatsoever with being called a because he doesn't think it's necissarily a bad thing in the first place.
        "b-baka, i love you,"
     even though this boy has no problem with his uality, and in fact sometimes rubs it in people's faces-- like, "i can get more in a day than you can in a month"--when it comes down to actual relationships and hand holding and cute fluffy things, huan yue is so awkward. the boy has no problem sleeping around because it's usually only a one time thing, unless the is good, and there are usually no strings attached but relationships are totally different. it's not that he's afraid of commitment, he's just afraid that he won't find someone who'd want to commit to him; yes, beneath his high and might arrogance is the deep-rooted fear that no one will love him because of his flaws. he gets really nervous when it comes to relationships because he really wants someone to like him a lot, he feels he ends up liking people a lot more than they like him--it's happened to him before, a few times in fact. so when it comes to someone showing romantic interest in him, huan yue will often shy away from contact and call that person stupid. he's often described as a tsundere. the 'tsuntsun' is his default demeanor, trying to come off as a heartless , but his deredere side starts to show once someone has looked past his flaws.



star trek

his name
being insulted
not being the center of attention
being called 'fragile'
⇒ shaming
⇒people saying he has no self respect
not having

being alone
not being liked as much as he likes someone and getting hurt.

jerking his body while laugh really hard (almost like he's ing)
whenever he starts arguing with his friends, he puts up his fists and yells, "these claws ain't just for attractin' mates,"
checkin' out the booty before anything else
mispronounces korean words when upset
stumbling over his korean and meshing words together when excited, really sad, furious, et cetera
⇒crying over dramas
⇒he gets really confused about the past tense of the word 'fit' ("did you fit in those jeans?", "yeah, i fit in them) so he often says 'fat' ("yeah, i fat in those jeans")
not doing homework

quoting spongebob (especially this episode: xx)
proving to people that he is indeed the baddest in town


his laugh starts out pretty cute but then gets really nasally and then he starts laughing so hard that no sound comes out
he insists that he's just confident whenever someone calls him arrogant
huan yue speaks very informally, and often throws slang into his speech ( like "woah, rad, hella, dank, pro, thirsty, duh") and a lot of people have no clue what he's talking about
⇒he's actually really good at cooking and would make a wonderful househusband
a way he shows his friendship: by calling people gaylords
he really likes his apartment because he can scope out all the hot foreign boys
his reason for being so loose is mainly because he really likes , but can also be traced back to him wanting to be loved as much as he loves, even if just for a second
he has taken many ities
he's never touched himself because he knows he go out and get the real thing any time he wants
although he has a lot of ual relations, huan yue feels very strongly about safe and makes sure his partners are checked for stds & cleaned properly.
his favorite animes are: attack on titan, free - iwatobi swim club, tsuritama, madoka magica, and dangan ronpa (he actually prefers the game to the anime)
⇒you can ask huan yue anything about star trek, and there's a 90% chance that he knows what the answer is 
⇒he actually did a star trek themed once (he was dressed up in the blue medical outfits)


huan yue was born in the metropolis of taipei, taiwan to his young and foolish parents--who were just fresh out of high school by the time he was born. naturally, the two lovebirds were out on their own as both parents kicked them out, but they stayed strong and believed that love would win. his both of his parents had to work many odd jobs just to buy huan yue diapers and clothes. huan yue would spend his days with his mother as she worked and from an early age, watched as she would be belittled and called a and a and stupid for throwing her life away by getting pregnant with "that bastard child"--huan yue--and every night his mother would return to their little run down motel room on the shady side of town and cry in her lovers arm. that's when they decided that they would leave everything behind and start anew and set their hearts on korea.

when huan yue was 7, they finally managed to save up enough money for korea and secured a place for them to stay. so off the ragtag family went, leaving everything behind. huan yue started school a week after they moved to korea and things were really difficult for him at first. he barely spoke korean, aside from what his parents taught him in the week after they arrived and as such, he was bullied by the other students. he was the wang tta of the class, ignored and poorly treated; and even though huan yue couldn't understand what they were saying he could see the disgusted looks on their faces and the harshness of their voices. he was beaten up, had his stuff stolen, had tacs placed in his shoes, school was a living hell for him. it was bad enough that they would steal his things, but what really tore huan yue apart was having to ask his parents to buy him notebooks and pencils again when they were barely able to pay rent and buy food month to month.

