The Six Long Lost Sisters || Kim Haena --- Moon Iseul

Personal Information
AFF Username + Link: LadyLokiofAsgard
Nickname?: Anna
Story Information
Name: Kim Haena | Moon Iseul
Nickname(s): Queen Seul
Age: 18
Birthdate: 27/06/95
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea (0-9)/Daeju, South Korea (9-18)
What part of South Korea were you dropped off by the men: Daeju, South Korea
Languages spoken: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (semi-fluent/learning)
Other Information
Personality: Iseul is someone who has definitely earned her title of Queen Seul, in more ways than one. Think of her as a mixture of Regina George and Elle Woods. She's your typical Queen Bee, popular, pretty, sociable and...y. Every second word that comes out of is a barbed insult from "You're wearing pink? Now you can look even more like your inner lobster" to "Nice try hotshot. Come back when you're wearing your big boy pants." She's not nice to anyone, ever, not even to her bestfriends Gain and Gina. She doesn't like it when people get too close to her and she holds everyone at arm's length by hurling abuse as them. Her bestfriends don't know that much about her and she doesn't allow anyone to get under her skin. Iseul is a clever person. She's a sociable person, someone who throws the best parties in the town and everyone always knows to get excited for her parties. She knows that those connections can get her places in the future and in that way, she is a sly and cunning person. Perhaps the only reason why people put up with her so much is because she's drop dead gorgeous and her adopted family is rich as hell. But she isn't just a , she isn't mean just because people are completely ugly and pathetic. No, even though Iseul seems to be someone who has confidence and buckets and she wants everyone to think that, the truth is that she has self-esteem issues. Like seriously, she has absolutely no faith in herself and thinks that she's never good enough. Self confidence equals to sero, self-esteem equals to negative because she thinks that she's just useless. And she tries to delude herself into thinking that she's worth something by bullying others. It helps with her inferiority complex.
              But even though to everyone, she's the rich , she's not simply a shallow, 2D person. Simply being popular will get you nowhere in life. Iseul is a smart person, in fact she tops the grade and would do very well with her own enterprise in the future. She plans to become a CEO and what she wants, she gets. She's someone who is determined, ambitious and hard-working. Once she sets her mind to something, she will stop at nothing to get it. She knows that this little clique thing that she has going on is only temporary, merely child's play and the world is a warzone. But she's prepared to do what it takes to turn the world into her oyster. She's studious, balancing her time between partying and cramming for exams which she usually aces. Iseul is a logical and rational person, valuing reason over passion. She is always pragmatic, taking the practical approach to everything and don't think that she does things without a reason because everything she does means something. Except maybe the endless insults because those are just to keep people away from her. If anything, Iseul is a leader, she is a strong independent woman who doesn't bow down to people but rather has people bow down to her. She most certainly has the potential to grow into a responsible and mature woman but right now, she's a child who bullies people just because she can get away with it. Back in the past, she was just a little kid who sisters and was a bit of a troublemaker. But that girl is gone now and those people who think they can bring that side of her back are wrong because the only direction to move is forward.
Your Life Story Background: Haena was 9 years old when she was taken and being one of the oldest/the oldest of the sisters, she was dropped off pretty early in an abandonned alleyway in the middle of the night. But even back then, Haena was a pragmatic person and she told herself that tears would change anything, picked herself up off the ground and started walking. It took a while, but eventually she managed to find a busy street and waved down a car. The kindly elderly lady who picked her up asked if she needed help to which she replied that her parents were gone. Instead of taking her to the orphanage, the old lady took her to her own house which was really in fact, a beautifully furnished luxurious manor. There, she was washed and clothed and given a bed to sleep in for the night. The next morning, the couple that owned the house demanded to know why the old lady (who turned out to be the father of the man) had brought in a piece of orphan trash. That was when Haena woke up, stepped out of her room and bowed, apologised for the inconvenience and turned to leave. But she was stopped when the woman softly cried "Iseul?". It was then that Haena learnt that she looked and acted remarkably similar to the man and woman's deceased daughter, a girl named Moon Iseul who would have been 9 if she hadn't died from a fatal car accident that had killed her 2 years ago and seriously injured the woman's reproductive system, cutting off all hope of ever having children again. It was then that Haena officially became Moon Iseul, completely throwing away her former identity. She filled the shoes of a dead girl; it was the blank slate that she wanted.
               The man and woman became her father and mother, Moon Youngjin and Lim Misook, the old lady becoming her grandmother Moon Soonja. She adopted herself to the role of Moon Iseul and honestly, she loved it. Her father came from a long line of martial arts masters and they owned a famous chain of dojos while her mother used to be a household name as an actress/model who also started her own line of clothing and was currently expanding into cosmetics. Primary school education was completed at a private all-girls school. High school was completed  at a similarly prestigious all girls private school also in Daegu and it was there that Iseul started to make a name for herself. That was where she found Gain and Gina and the three of them strutted through the hallways. Iseul was popular and she was happy with that. Rich, pretty, a social lfie and topping the grade, life couldn't be more perfect for her. As the daughter of Lim Misook, she already had several modelling contracts under her belt as well as acting. She likes where she's at now and even if she was told she was one of the long lost Kim sisters, she doesn't want to go back. This is her life now and right now she's convinced that she wants to continue living as Moon Iseul and not as Kim Haena. Perhaps that will change over time.
