♡ pinky promises — ∞ :// kwon, kay


username » killwitchesgetmagis
nickname » magis
activity level » 9

and i will love you, always
name » kwon, kay 권 개
nickname(s) » "kwon gay" - her sister, winnie, always calls her this, mainly because winnie likes to annoy kay
birthday + age » 06/30/1993 + 20
ethnicity » korean
birthplace & hometown » cape town, south africa
languages » english - native, korean - fluent, afrikaans - proficient
AND I'd be there, forever and a day, always
ulzzang name » kiko
back-up ulzzang » chany
style »
kay loves pretty much anything pastel and frilly and girly, especially sweaters and skirts.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
trivia » 
149 cm, 49kg. kay is 9cm shorter than her sister and she has a pear shaped figure. she inherited heart-shaped lips from her father, while winnie has 'm-shaped' lips. her hair is currently a very light sky blue. she has a sailor moon tattoo on her upper back, totoro and some acorns on her right middle finger,and lacy bows on her thighs.she has dimple piercings, as well (even though she doesn't have any dimples). 
i'd be there till the stars don't shine
4 personality traits » sarcastic, eccentric, introverted, protective
personality » 
     kay's commentary from political events to just everyday things is dry and sharp, never being filtered. her humor's pretty much the exacrt same way. kay's mind is quick on it's feet and makes critical observations. her favorite thing to do is crush the dreams of men who think they can just sweet talk her into their bed by deflating their egos with her words.
     kay is a naturally curious person, and even when it'd probably be better if she didn't ask questions, she always does. when something catches her attention, she'll do detective work to satisfy her thirst for knowledge. she has a happy obssession with television shows and isn't above crying over them, like at all. kay's a very tactile person and learns better when she gets to work on things with her own hands. she's very talented with her hands and is the family's go-to "fix it" person.
     kay finds socializing with more than five people at a time to be really draining. she prefers to stick to her own devices, and would rather watch anime than go out partying or to concerts. she'd rather be reprimanded one on one than in front of a bunch people. in all honesty, she'd probably be a lot less compliant if she were reprimanded in public. she doesn't like sudden change and aways follows a tangible schedule.
     kay is a very protective person. she finds everything's better when every is nice and cute and happy, so she pulls herself in all directions trying to keep everyone that way. if you hurt one of her loved ones, she'd hunt you down. kay is also very protective of herself, even moreso than she is of others. she keeps her heart gaurded behind many many layers, and instead of forgiving someone who hurt her in the past, she decides to hold grudges. kay even shys away from people, because she's scared of wearing her heart on her sleeve and getting hurt again. 
trivias » 
pastel colors
attack on titan, tsuritama, ouran high school host club, mean girls, supernatural, the outsiders, sailor moon, and daria
cute couples
star trek

every other season
promise breakers
people who think south africa is dirty and poor
people rempremanding her

wrapping her legs around whatever she sleeps by
wearing sweaters nearly all the time
falling asleep while studying
going all day on only 3 hours of sleep and about 5 iced coffees
coughs when uncomfortable

