[ OOC ] what is money.

I need to buy myself a new wacom tablet. possibly a new DS. more clothes.

and now I may need to buy myself Infinite concert ticket cause my friend finally decided she'll go with me for my 21st birthday present. ;___;

Can I just say I'm absolutely broke?

freaking tablets are like. 200. DS is also 200. new clothes - mainly skirts / sweaters / shoes will probably end up adding to 100-200 .

the clothes are needed for my new job interview. lololsob. ;;


wacom tablet is a huge must cause i make minor income off that. i need to finish making vixx keychains and what not. OTL sob.

DS is a must in my life ok. My ds isn't broken now but its on the vurge cause it wont charge properly and there is a possibility of me frying it when i do attempt to fix it 3

my life. sob. ;___;

Infinite's concert. like. ugh. what kind of inspirit would i be if i didn't go? /killself. then again i was determined on not going but since they changed venues and what not and the price is cheaper... OTL sob.

/crawls into a hole

sorry. just needed to . let my life known. LOL. OTL ...




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you still play ds? omfg I thought I was the only one XD
but yesss I feel you. I spend too much money ;;
i feel you lmfao /pats
o u o what type of ds?
DS the regular is 100 bucks here
While The others 3D is 250