behind the character:

Username : LadyLokiofAsgard

Activeness : 7

Nickname : Anna

the tribute: 

District: Scorpio

Name: Gabriel Moon [This is what he usually goes by since it's English and it rolls off the tongue easier], Moon Saeryun

Nicknames: Gabe, Ryun-ah :

Date of Birth: 27/10/97

Age: 16

Ethnicity: English-Korean

Gender:  Male:

Birthplace: District Scorpio

Height: 178cm :

Weight: 58kg

Bloodtype: AB

Laterality: Left-handedBlood :


Style and appearance: Appearance wise, one could say that Gabriel is an attractive person. His features are rather soft and delicate which give him a bit of a 'pretty boy' image. He knows that his looks make him seem vulnerable and he plays it up with hair that frames his face in an effeminate way. His hair is naturally an auburn-brown colour and he wears it in side-swept bangs. It's also naturally wavy but only slightly, enough so that it is obviously not completely straight. His eyes are the highlight of his face and it is often by looking at his eyes that you can see what his true emotions are. They are a naturally grey colour and if he makes them dewy 'just so', he knows that the foolish women of the Capitol will just fawn over him. He has a relatively light build, built for speed not brute force.

His style is something that he can move around quickly in. He doesn't wear loose clothing as the orphanage is basically a mini-games in itself and he has grown accustomed to wearing tight clothes in order to not let the clothes touch the surroundings or make sounds which might give him away. He prefers dark and relatively neutral shades for his clothes. The only thing he allows himself to indulge in is his love for boots. He likes to wear combat black boots that are a bit chunkier because he just likes it. Sometimes, he might wear black fingerless gloves as accessories or some silver jewellery. He's not that focused on fashion however. : Aooe

In the eyes of others:

Ulzzang : Lee Chi Hoon

Pictures : gallery

Back up ulzzang : Bae Sang Gon

Pictures: gallery


the deep and the dark

Key Traits: Good actor, clever, realistic, ambitious, determination, poised, loyal, charming, sly, cunning, manipulative, practical, closed, sarcastic, playful streak, self-preserving, passionate

Personality :

Firstly and foremost, Gabriel is a fantastic actor. Everyone has different sides of themselves that they show to different people. Each of Gabriel's sides are still all part of him. But he chooses which parts to emphasise for what audience. But across his various facades, there is one thing that is universal and that is Gabriel is a strong competitor, someone who you would want on your side but be careful about where his true loyalties lie. He is a clever, intelligent person who can make head-toe if any situation. He's not book smart but instead he's what you might call 'street smart'. Logical, efficient and calm in tense situations, he always tries to think of the best way out. He is a realist, a down-to-earth person who scoffs at idealistic people with their head in the clouds and big dreams with no ways of getting to it. Gabriel on the other hand is ambitious enough to set big goals for himself. When he sets his mind to something, he will get it with a steadfast determination and dedication to his dream. He's also someone who is always 'on guard', wary and poised for any sort of attack. He has quick reflexes and will protect his teammates for as long as it will benefit him by gaining their trust. Gaining his alliance is one thing, his loyalty is another thing entirely. It's something that is hard worn but once you have his trust, you can remain safe in the fact that Gabriel is a loyal person who will never betray people on whose side he is truly on.

Number one. What Gabriel shows to the general public ie. the Capitol is a charming pretty boy image. Someone with good looks and he flaunts it. He has a silver-tongue and says the msot cheesy things but with one of his winks and trademark smile-smirks, the girls will buy into anything. You see, Gabriel has a very strong sense of self-preservation, he will do anything to keep himself alive. And if that means batting a few lashes at the camera to get sponsors, he will do it exceedingly well. Gabriel is a sly, cunning person who can play people like a fiddle and isn't afraid to get his hands a bit dirty. Appearances can be deceptive and that is so true when it comes to people who believe in his little ploy. He is a manipulative person who is prepared to do anything to win. Which brings us to Number Two. What Gabriel shows to his allies is his usefulness. He's resourceful, practical and clever. He has the ability to protect his allies and give them his loyalty, until they outlive their own usefulness. But while he laughs at how easily the Capitol falls for his tricks, he has enough of a heart to feel guilty when his allies give him a shocked look after he betrays them. But he is still a competitive person who will never back down from a challenge. He is determined to make his district proud and winning is his ticket to glory.


But Gabriel is also someone who has many secrets. He's secretive about everything in his personal life, including his true emotions. He is a private person, closed but not to the point of being a loner. He just wishes to keep his personal life separate thank you very much and doesn't want to give away too much. And finally, Number Three is what he shows to his friends. To his friends he is indefinitely loyal and he would never betray people that he places the utmost confidence in. Well, as much as he is willing to because after all, these are dangerous times and trusting people are the first to die. Around his friends, he's a sarcastic, cynical person with a bit of a playful streak. Most people see someone who is an insensitive person. But his self-preservation is only a desperate need for approval, he craves praise. He does have emotions and can be quite passionate about some things. Gabriel can also be a bit obsessive about some things and can hold a grudge like no tomorrow. If he seeks vengence, he will seek it to the limits of the earth. 

