Unnie likes Tequila

Hey Guys,


So...Unnie got into the tequila and she is feeling very lovely right now. And because I am in a sharing mode and can't physically share the bottle, I am going to share my feelings on drunkness.

So yeah, drunk versus buzzed.

Buzzed is what I am right now because if I was drunk, I couldn't type. For some reason, as a friendly drinker, I love to talk and laugh and giggle, letting the dizzies and numbness make me hyper social. But the drunk feels. Those are something totally different. I am not the type to get drunk often because i hate hangovers and suffocation. That's right, the drunks make me short of breath and i feel like I am drowning on myself. Thoroughly unpleasant but mostly, just annoying.

And can I just say, right now, I am kind of bummed. Unnie is having some sort of writer's block and the two stories i'm working are just not giving me the inspo they did in the beginning. And on top of that, no one else is really updating fics and the writers I have been following aren't really coming up with new stories. SHINee, as a ship, seems to be losing writers left and right. Don't get me wrong. I like reading some EXO and their last album had some decent tracks. But SHINee is home for me. I love them and everything their fan fiction has brought to my life and every time the new featured story is an EXO story, I just feel that much older. Now I know how the ELF's and Cassie's feel.  EXO has too many ing members to follow with all their ing nicknames. And then there is the personality issue. SHINee writing in the past suffered from the sterotypes on each member, but at least SHINee writers had a base to build off of. But EXO? What kind of personality do these guys have? I have hear of y kai, Shy kai, Sneaky Kai, y Kai, Timid Kai.  There is Tao, the flaboyant, retiring, diva, manly punk hip hop dancer. I mean, with twelve guys, there has to be some consistency somewehere. Or is writing EXO just an excuse to write your own stories, but manipulate fan feels to get views and comments. Despite what I may have written so far, there has always been a genuine feel for the real idol that I have used in my stories. I don't know these men so I can't say that I am spot on with the representation, but I try to make them recognizable because their name means something to me and my readers.

Okay, unnie is drifting here, so I will call it a night. But last rant. No more contributors to the anthology and I don't know if I can keep calling it an anthology if I don't get more writer contributions. The definition of the word anthology is a collection of various works on a theme. But right now, it is just me. Oh wells.


Night Night everyone. Or good morning or good afternoon.


Unnie loves you!


*going back to YouTube to re-watch JunJouRomantica*



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Wow, you're articulate even after tequila!
I would not be, even while typing in my own language LOL...

And I feel you, we haven't had it *so* bad I think, with losing writers and readers... yet at least... (7-9-13)
(but then again, we had fewer writers than you guys to begin with)

But yeah, I don't mind exo... and even like some of their songs, and kai is a for sure...
But I can't help getting a little sad over the fact that every other fandom is losing their writers to exo...
If I happen to browse writers that were maybe writing all sorts of stuff a year ago, almost all of them are only writing exo now...

Though of course writers should just follow their feels...
And it's understandable, if you like many bands, exo being one of them, then of course writers are tempted to write exo where they get 100 times as much response as for the other groups...
Though maybe it's not that simple I don't know.. There are so many people writing exo, that it must be more difficult to get attention than in smaller communities...

But yeah, it just makes me a bit sad, that all the writers are escaping from all bands into exo... They have enough writers as it is LOL...

But maybe people are just busy with midterms and stuff... Hope some more shawols start updating for you!!

And rewatching junjou Always sounds like a good plan ;)

P.S. After your tagging thing the other day I started listening to Rain's How to avoid the sun, and man do I love it!
I haven't given up ;3; I'm jut busy with high school... >///<

And I like tequila too :3 We can share!