as huan yue became more and more capable of korean, he started standing up for himself. even though he did, that didn't lessen anything, the beatings still came, his stuff was still stolen, and he was judged for being born out of wedlock. he would cry whenever he was picked on, and then the kids would pick on him more, and eventually he learned to act like a heartless .  he found his first friend in the new kid who was really nerdy and awkwardand had huge glasses and braces; the poor kid was being picked on, so huan yue stood up for him. he did get beaten up for a solid 10 minuets though, but the kid thanked huan yue and apologized; huan yue told the kid to not worry about it, and ended up earning a friend for life, and that kid's name was minhyun. huan yue would always love going to minhyun's house because minhyun had way more space than huan yue did, and they always had alot of good food, and minhyun would always share his toys with huan yue.

the two remained close over the years and before they knew it, high school rolled around. by now, the bullying was so infrequent and subtle, mainly because huan yue blossomed into a total bamf. he had girls fawning over him, all of which he rejected; people would always question him as to why and he'd just shrug and say, "not my type,". huan yue never really had to come out of the closet, because everyone just sorta knew, but he decided to come out to his parents during his second year. his mother started crying and huan yue felt so terrible that he locked himself in his room for the rest of the night and overheard his parents arguing; his father said, "goddamn it bao zhai, so what if he likes boys?" and the next morning, they woke him up to a nice big breakfast and his mother apologized.

his peers didn't take too kindly to it though, all the bullying seemed to return, worse than ever. not only was he ganged up on, but a lot of extracurricular activities wouldn't accept him in their clubs; that really upset huan yue's father, so he threatened to sue the school, and huan yue ended up on student council. after that, the bullying seemed to come and go in flares. he was called ugly and disguting and disease ridden and huan yue looked them in the face with his head held high before telling them to piss off; he figured he shouldn't let other people know how insecure he was so he pretended to be confident and proud of himself until he actually was, fake it 'til you make it. finally came the time to graduate and huan yue was more than glad to leave that stain of a school behind. huan yue was about to go off to college, and his parents were both so proud, until it came down to the argument of which major.

his parents wanted him to do something that woud bring in the big bucks, but huan yue wanted to do something he liked. him and his mother faught about it all day every day, and his mother eventually said, "if you're not going to do it our way, then we're not helping you pay for college and you can get out of this house!" and huan yue said fine, packed his bags, and left. he stayed with minyun for a while, until he felt bad for mooching and went off to find a job and a place on his own. he didn't really plan on getting a job as a stripper, but as he was left to his own devices and wandering through alleyways looking for a cheap place to stay a kind stranger took him in. that stranger showered huan yue with all kinds of compliments and ended up taking minhyun's ity, and hot damn, did minhyun really enjoy ; the man offered huan yue a job as a stripper, saying the boy had the perfect body for it. huan yue agreed immediately once he found out how much it could pay.

his relationship with his mother was incredibly strained, much to his fathers dismay. his father missed his baby so much, so he called huan yue up and invited him to lunch, just the two of them. huan yue saw his father across the street and the man gave him a bright smile. his father crossed the street safely and all, but what he failed to see was the reckless drivier go through the red light. as huan yue saw the car approaching, he tried to warn his father, but hi voice was stuck in his throat and he watched as his father was hit by the car and sent flying a few feet away. huan yue rushed to his father's side while bystanders called ambulances. sadly, his father didn't make it and the funeral did nothing to help the relationship with his mother. at the funeral, he met his paternal grandmother for the first time, only to be slapped and told that this was all his fault and huan yue cried, for the first time in years he broke his heartless shell and cried; his grandmother said that he was a crybaby just like his mother was and that just tore huan yue down to pieces.


he's currently an exotic dancer, stripper, and he gets extra money here and there for making guys buy his time. huan yue would say he has an apartment, but he kinda doesn't. he basically lives in a remodled and furnished storage room on top of an hotel in the heart of seoul. with having to pay fees for college, he found that he didn't have enough to actually rent an apartment, not even a studio, until at his job, a hotel owner came up to him and wanted to buy his time for the night, but instead of money huan yue had him pay in housing rather than money; the owner had one condition: that huan yue would pay rent in ual favors. huan yue is a student at seoul uni, and is studying to become an a author, so his major is business and marketing and his minor is literature.
usually, huan yue is going to school, but when he's not, he's usually blogging or writing fanfiction or watching his shows. his little storage room doesn't have a lot of space, but it has all huan yue needs. aka a microwave, a bed, lamps, electrical outlets, windows, room for clothes and of course free wifi; plus it has a gorgeous veiw of the city skyline at night. he actually really misses his parents but refuses to back and face them until he's made a bunch of money from writing a, so he can retire them and show them that he's not hopeless.


father  mei liu huang | 38 | dead | door-to-door salesman | lui huang is a really light and jovial guy. he's a dreamer, and always had joyful aspirations for the future of his family. he's willing to do anything for the people he love. | huan yue always came to his father when he was having a bad day. even if he was dead tired, liu huang would make time for his son. he was the first one to accept huan yue with open arms when he came out of the closet,and would actively fight against discrimination against his son.

