I Was Tagged Again in the past 24 hours. XD

The Rules:
1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by: NumberOneShawol
1. Who is your ultimate bias in Kpop?
Jang Freakin' Dongwoo
2. How many Kpop albums do you own?
Just one. /le cries
3. What is your greatest fear?
Allah. :3
4. Coca Cola or Pepsi?
Pep! pep! Let's do it now! Eh eh eh eh eh eh! Pepsi. XD
5. What group got you into Kpop?
Super Junior.
6. How many pets do you have?
None. I have no pets.
7. INFINITE or Teen Top?
Oh gosh. Wae you making me choose between these two groups?!! But I have to go with INFINITE. L.Joe and Teen Top oppas! Im sorry! T^T
8. SHINee or EXO?
SHINee. EXO still got a long way for me...
9. Girl's Generation or 2NE1?
2NE1. :3
10. Ailee or IU?
Ailee! :D
11. How many Kpop concerts have you been to and what were they?
I've been to only one concert and it was pretty recent too. XD It was VIXX's Global Showcase. :3
Ze Questions
1. Show me your pic. No avoiding it.
2. Make a cover of a song and post it here.
3. Draw a picture and post it here. :3
4. If you only have one chance to meet your ultimate bias. Who would it be?
5. If you can marry your bias, where do you guys plan to lived at?
6. Go watched VIXX So hot and tell me what'd you think about it. XD
7. Give me either your phone number or Skype account. :3
8.  What kind of school do you go to?
9.  Have you watched ToppDogg?
10. Do you think you can memorize all of ToppDogg members?
11. Write whatever you want here. XD
Ze people that I tagged.
1. simplest96
2. Whoever is reading this blog. XD



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Me. No. Tag. Nevaaaaaaaaaa.
not doing it~~