dancing around in her underwear
drawing fanart
playing videogames

loves janelle monae and marina and the diamonds
she's the one who has to kill bugs in the house
is the more responsible sister
her favorite song is "bubblegum "
she was in choir for pretty much her whole life, so her voice is very strong and clear
whenever winnie is scared, kay will hold her and sing to her
she often draws fanart for winnie's fanfics
people like to joke that she's so short because of all the iced coffee she drinks.
her house is basically never empty, there's always someone tehre or someone visiting
they live in a hanok, or traditional house, that has been in their family for years. it was always occupied so the city never had the chance to etar it down and replace it with an apartment.
kay and winnie share a bedroom (still) and it's divided into halfs. kay's side is dainty and organized while winnie's side has a bunch of posters and stuff. they both have paper lanterns and christmas lights, though.
till the heavens burst
history » 
     the kwon girls were born in cape town, south africa, with kay being older by about 5 minuets.growing up there was pretty cool, in the girls' opinions. when they were little, winnie was really shy so she would cling to her sister and the two became very much like each other over the years. for as long as kay can remember, they've flew to korea every summer to visit granny kim and their grandpa. they'd love playing in her big, old cozy house.
     they didn't really get along well with the other kids in the neighborhood; they'd get picked on for being so tan or for having poor pronounciation. naturally, kay would stand up for her sister, letting herself take the blunt of the abuse. she'd hold winnie's hand as the younger was crying and hold her head up high until the meanies left. kay would allow herself to get worked up after they were gone, and one day, she was crying by the swingsets and winnie was trying to make her feel better. a little boy said he wanted to use the swings and kay glared at him harshly, only to get a blank stare in return. the boy left for a little before coming back with two dandelions he picked and handed them to the sisters. "who made you cry?" he asked before promising to protect them, "you two will be my princesses, and i'll be your knight," and the little knight's name was sehun.
     every summer, they'd return and kay would look forward to seeing sehun. as they both got older, chemistry between them changed and winnie was often the awkward third wheel. when the girls were 16, they moved to korea officially due to their grandfather dying and leaving granny kim all alone and her mother being offered a promotion in korea.she was so excited at the fact that her and sehun would pretty much be neighbors.
     when they got there, she rang his doorbell only to find another family there. she asked around, desperately trying to find out what happened. kay found out, from granny kim doing detective work--aka gossiping with other grannies--that sehun was accepted as a trainee under sm and moved to be closer to the building. turns out he changed his phone number and everything. never before had kay felt so abandoned in her life, and from that moment on, she promised to become strong enough to not need protecting.
soon enough, she graduated high school and was accepted to yonsei university to study law. that was when she found teasers for a new sm boygroup. and one of the members seemed familiar, but kay pushed that thought to the back of her head.
lee danbi // 42 // mother // vice president of a fashion magazine // lazy, graceful, wise, cheeky // danbi is the more outgoing and fun parent, even though she's busy with work often. she always makes time to spend time with her famly, making everyone laugh and throwing shade at some of her competitors for the position of ceo. she knows kay is a very strong person who likes to do things on her own but she's still her baby, so danbi will subtly give her support, like kissing her forehead when she falls asleep on her textbooks.  

kwon william // 41 // father // stay at home dad/employee at granny kim's restaraunt // passive, shy, helpful, encouraging // her father is her ventilation system. whenever she's had a bad day, he's the one who rubs tiny circles on her back and gets her an iced coffee.
kwon winnie // 20 // twin sister // restauraunt employee by day, blogger by night // free-spirited, dorky, awkward, adventurous // these two argue and call each other names and fight over the bathroom and what show they're gonna watch. yet, they both really love each other and kay would do anything to protect winnie. they can share tender moments, like after break ups, or nightmares and afterwards they'd awkwardly cough before winnie says, "that was pretty gay,". they play old fighting games together and sometimes trade pokemon.
kim ah ri young // 69 // granny // restauraunt owner // sly, hip, wise, badass // aw man let me tell you about granny kim. granny kim is the baddest chick in the neighborhood and she isn't afraid to show it. while winnie, danbi, and granny kim are out raising hell and being young, wild, and free, kay and william often have to chase after them to make sure they don't get arrested
friends »
kwon winnie // 20 // best friend // blogger/restuaraunt eployee // free-spirited, dorky, awkward, adventurous // see above

