Happily Ever After ➤ ➤ ➤ Little Red Riding Hood


Little Red Riding Hood
ladylokiofasgard| anna | 7/10 | UTC+10
First name : Saeryun
Last name : Moon
Nickname/s : Little Red (well, apart from how he's 'little red riding hood', his favourite colours is red. Like seroiusly he likes the colour a lot and he always has something red on whether its gloves or accessories or whatever)
Nationality : Korean
Birthday : 10.29
Age : 24
Gender: Male
Height : 178cm
Weight : 58kg
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Personality : When you ask people about Saeryun, they tell you that he's a sarcastic witty guy who pranks people. But when you ask about things like what does he like, what's his favourite colour or what is his birthday, they get stumped. Because there are people that 'know' Saeryun then there are people that really do know him and there is only one person in that category, his only friend Shim Changmin. Saeryun's not a loner, he has plenty of acquaintances but that's just all they are, acquaintances.
Saeryun is a sarcastic, cynical person who is nothing without his witty remarks. Without his wit he would be nothing because it's his sharp mind and quick responses that usually allow him to survive. He can probably talk his way out of quite a few things but he's not exactly someone with a silver tongue or anything. He's also mischievous, playful, cheeky, a real prankster. But only a prankster, he is not a troublemaker and he's only interested in making fun of other people, not dehumanising them. The thing with Saeryun is that he hates being bored, he always wants to have something to do, to be able to feel useful and the pranks are ways of distracting himself in between missions. He really should find a better distraction, but hey, the fact that Saeryun will muck around between missions is a given. He doesn't prank the higher ups though, on no that is just fable suicide. Saeryun gets along well enough with the people that he's run into at fable. He's spoken to them, they've made polite small talk and then he's probably never going to try to get to know them further. Saeryun is a very private person and he likes to keep his personal life and his public life ie. fable life as separate as can be. While he's not a quiet, shy person he does not like to do things with other people outside of fable. Their relationships are purely work-based and he can be a bit distant with that. If they're throwing a party, he won't go. He won't associate with his 'colleages' outside because he doesn't want people poking about in his private life. He's a closed person who is never going to spill his heart out to a stranger.
Because who can blame him after what happened? Saeryun takes stranger danger to the maximum, his paranoia of people he doesn't know practically controls him and he doesn't confront that fear but rather buries it and runs away. He has some serious trust issues going on, he is an incredibly mistrustful, wary and suspicious person. He is also a realistic person and is always the one to shoot down the optimistic and idealistic dreams of his colleages. Because he knows that the harsh reality of life is that bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. But hypocritically, Saeryun pretends to think of himself as a Fury, delivering justice onto those criminals whose crimes have gone unpunished. He has a strong moral compass and believes in justice over mercy. Especially with his personal vendetta against werewolves. While he may hold a tiny bit of sympathy for his other targets, with werewolves that is wiped away and he is prepared to do anything to finish the job. Some people have called him cruel, callous and sadistic with the way he essentially tortures werewolves and he just says that he is being just. He sees his treatment of werewolves not as revenge but as retribution. He has long accepted that he might not be a good person, but he is a right person. And like a right person, he obeys his commands to thhe letter and does his missions with a quick and efficient precision, without allowing emotions to get in the way. In a way, he is quite an obedient hunter of fable because they are like his family now and his gratitude towards them will never end. But perhaps what makes him so agreeable to Fable's orders is that he himself has a bit of a narrow-minded view of the world. The world in his eyes is divided into black and white, good and evil and there are no shades of grey in between. Criminals are evil and they deserve to be punished no matter what their excuse was.