Likes :

— Winning

— Perfection

— Summer

— Horses

— The colour red

— Fresh snow

— Chocolate and candy

— Apples

— Art

Dislikes :

— Dirty things

— Ugly things

— Manual labour

— Bugs

— Rain and thunderstorms

— Citrus fruits

Hobbies :

— Archery and shooting

— Hunting

— Martial arts

— Horse-riding

— Art: Sketching, origami and painting

Habits :

— When nervous, he'll climb to the highest point of a tower/tree to clear his mind and let the stress ebb away

— When sad, he will bottle it up and give a smile or even a choked laugh to the public then retreat to someplace private to cry his eyes out

— When angry, he doesn't beat around the bush but simply punches that person in the face


— Death: He has so many things to accomplish in life and death, the idea of slipping away into eternal darkness scares him. He doesn't know what happens after death and he's scared of leaving his loved ones, of going into someplace he is not used to.

— Claustrophobic: At the orphanage, when they misbehaved they were locked in a dark, tiny room/closet for the night to 'reflect'. Oh they reflected all right and stayed up terrified. Gabriel was often thrown into the closet when he took the fall for his sister and now small spaces make him remember those times.

Trivia :

— A very light sleeper as he is always on guard. He falls asleep quickly but always wakes quite quickly

— He can survive on little to no sleep but not for extended periods of time. He needs to properly crash every few days at least.

— He doesn't eat much food. It's too heavy and slows him down

— He has Diabetes type 1

The beloveds

Best Friend :

Kim "Kai" Jongin || 17 || Hunter (Fishing) || Jongin is someone who is very similar to his sister and because of that, Stella and Jongin don't get along very well. When you first meet him, you would think that he is misplaced as a Scorpio and is more suited to being an Aries which does make sense considering that his mother was from District Aries. He is an outgoing and active person, constantly on the move and with energy to burn. He's loud and friendly, stubborn and heavily opinionated at times and is one of the most courageous and fearless people that Gabriel knows. But he is also unwaveringly loyal and more clever than you give him credit for. You see, he shows everyone else a hyperactive, child-like persona but he is much more cunning than that. He is a flirty and seductive person who knows that he has quite a few charms and isn't afriad to use it. || Jongin is the son of a Phoenix Resurrected so an orphan like Gabriel has no right to be even speaking to him. The two of them bumped into each other at the markets. Gabriel was doing the grocery shopping for the orphanage and Jongin was lugging in a massive fish. The two of them bumped into each other, literally but rather than spit and sneer, Jongin offered a hand to help Gabriel up. || The two of them are together as often as they can be. While Gabriel is inseparable from his sister, Jongin is like a brother to him and the two of them get up to all sorts of mischief. They understand each other very well and can talk about practically anything.


Friends :

Krystal Jung || 16 || Tribute trainee/Orphan || Krystal is a bluntly honest person. She is someone who works quickly and efficiently, a rather practical person. She can be rather tactless at times because she doesn't believe in sugar-coating things. People have even called her cold at times but she doesn't care. She's someone who resorts to violence far too easily and despite her skinny stature she can pack quite a punch. But she doesn't need to because with a few blinks of her cute eyes in her pretty face, any guy would do anything for her and she uses that. || The two of them are both at the orphanage. As they are the same age, they often train together as well and they first met when Krystal kicked Stella's in a practise round and as her brother, Gabriel was furious. But he soon came to admire Krystal. || Together, they banter a lot, talking in sarcastic riddles and insulting each other half the time. They don't have a very deep relationship but are still close enough to be friends and are allies with each other in the mini-battleground that is the orphanage.


the Family and History

Family :

Father || Charlie Moon || - || - || - || He died before they could really get to know each toher || Dead

Mother || Elisabeth Moon || - (Would be 40) || Victor of the 1987 Hunger Games || - || She suicided before they could really get to know each other || Dead

Twin Sister || Stella Moon/Moon Heiryun|| 16 || Orphan/tribute trainee || Clever, cunning, mischievous, troublemaking, strong, independent, stubborn, determined || The two of them are all they have left of family and they value and cherish each other very much. They are so co-dependent on each other, doing everything together and when one of them hasn't seen or made contact with the other for more than a day, they get wracked with worry. They are each other's Archilles heel. || Alive


Background : The district of Scorpio is one very much ruled by what social level you were, Phoenix resurrected, Eagle or Scorpion. Respectable people had family members that were either a Phoenix or an Eagle. But orphans had no family members and even if their dead ones were Phoenix Resurrected, they were also dead and therefore the orphan was instantly demoted to the lowest of the Scorpions. Gabriel is an orphan, the only family he has left is his twin sister. His mother won the Hunger Games way back when she was a mere 14 year old. She basically found a place to hide until everyone else died but after she witnessed the violent and brutal murder of her allies, her districtt partner and her allies, she went insane. Her father managed to bring her back but after he mysteriously died two years after the birth of the twins, she went insane and suicided. And suicide isn't looked all too kindly in District Scorpio, in fact it is disgraceful. Gabriel and his twin sister, Stella were sent to orphanage.