mother  lang bao zhai | 38 | alive | waitress bao zhai is an incredibly strong woman, if not a little passive. she put up with verbal abuse in her community for years after huan yue was born | huan yue really admires his mother, she went through the same judgement that

FRIENDS ¦ huan yue has a few good friends, but they have nothing to do with the game

best virtual-reality buddy  the king | tba | tba | the king is that giant dork that runs around throwing smiles in everyone's path, a little ball of sunshine, and an all-around nice guy. although he seems to be a little dense, huan yue can't deny that he can make some pretty solid plans | at first, huan yue couldn't believe that this kid was the king and scoffed at even the thought of that idiot helping them to victory, so he often overruled the king's plans with his own, once again overly confident in his abilities. however, once his plan failed and the king quickly created a new one to save them all, huan yue began seeing him in a different light; the pretty boy immediately felt terrible for stepping all over the king like that and managed to swallow hs pride and apologized--after all, he did pretty much owe the king his life. the two are the good cop/bad cop duo, complimenting yet contradicting each other. huan yue views the king as a really good friend, even though they've never met in real life, and feels he can place his life in the king's hand. 

best friend  jung minhyun| 20 | uni student | minhyun is practically a real life kingka; he's perfect. he's the right combination of smart, sincere, nerdy, and tough. | minhyun and huan yue have been friends since the day they met. huan yue knows that he can always go on and on about himself and star trek when he's with minhyun. they see each other pretty much every day at school. minhyun doesn't approve of huan yue working as a stripper and has offered him a place to stay multiple times, but understands how huan yue feels about wanting to impress his parents. huan yue casually greets him as 'gay lord' and likes to send him stupid videos he found on the internet

close friend  shim sol bi | 22 | uni student/ minhyun's girlfriend | sol bi is like the biggest nerd on the planet and that's why huan yue loves her so, she can really take a joke, and she doesn't judge huan yue on his past relationships, his current job, nothing, she's an angel in disguise | the two playfully insult each other constantly, but the two also sit down and watch dramas and star trek. huan yue knows he can come to sol bi if he ever needs to talk about his feelings



rival  knight (pt's character) | tba | tba | best summed up as an 'icy gentleman', the knight is spoiled and self-righteous. arrogant as well, and always puts himself above people | even though the two have many similarities in their personality, that's exactly why they're rivals. the knight thinks he's above huan yue, and huan yue thinks he's above the knight | at first, it was pretty bad, the two would always argue and insult each other and the knight would say huan yue was below him and huan yue would get upset and ask if the knight wanted, "to ing go?" but as they spent more time together, their harsh arguing turned into less harsh banter.

archnemesis  kim 'key' kibum | 21 | student/head cheerleader/part time model | key is a y, flirty little thing and has just about everyone he meets wrapped around his finger. he's harworking and loved and extremely confident | the two orignally met on campus, and huan yue thought the two could be good friends but no. key is the devil incarnate, stealing huan yue's men, spreading rumors, saying he isn't pretty. any hope of friendship between the two have been diminished | huan yue hates key. he hates him. if they're in the same room, it will go down without hesitations. imagine huan yue's face when he found out key's alos a queen in this game? huan yue made a vow to defeat him and rub it in his face for the rest of his life.


POSITION ¦ queen, knight

offense, offense, offense, that's the name of huan yue's game. he's the strongest on the board, so if he makes a mad dash for the enemies, he'll be able to wear them down quickly, right? or at least, that's how he thinks. huan yue tends to not worry about his teammates because with his strength, he should be able to quickly take the enemies out before anyone's too hurt. 
huan yue often goes with his own plans, blowing aside the leader's orders completely. as he grows closer to the king, he starts sticking to the plans a lot more but still improvises a lot. he's the tank of the team, and as such he goes after the strongest person on that board--the opposing queen. he knows that if the queen's down, it's way harder for the king to stay protected.


♦ can really take a beating; getting a bunch of tattoos and being beaten up for most of middle school and the beginning of high school helped huan yue develop a high pain tolerance. it'll take a lot to cause this boy to flinch.

♦ emotional; huan yue's powers are enhanced by his emotions. it's always a good idea to get this boy worked up while fighting as his flames will burn more brightly.

♦ determination; huan yue will make sure he will defeat the opposing queen before he loses all health, period, no ifs, ands, or buts to it.

♦ loyalty; huan yue will take a hit for his teammates, especially the weaker ones


♦ overestimating his own abilities; of course arrogance comes with an even bigger fault. huan yue overestimates his powers and often gets himself in situations that could have otherwise been avoided if he wasn't such a cocky

♦ emotional; yes, this is a double-edged sword. if huan yue gets too worked up during battle, his powers can go haywire and harm everyone on the board.