The most admirable trait about Saeryun is that he is a loyal person and his family, or what is left of it anyway is always put first. It is true that he was the one who ran away from home but in his eyes, he was protecting his mother. And besides, family does not have to be related by blood. Especially with his best friend Changmin who may as well be his brother with how close they are. Saeryun would die for his loved ones and maybe it would be selfish of him but he wants to feel useful. Not many people know that Saeryun has pretty low self-esteem, his confidence in himself is phenomally low and that view is mostly because of the way that the elitist Faerie society treats him, a mere half-blood. Because of that, he's always pushing himself to his limits and taking on more jobs and missions that he really isn't in the shape to be doing. He works a lot. But when he wants to be, he can be incredibly stubborn and obstinate about those little decisions which he undertakes with little regard to his own wellbeing. He's definitely not a matyr or a saint or anything, don't get him wrong. If anything, it is a purely selfish thing really because he's alleviating his own conscience, if only for a short while. His low self-esteem also makes him incredibly impressionable to the opinions of others though he gives off the impression that he doesn't care. He knows the type of persona that most people see, a sarcastic prankster and that's not exactly the positive type of image. Sometimes he even has breakdowns when he gets too low but he pulls himself together afterwards because if he doesn't make himself seem strong, then he will be kicked out of Fable and fable means everything to him.
Flaws : cynical, mistrustful, trust issues, low-self esteem and self confidence, cruel and sadistic with his treatment of werewolves, distant and closed, narrow-minded
Fears : Death, darkness
Likes : Pretty things, horses, chocolate, justice, art, photography, autumn, the beach, fresh snow
Dislikes : Werewolves (he hates them), manual labour, the cold, rain
Habits : Field-stripping his weapon when he's nervous/jittery, fidgeting and voice goes higher when lying, tapping out rhythm on his thigh/desk surface when thinking, going to the shooting range when angry
Hobbies : Art (paintings, origami, sketching, photography), shooting (bow an arrow usually but he also uses guns), horseriding
Background : Link
Saeryun was born in an average village in South Korea, on Jeju Island. Well it wasn't exactly a village, more like a town that most certainly was not the urban sprawl. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him as she singlehandedly raised him. All he knew was that "they were better off without that bastard." But his mother gave him plenty of love and he grew up okay despite the lack of a father figure. In the village, he was pretty well-known because everyone knew everyone there. And he was quite the looker when he was younger and he had all the women in the palm of his hand. But that's irrelavent because that attention certainly didn't last. Back then, he was nicknamed 'Little Red Riding Hood' because he always wore a red cape everywhere. It was the first and last thing that his grandmother had handmade for her sweet grandson and he had his initials embroidered onto it. He loved and treasured it ever since he got it when he for his tenth birthday present.She got dementia soon after.
When Saeryun was around twelve years old, his grandmother fell ill and it was more than just the dementia. She was an old lady that lived alone in the woods despite his mother's offer to let her live with them. It was a trait of all the women in their family to be leaders and she refused. Saeryun's mother baked a wonderful roast and some cupcakes because obviously, his grandmother wasn't going to be able to cook dinner by herself. It was the summer months so even though it was 6pm, it was still very light outside. Saeryun's mother gave him the basket and told him to go to his grandmmother's house and to take the direct route. She had a night shift at the restaurant to get to so even though she was wary with sending her child in there, she trusted him.
But like all twelve year old boys, Saeryun was an adventurous person. He tried, honestly, to stick to the beaten track but he'd chase after every bird and even climbed a few trees. He couldn't help it, his mother was awfully overprotective and he wasn't allowed to go outside very often. It was therefore, only logical that he would end up lost in the deep, dark woods. He was very grateful when a man in his thirties, and kind of creepy in hindsight stepped out of the woods and asked him if he needed help. And Saeryun most certainly did and when the man asked where he was going, he told him exactly where his grandmother's house was without any preamble. And he pointed him in the right path and Saeryun thanked him and soon he did arrive at his grandmother's place.
What he didn't know was that man wasn't exactly human. He was in fact a werewolf...and tonight was the full moon. He arrived at his grandmother's house to find it bathed in moonlight and inside, a wolf was there, glistening in blood from his grandmother's corpse that lay unmoving and pale on the bed. was ripped out as well as...other parts. The werewolf turned towards Saeryun and came at him. Saeryun did what every other human would do, he ran. Screaming in fact as he ran outside of the house. The werewolf was fast though and with his claws, he raked three lines on each side of Saeryun's back, going from his shoulder blades to his hips, so there were six on his back, symmetrical with a gap between them. And maybe you can't be turned from werewolf scratches but they hurt like hell and Saeryun fell down. He knew that he was probably going to die and he really didn't want to die.
