Now, I Hate Him! =D

When your ing crush talks behind your back (literally and figuratively), you would get sad and mad. That happened to me last Wednesday. He insulted me twice as if I couldn't hear him! HOW DARE HE DO THAT TO ME. BIG FYIs to him:

1. His voice is loud;

2. I'm sitting in front of him; 

3. My sense of hearing is very good; and

4. Nobody dares to insult me like that!

At first, I thought he was better than his cousin. Then, I thought they're just the same; Nice. Now, I think my EX-crush's cousin is a lot better!

I hope he get's castrated! I'm not going to castrate him cause my hands would get dirty! =)


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just think of KARMA he will be hit too much that he wouldnt be able to bear the pain... sometimes its better to ignore them because reacting is a way of showing that you are affected. just let him be, he is not worth any attention at hole. hope that of a man would fall in a manhole. tsk he doesnt know what manners is