Like(s): Pretty things, pink, chocolate, horses, feathers, the beach, sunshine, summertime
Dislike(s): Ugly things, winter, the cold, rain, manual labour, citrus fruits, dogs
Hobbies: Sketching, painting, origami, ballet, contemporary, playing the violin, horse-riding
Habits: Methodically takes apart thing in hands when thinking, taps out rhythm on thigh/table with fingers/pen when nervous, destroys things when angry
- She's left handed
- A light sleeper and sleeptalks
- Definitely not a morning person
- She doesn't eat much for breakfast and sometimes she skips it altogether
- She's been taking ballet lessons all her life but started contemporary dance as well when she was adopted
- She owns a white Arabian horse named 'Jezebel'
- Though she stayed with the Kim family until she was 9, she chose to forget those memories as part of her blank slate. As far as she's concerned, she's Moon Iseul who was adopted into the family at 9 and anything that happened before is irrelavent, to be forgotten. It is not as if she has truly forgotten but she refuses to remember
Appearence Information
Your appearance in the story:
1- Eunji from APink
2- Krystal from f(x)
3- Yoo Ara from Hello Venus
Present Information
Names of Parents who adopted you: Moon Youngjin is her father, Lim Misook is her mother. Moon Soonja is her grandmother.
Did you have a sibling in your new family?: No. She would except she kind of died and then Iseul kind of replaced dead-Iseul.
What are you doing now?: Model and actress. She is a successful model and ulzzang and she's gaining popularity as an actress. She frequently works with idols in their MVs.
Did you accidentally met or saw one of your siblings?: Even if she did, she wouldn't know because selective memory. She doesn't want to remember.
Do you still remember your two brothers and Halmeoni?: No, she refuses to remember, she's locked those memroies away because they ruin her perfect world.
Whether you remember them or not, what was your reaction when they gathered all of the missing sisters and said you are their lost sisters?: She laughed and said "No thank you. You silly little es can run along and play family. I'm going back to my family. Because we might be blood but we are not family."
Do you want to get revenge on the rival company?: Honestly, she doesn't really care.
Friends Information
Son Gain | 18 | Party animal, confident, loyal, funny | If Iseul is Queen Bee then Gain is her right hand woman. And when the Queen gives the orders, Gain complies with a gleeful dance because Gain and Iseul just click. While Iseul is a leader, Gain is a follower and it doesn't matter where Iseul will go, whether one day she will let go of this childish taunting, Gain will follow. One day, Iseul will stand on the world as a successful CEO because God knows that she has the brains for it and Gain will be with her every step of the way and stand by her side.
Gina Jane Choi | 18 | Ditzy, air-headed, likeable, sociable | Gina is the Canadian transfer student and God knows what they taught her at her Canadian school because her head id full of nothing. She is your typical dumb blonde except she's Asian. Her head is filled with nothing but air and she asks the dumbest questions but for some reason, that makes her likeable amongst the students.
Friends: Outside of her two best friends, she's acquaintances with everyone else but she's not close enough to them (they're obvs not hot enough) to count them as 'friends'
Love Interest Information
Your partner/prince/romeo/love interest in the story:
Lee Sungyeol | Infinite | Cold, mature, childish with friends, down-to-earth | As Iseul has/had to work together with Infinite in one of their MVs, that was how they met. Sungyeol stood out because he was perhaps the first guy she's ever met not to get bowled over by her looks, charms or money. In fact he's downright disgusted by it, it's almost as if he's immune which makes her try all the harder. He also expresses downright disapproval of her y nature which she's taken as a challenge and the two of them really don't get along.
Lee Kiseop | U-KISS | 4D, playful, childish, patient | (Same as before, Iseul has to work with U-KISS on one of their MVs). Usually people react one of two ways with Iseul. They like her, or they love her. Kiseop...doesn't seem to care and Iseul does not like the fact that he doesn't pay attention to her! Where's the attention! She's made it her goal to get his attention despite his constant ignoration of her. She'll make it so that he can't ignore her.
Kim Academy Information
Subjects you want to take: Art, Business, English, Japanese
Any comments and questions?: I hope I make it, wah! This sounds so interesting and I hope you didn't mind that I kidn of formatted the application to my liking because it was driving me nuts. Fighting!


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(iMikiii) I totally like your formatting~! No worries ne? It kind of broke my heart when she was like, "...we might be blood related but we're not family" ;d; i love it ;3; thanks unnir!