It was then that his savoir came.It was the blacksmith who lived in the woods and he had his shotgun out.And with it, he killed the werewolf with what later Saeryun came to know as silver/wolfsbane/whatever you want to kill werewolves bullets. Special ones, essentially. And well, he did survive but the same couldn't be said for his grandmother. When his mother found out, she instantly bundled him up and they moved to a big city where there were no woods for werewolves to hide in. But his mother struggled to find work there because she had never known life outside of the little village. Perhaps there were no werewolves there (and he always questioned why his mother wasn't freaking out about the fact that there was a werewolf!) but there were far more terrible things that didn't have to be a monster to be frightening as hell. At his new school which was his first year of high school, Saeryun was always alone because he couldn't bring himself to trust anyone. A monster could be hiding around every corner and because of that, he had a hard time making friends. Eventually, he just got used to the constant isolation.
But when he was 16, he came into his inheritance and discovered that he wasn't completely human as well. He is...most people call him a faerie. But if you call him a faerie to his face, he will probably rip your head off because faeries are such a 'girly' thing. He would prefer to be called an elf and though it's true that faeries are a sub-species of elves, he is still a faerie. But shhh, don't let him hear you call him that. Specifically, he is an Air Faerie, an elemental faerie that is different from other faeries. It's not rare but their numbers are fewer than ordinary faeries. His mother and her parents before her were always Air Faeries. But that didn;t change the fact that Saeryun..wasn't a full Air Faerie because his father wasn't one of them. in fact he still doesn't know what species his father was or even if he was an elf. And because he is only a half-blooded air faerie, while he has the wings (not all faeries have wings. Water faeries, earth faeries do not and those who do still cannot use them like air faeries can) and he has some control over the element of air, he is not completely one. He doesn't know what other species he is part of because there has never been an occassion where it actually has manifested. And the thing with faeries, or elves in general is that they are a rather elitist and exclusive group and the fact that Saeryun is simply a half-blood left him to be ostracised from their society. He knew that because of connection, his mother was being left out as well and to be cut from a society that she's always been so dependent on didn't bode well for her. She was becoming weak and falling ill simply because of Saeryun though she insisted that it wasn't and he felt guilty and burdened for her condition.
So it was somewhere between 16 and 17 when he decided to run away from home. It was difficult and it was hard to find money and a job in the more dodgy areas of the metropolitan. He had even resorted to being a con artist because with his abilities, he couldn't be caught. It was at 17 where he was picked up by Fable, by the same hunter who had saved his life all those years ago. Fable offered Saeryun a helping hand in return for hunting, something which he gladly undertook because of his personal vendetta against werewolves. Even though they only hunted grimms, he always felt a sadistic pleasure when he terminated werewolves and he could be a bit irrational when it came to deciding whether or not they were innocent because honestly, he would like to kill them all. He hasn't talked to his mother since and she probably thinks that he's dead and if so, so be it. It would be better for her to cut off all connections with a half-blood son like him anyway. There was also the fact that faeries don't kill or harm any creature and he's pretty much broken that code of conduct quite a lot of times. Fable was his new family and even though his mother had been nothing but kind to him his whole life...she was dead weight and he needed to move forward.
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Face claim : Lee Chi Hoon
Back-up claim : Park Sang Il
Clothing Style (A link to a clothing store will suffice) : He usually wears dark coloured clothing and he has a thing for tight pants and chunky boots...and lots of leather. Seriously, he always has either a leather jacket or leather pants on but never at the same time because that is a serious fashion faux pas. He is quite fashion conscious but all he really cares about is how good he looks, not whether or not he's following the trends. He never wears brightly coloured things because they draw attention to him and he likes to blend in, just in case a mission comes his way. He usually keeps himself covered up and for good reason. The scars from the werewolf are still there and they are large enough that he is terrified to show them to anyone.
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Species : Half Air Faerie, half unknown/werewolf (I don't really care what his half is, but personally I think it'd be very ironic if he was a half-werewolf considering how he hates them. But if you don't like that, you're free to change it. The reason why he doesn't know yet is because it's something he's only come into recently and he blames the increasing bloodthirstiness on his job)
Abilities :

