My Psychology Essay

Can I just give a huge thanks to the 16 people that commented with suggestions of Brain Disorders in a previous post?



Anyway, the one I've chosen is:


Cerebral Hypoxia


It involves the brain completely being deprived of oxygen.

It's very interesting, and to give you an idea of what it's like, you should watch the video below.

It basically shows how it can kill someone.

They cut off oxygen to a man's brain, ask him questions as time goes on, and seconds before he could become unconcious/die, they save him.



Anyway, I have 3/4 weeks to do this essay.

And 3 weeks to a Politics one, so here is another task for you all!

Which one do you think would be more reasonable to choose:


Why do voters support the SNP?

Why has the referendum been used in UK politics?

How 'conservative' is the Conservative party?

Should Labour embrace a 'Blue' future?

Who are the Liberal Democrat voters?


Tell me about it.

Anyway, thanks so much guys!

(And sorry I've not updated in a while, it's been hectic!)


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gaemgyu245 #1
i'm freaked out...
I would love to read about "How 'conservative' is the Conservative party?" so I'd choose that one xD
What on earth is a "blue" future? I live in the UK and I have no clue- and I don't know what SNP stands for- aigoo~ idk. *sighs* but I'd probably go for the referendum used in UK politics- :)
KangSoenJi #4
I studied alot on the referendum last year, and I always found it to have a lot recent resources and has alot to talk about. O would chose that question of I where you :)Also ita something that is very important for us Scottish folk! XD hope that helps
haha i don't know any of them!
that scared me for a sec O.O

I know nothing.
the conservative one sounds really interesting!! you should pick tht one!! ^^ HWAITING!!!
How conservative sounds really interesting
How 'Conservative' is the Conservative Party would be an awesome topic!
How 'conservative' is the Conservative party?
I think "How 'conservative' is the Conservative party?" would be a very interesting topic to discuss about. It really sound interesting.
Who are the Liberal Democrat voters?
choose this is easy i think >.<
How 'conservative' is the Conservative party