
I cannot.

I'm pretty sure most of you exotics (or people from other fandoms) have heard of those sasaengs gate-crashing Baekhyun's brother's wedding. But if you haven't, here's a link to the article on allkpop: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/09/exo-wedding-sasaengs#axzz2gP8boMI1

When I first heard about this on instagram, I flipped out. Can't the sasaengs leave them alone for literally one second? I understand, you want to see your idols. Well, so do we! But you don't see us climbing on tables bare-footed do you?! Especially at someone's WEDDING. 

Incase you didn't already know, weddings are what most females look forward to their entire life. How would you guys feel if a bunch of screaming girls ran in and started screaming and messing up the place on YOUR wedding day?! 

What really annoyed me the most was that even AFTER Baekhyun, Tao and Kris (there might've been other members that posted about it but I only know of these three) posted complaints about the sasaengs gate-crashing it, they're still blaming them. 

I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN HOW ANGRY I AM RIGHT NOW. IM NOT GOOD WITH WORDS (as some- well very few of you may already know) BUT I FEEL LIKE I COULD KILL SOMEONE (preferably a sasaeng)


On a slightly funnier note, I burst out laughing while reading Baekhyun's post. At the end, he put 'You crazy humans.' Idk why but i laughed a lot when i read dat bit




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i laugh at that part to
Can you link to Baekhyun's post, please?