Strengths: Can fly, can manipulate air to a certain extent, can perform a very limited range of magic that's not related to air, heightened eyesight and hearing, quick reflexes

Weaknesses: Silver/wolfsbane bullets, doesn't shift on the full moon but becomes erratic and bloodthirsty, would physically easily lose in a spar because strengh is not a characteristic of faeries, gets drunk on too much sugar, it's like alcohol for him

Weapon: He uses a bow and arrow usually because the thing about arrows is that the skin can't heal until it's taken out.It's dark brown, almost black with silver and red embellishments.It's a very simply bow and arrow and it hasn't got all the high-tech things of the higher ones but it is his favourite one and it works just as well. He doesn't need help with his aim. It kind of looks like a mixture of this and this.
However while his bow and arrow is his favourite weapon, it isn't always convenient to carry a primative weapon around. His standard weapon stash he carries around includes a gun, a .45 pistol loaded with usually silver/wolfsbane bullets because werewolves are his primary target. His gun is silver and it has the Fable symbol engraved onto it. He also has two Chinese Ring daggers tucked away somewhere and a switchblade tucked into his ankle. Yep, those are his weapons.

Work of fiction that inspired this character : Vampire Knight, Teen Wolf
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Is your character more comfortable indoors or outdoors : Outdoors
Do they like to hunt or do they feel sympathetic : Definitely a hunter
What does your character do to make money : Professional photographer. He's pretty high up there and does photoshoots for magazines and being a photographer also gives him an excuse to take photographs randomly, covering for when he's scoping out his targets.
Why did your character choose to become part of Fable : He wants to kill werewolves that killed his grandmother. And they helped him and they're now his family.
For how long has your character been part of Fable : 8 years
Does your character see themselves as a leader or a follower : A follower. He doesn't have the confidence to make his own decisions despite his strong opinions about somethings. He will simply follow orders to the dotted i and the crossed t.
Name a moral, of a fable, your character believes in : The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 'Appearences are deceptive' is the primary one. THere's also The , the Fox and the Lion 'Never Trust your enemy'.
Name a moral you believe in : The Ant and the Dove 'One good turn deserves another'
If I wanted to give your character a theme song, what song would you recommend: Kansas - Carry on my wayward son (Oh god that's the only one I can think of because SPN!)

Love interest?

Your character's ual orientation : Panual but inclined towards men
Applicant or Idol  : Applicant preferably but if you want me too later, I can whip up an idol quickly
If you chose Idol, list three with their band name in parenthesis :__
If you chose Idol, provide a link to HQ photo of each :__
Personality of love interest : He would have to be a confident person maybe even overly confident and cocky, someone serious and dedicated to be able to overpower Saeryun's cynicism and mistrust. Someone who would be patient, who would work hard and who is passionate. His emotion and Saeryun's logic would balance out perfectly. He would have to be loud-ish, and outgoing, the friendly type who would make the first step and who won't stop trying.
But at the same time, if you give Saeryun a cold, angry kind of guy, that works too. I seriously don't really mind about his personality as long as they're not too similar. Just his love interest has to be the type to take thr first step so no quiet anti-social shy guys. He definitely has to be more social. Someone with enough self-confidence to be able to boost Saeryun's lacking self-confidence. Whether he does that through gentle coaxing or through 'just do it or I'll kill you', I don't really mind
How they met : Considering how they are both part of Fable, it is expected that they will cross paths with each other. In Fable, Saeryun has a bit of reputation in Fable for being an efficient, well assassin is really what he does. Oh his hatred for werewolves is pretty legendary. They were paired together on a mission once, a quick efficient mission that Saeryun quickly took care of and tries to forget his partner which bothered him more than he would like.
How do they act around each other : His partner is pretty open about his interest in Saeryun while Saeryun himself is rather mistrustful and guarded around him, giving him short answers and literally running away every time.
Status : Saeryun doesn't trust strangers. So they're pretty much barely acquaintances.
Scene request :
- Love interst (shortened to LI from here on) trying hard to even talk to Saeryun but Saeryun keeps brushing him off until LI just snaps and gets angry/pissed/starts yelling whatever
- Saeryun/LI gets injured and LI/Saeryun gets panicky and tries to help but really doesn't know how
- Saeryun is being particularly vicious with the latest werewolf victim and LI is there to pull Saeryun back from the brink of justice and torture
- Saeryun and LI have a really cute rooftop moment just before they get together/just after they got together and talk about Saeryun's insecurities
- LI tries to get Saeryun to open up more to strangers
- A really angsty and crying in the rain kind of confession which ends up in making out feverishly in brick alleyways. Okay wow that was much more detailed. I kid, I just like the makeout part
- Saeryun and LI get partnered up on a mission that goes horrible wrong. You can have it go from here. Saeryun saves LI's lives and they seek solace in each other's arms because it was kind of terrifying


Anything else?

Comments : This sounds amazing, I hope you do well!
Suggestions : Um, after the characters get chosen I'd definitely like to see a supernatural species page. Or heck even now so that if someone else picks like a faerie, it dosen't completely contrast with what I just said you gets me?
Scene requests : 
- Saeryun practising at the shooting range really angrily to work of some steam
- Saeryun's only friend (probs Changmin from TVXQ, if you want you can kill him off later lols) tries to get Saeryun to be more social and takes him out and it really doesn't go well
- Saeryun receiving orders from higher up and doing them exactly how it is, quickly and efficiently
- After he's known LI for a while, Saeryun goes on a mission and for the first time, he feels kind of emotional for werewolves
- Changmin gets Saeryun drunk on sugar. Thus may or may not be  LI scene
Are you okay with angst/drama? : Hell yes
How would you feel if I changed the rating for this fic? : Completely fine with it. Rated M would be totally fine, I watch Game of Thrones and SPN for heavens sake. I can tolerate some and violence.
Anything else : Hmmm...I think I'm good :) 
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