hwang kyung il // 10 // close friend // elementary student // witty, sarcastic, introverted, analytical // little baby kyung il, as everyone in the kwon house calls him, reminds kay of herself both in the past and currently. he's like the little brother kay's always wanted and she loves to spoil and embarrass him in front of his few friends. his mother is very busy with two jobs, so often visits granny kim and hangs out with them. the girls introduced him to some of their favorite shows. kyung il, although not as affectionate as the girls, has promised to protect kay in sehun's place, and he asked her to wait for him.
choi byeong keun // 67 // close friend // tattoo artist // outgoing, nonconformist, quirky, gentle // kay and byeong keun like coming up with ways he could win granny kim's heart. byeong keun is a big old teddy bear and often lends kay and granny kim a hand with cleaning around the house.
and the words don't rhyme
his name » oh sehun
4 personality traits » spoiled, tsundere, stoic, pessimistic
personality » 
sehun is the all ruling maknae of exo. he has a certain charm to him that has his hyungs wrapped around his fingers. all he has to do is ask, and he shall recieve; as an idol, he can have most anything he wants from girls to food to money. he usually keeps his emotions in check and observes with a blank stare. sehun is very harsh towards most people, but will show his softer side to a few special people in his life. he's mouthy and sarcastic and harsh in his comments. sehun usually has a negative outlook on things, the glass is always half empty for him. thankfully his hyungs manage to keep his hopes up enough so he doesn't give up/

how they met » 
      their first meeting was when they were young. kay was upset and crying after some kids were picking on her and winnie. they sat on the swing set and all winnie could do was grab her sister's arm. a little boy came over and said he wanted to use the swings. kay glared at him and the boy only stared back blankly. he left before returning with two dandelions and declaring to be their prince.
     the second time they met was when kay and kyung il were out shopping for soup and medicine for winnie and groceries. they decided to get the soup and medicine last. there was only one other person in the isle, and he was wearing a hooded sweater. they both reached for the same medicine and kay apologized before kyung il gasped, "oh sehun!" and all sehun did was stare blankly and sniffle. making eye contact with him, kay's eyes widened and she started coughing up a lung and sehun stared quizically before saying she looked familiar. kay blurted a "no i don't!" before sehun slowly said her name. kay ended up knocking items off the shelf and scrambling to pick them up before quickly leaving with kyung il.
the next day, when she arrvied home from classes, she called out to granny kim but got no response. she found granny kim in the tea room chatting with a young man. granny kim saw her and smiled, "oh look kay! isn't it wonderful? sehuna stopped by to visit you!" and she forced kay to stay and drink tea and make awkward small talk with sehun.
relationship » 
kay is incredibly pessimistic towards sehuna, like incredibly. she tries to let him know that she doesn't like him, but sehun doesn't really seem to notice (or care). sehun on the other hand, acts normally with his noona, as they did when they were kids. 
back-up » do kyungsoo
4 personality traits » nagging, self-sacrificing, hardworking, caring
personality » 
kyungsoo is a person who always gives up their own pleasure for the sake of others. sometimes he's a bit too nice and ends up being taken advantage of. he genuinely worries about people and is always taking care of them, almost like a mom. when he gets into one of his rants, he'll nag and nag until he's blue in the face. kyungsoo is a person with ambition who worked hard to get to where he is today.
how they met » 
same as above
relationship » )
same as above
AND I know when i die                                                 
how are you today » "terrible. winnie gave me another cold," /sneezes, "augh,"
how did you feel when he broke the promise » "abandoned, unwanted, lonely. i mean, who has the nerve to just leave without calling or telling someone who cared about him? ...not that i do anymore, but still," 
why did you decide to make a promise with him » "because he wouldn't leave until i stopped crying and made the promise with him, little brat."
what are your feelings towards promises » "before, i thought promises were foundations of trust, i mean they still are but like... it just seemed like promises made the world go round. as of now, of course i still make promises, because i know i--unlike someone--can keep them,"
you'd be on my mind                                                   
questions » nope uwu
comments » this is so cute sorry it took so long
scene request » just check 'imagineyourotp'
passwords go here!
for sehuna and kay, 'lonely hearts club'
for the story in general, 'buy the stars'
and just bc this song is so nice, 'dance apocalyptic'
and here's this tumblr called 'imagine your otp' that has a bunch of prompts



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