♦ improvising; it's a strength as much as it is a weakness, huan yue often goes against the king's plans and really ends up making things worse



Why did you join the game? 
"well let's see, i'm a student by day, stripper by night, and a minx by even later night. i have men throwing themselves, their affection, and--most importantly--their wallets at me. life's pretty rad if you ask me, but to other people, it's a pitiful situation. i see the way they look at me, my peers, they judge me. they think i'm a walking std and their beady eyes drilling into the back of my head every move i take is terrible. i try to play it off and say that they're staring at me because i'm so gorgeous but they're not and i can tell and it just makes me feel like . like woah, you wouldn't believe how bad i am at making friends, appearantly i scare people away because of my 'abrrasive attitude' and my 'self-righteousness' and i guess i'm in this game to get away from the stares and maybe make a few new friends,"

What kind of video games were you good at before joining/why were you chosen for this game? → 
"well, i play a lot of video games, mainly jrpgs because the storyline and art make them hella quirky and rad. i use to play fighting games religiously, like you wouldn't even believe. i'm still pro as heck at them though. i legitly love animal crossing so much, like you wouldn't even begin to understand. as for why i was chosen for the game? because i'm perfect at them and, like, never lose. chyeah, get on my level. but no seriously, probably because i'm really dexterous when it comes to games and i can easily transition from one genre to another. plus i blog about games pretty much every other second so the game designers knew i was serious,"

Why did you choose the position you chose? → 
/straight face, "because i'm the queen, just like beyonce," /with a look of disbelief, "what? what do you mean that's not a legitimate answer? you wanna go?" /raises fists, "these claws ain't just for attractin' mates!" /laughs for about three minutes before sitting back down, "well, don't you think i'd make a perfect queen? i'm beautiful, graceful, strong, perfect, did i mention beautiful? i guess i also like having large amounts of power and freedom to move around the board so that's pretty dank too, you know?"

Are you scared of what could happen in the game? → 
"i am, and then i'm not. i am because if we lose, we pretty much die, and my team--with the exception of moi--is pretty much incapable of telling the difference between their heads and their own asses and it doesn't because cool kids like me never die, duh. but then again the king, that gaylord, and the rest of my gaylords might get really hurt and the thought of that is really spooky,"

Does killing these people bother you? → 
"yes because, unfortunately, i am not a heartless . i can just see the fear in their eyes, begging for mercy, but they'd never dare open their mouths to me and ask and it just--" /sighs, "some things you just can't push to the back of your mind, you know? like second guessing what the right thing to do would be,"

Do you have a breakdown or stay strong? → 
"this is pretty embarrassing to admit, but i'd probably break down. i know i'm pretty much the backbone of the team and all but..., but just killing and worrying about the others and the fear of not being strong enough to keep the king safe..., it's pretty brutal if you ask me. but y'know, backing out now would be hella wimpy and i'm not about that life,"

How do you fight/use your powers? → 
"okay i have to admit, i am pretty emotional. what, you wanna fight about it? fine, 1v1 me irl, noob. but, my powers come from my emotions, and they give them some totally dope boosts in strength. not to toot my own horn or anything--okay i lied, i'm totally tooting the horn--but i'm the strongest player on the team. chyeah that's right, get on my level; anyway, as such a skilled and amazing mage, my magic can cover long distances. my element is fire and i can use it to both scorch all those who stand in my path or i can counter an opposing attack, even water based attacks because the my intense flames can reduce them to steam. i guess you could think of my as zuko or mako from the avatar series, using martial arts based fire type moves--or you could think of me as sailor mars, because we're both total babes and graceful as hell and really know our way around the flame," /sighs, "woah, it's hella good being queen,"


i laughed really hard when i typed "these claws ain't just for attractin' mates" during the 'in character' section omg
sorry for taking so long and quoting fort minor ( i lied, i'm not really sorry for the fort minor)
i know his parents are young but that's bc huan yue was born around the time they finished high school, so about 18

huan yue telling the king his real name and then telling him not to laugh. the king smiles brightly at him and tells him his name is cute
huan yue being a dork and flaunting his stuff in his costume and praising himself for being so attractive
one of the pther applicant's friends dragging him to the stripclub where huan yue works saying, "i hear they have a great main act,"
huan yue and the king hanging out irl and watching tsuritama 
huan yue and his mother making up
huan yue giving a free bj to the king
showdown between huan yue and key pretty please uwu
and i have a lot of couple scene requests, but i'll save them for later

team name??? the coolest kids on the block B^) or bamf anonymous 
team theme??? attack on titan theme song

PASSWORD ¦ chess piece







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