Every district wants to win. But not every child can be trained to be a tribute, that is simply time-consuming and a waste of expenses and time. Most families were also unwilling to admit that their child could be reaped and killed. But orphans had no family, if an orphan died then no one would miss them. Thus the orphanage was essentially a training ground. The matrons weren't professional trainers or mentors and could be counted as 'family'. Every orphan was put through tests to determine their strong point, be it strength, speed or intelligence then that area would be focused on. Of course, every other area would be trained as well but each orphan had a specialised area and was taught to use that in every way possible. Gabriel and Stella were no exception. Gabriel's speciality was sleath, he could sneak around and do things so quickly that no one would notice. Stella's was endurance, she could run and run and run and never tire. The two of them were very much co-dependent on each other, they were all they had left of family and though the matrons tried to break their bond because the games were independent, the two held onto the hope that if they were reaped, they would be reaped together.

Even though orphans were often best suited to win the games, basically being "career tributes", without a family to back them up, they were still small fry in the district. Gabriel hated being looked down on and having no power, he wanted to prove himself, to be able to be looked at with admiration and respect and also for his sister. He doesn't want to die, oh no but he also wants to make his district proud and gain their approval. And at 16 years, he believes that he is ready, not too young to be easily picked off but not too old to become graceless. He is confident that he can win, he's been raised all his life for this after all.

i came to fight

Weapon of choice :

1. Throwing Knives
2. Bow and Arrow
3. Trident

Weapon skill: 9

Battle Strategy: Gabriel is definitely someone who plans things out in detail. He carefully chooses his allies and chooses when to drop them as well. And of course, he chooses how to charm the Capitol so that he can get sponsors gifts because he is going to need them if he wants to survive as long as he hopes.


— Distance shots. He isn't someone who is good at close combat which is why his weapons of choice are ones that he can shoot over a certain distance. He has excellent aim and can quickly and efficiently dispose of his opponents
— Sleath: He can sneak up on anyone very well and can just as easily hide from people. This is one of his primary ways of being one step ahead and of silently picking off his opponents
— Survival: Simple and pure, he can make do with anything. He isn't someone to panic under situations and he can deal with most things that happen

— Defence: His ability to dodge bullets or in this case, arrows and spears allows him to get away from attacks pretty quickly. Though he cannot run for a long time, he can quickly disappear


— Stella, his twin sister: One mention of her of if he believes that she is in danger makes him vulnerable and sends him into a panic. Even though logic tells him that there is no way that she can be in the arena with him, he still would be worried
— Close combat: He does not possess the strengh to be able to win in close combat situations thus usually tries to avoid them
— Endurance: While his endurance doesn't , it isn't the best either. He can run but not for too long but he usually covers this weakness by using his sleath strengh to slip away. However if it is open ground, he can tire after a while.

Talent(s): If there is anything that Gabriel lives by it's something that his trainer told him. "If you want to kill someone, get someone else to do it for you." His talent is manipulation. He knows that physically, he is not going to win in a fight but mentally, he can probably outlast someone. While he's not a braniac, he knows how to work people over and get them to do the work for him. Of course, he isn't someone who is unfair, he will give them a reward for it...before he kills them that is. He works by making alliances then letting the others kill himself before he finally does things himself. And of course, he appeaks to the cameras, winning over the hearts of the girls of the capitol in order to get them to send him sponsor gifts. Because he knows that he'll need them.

Apart from the mental manipulation, his physical talent is his sleath. That is his strength. He also has quite a good aim and despite his lack of strength, he does posssess most of his strength in his arms which he uses to throw his knives directly where he wants it to go.


Agility: 8

Endurance: 6

Stealth: 10

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 9


The Last Interview

How do you feel being chosen as a tribute? : I feel a bit nervous since I will be away from my sister but also excited. I will finally have the opportunity to make my district proud and to prove my worth. I know that the competition will be tough but I have confidence in myself, I need to win more than the rest.

Are you prepared to go into the games? : Yes. I've been preparing for this since I was young and at 16, my body is in peak physical condition. I am more than ready.

Do you think you will be the last one standing? : Yes

What do you think about allies in the games? : Allies are useful. This is a game after all and it is needed to form alliances. But also to drop them at the right time. I'm not in it to help them along.

Any last words? I know this is a battle but I hope that we can have some fun with this. [If a Goodbye] Tell Stella that I'm sorry...and that she better kick some when it's her turn.

Anything else ?

Comments : I loved the Hunger Games so this has gotten me really excited!

Suggestions : Um...I'll let you know if I think of any

Scene requests :

- Please let Gabriel survive past the first bloodbath at least. I would ask that he make it to the final like 6 but that really depends on you. He's not going to die immediately though, he's a career basically

- Stella and Gabriel train together and defeat everyone at the orphanage. But they don't get commended because it's supposed to be an individual thing

- At the training for the tributes after they've been reaped, Gabriel shows off his throwing knife prowess and gains possible allies

- Gabriel is probably going to volunteer because he's been training for it all his life. Orphans are encouraged too because they are 'expendable'

- Gabriel gets a pretty high training score, something like 10

- Gabriel makes one of the first kills during the first bloodbath at the Cornucopia

That's a wrap, thank you !

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