To All Sasaengs and Haters. (A rant blog.)

Sorry for advance that this post will look like since I'm typing on my phone. Okay. Back to business. To all sasaengs (I'm not gonna call you fans since you obviously don't deserve to be call that.) I know all of us fans don't get to meet our favourite idols, bands, singers and all most of the time, but do you really need to go as far as following them everywhere they go. You sasaengs even followed them each time they want to leave a place on planes. You guys wasted all of your money, your parents money and savings account just by following them instead of supporting them by buying their albums, going to their concerts, showcase and what not. You sasaengs even barge into their dorms when they're not there or while they were sleeping. I get it. In our eyes, our favourite idols, singers, etc. are perfect but they are still human being. Why don't you try putting yourself in their shoes. Can you even stand a week let alone a day of being hunted down by fans and them breaking and entering your room, your privacy like they own the place? I know you guys want to be notice by your favourite oppas, hyungs, unnies, noonas and the like but do it the right way. Like getting them nice presents and not your used bras or used or the likes and give it to them. They would only be digusted and would run away from you. Sure. I'm just a teen. Barely made it into high school but I still know what's wrong and what's right and what you sasaengs are doing are wrong in so many levels that I even felt myself being disgusted that other people group us normal fans with you. I don't know if you this gets through your thick skull, but if it does, fixed yourself and apologize for your behavior to your favourite group through a letter. Then to all you haters. I don't care if you hate K-pop or one or more of the groups or even one of the members in the group. You.Don't.Simply.Bash.Them just because you hate them. You have to have a reason behind your actions from bashing them. I don't care if your favourite group is the most popular group out there or that they're the most talented. You have to realized that every group works hard to be where they're at and then you suddenly bashed them for all the hard work they've put through and still are. What do you think that will make them feel? Their spirit will break little by little if you continue bashing them. If you hate the group so much, why bother listen to them? you'll only make them even more popular than before. So you should keep your mouth shut before saying offensive things to them. You should answer this to yourself. If you hate that group so much, why bother to listen to them in the first place? Because to me, that seems like a stupid thing to do. Then you say that this group doesn't win any awards and that's a good enough reason for you to bash them. Well, let me burst your bubble. That is NOT a good enough reason to bash them. Even if they don't win any award, does that make them even less talented? NO. In fact, those kinds of groups will stay forever in our heart and made you regret for ever bashing them, saying that they're some talentless humans that they don't deserve to debut. Now, let me asked you. Why, do you hate that group so much? What did that group do to make you hate them. Because for me, even if I have some groups that I don't like, that doesn't mean that I entirely don't like their songs. Now get through that thick skull of yours that bashing them will only turn more hate onto you than the group.


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man.;.. i even fell asleep reading this. lol kidding XDD
well said, saeng.
i wish i can shove these words to those weenies
If AFF had a like button I'd like this post a million times over ^^ Well said. Sasaengs and haters should put themselves in the idols shoes here: I don't think they'd appreciate having people, follow them around all day long or sending hateful comments to them. Actually I think a member of a group though I can't remember which one, gets back at sasaengs by acting or taking pictures of them XD They got ticked off to it seemed.
Sometimes I wish I could rant like you.
That's the kind of rant that deserves an award.
I totally agree with youuu!!
nunchii #6
loves you.