▶ axis mundi ↷ Kim Jae Min







username: --obsidian

nickname: raine

activity: 9

plotline: the highschooler

name: kim jae min - korean // jessamine kim - english

► jae - used by friends as a common nickname.
► jessie - used by kyuhyun as a pet name.

date of birth // age: 16 | 02 | 97 // 17

place of birth // hometown: cheongug, south korea // cheongug, south korea

ethnicity: american-korean

english, korean - fluent; mother is american, father is korean.
► chinese - conversational; learnt in school.

ulzzang name: ryn

visual: gallery

back-up ulzzang name: sori

visual: gallery

miscellaneous: piercings ; un // deux (right ear) // trois (left ear) // quatre

personality: jae min is a bubbly and thrill-seeking teenager, that loves to show off and get into trouble. she hates taking instructions from anyone and she always does things that contadicts people's advice. she hates being locked inside a classroom and takes every chance she gets to run around the town and find things to get into mischief with. she loves her family and friends still, but no one can really control her. of course, jae min has her fair share of teenage blues, sometimes dragging herself down into depression when she finds out that she's locked in her room to stop her from going out to cause trouble (usually when those multi-coloured helicopters fly over town).

jae min is not trusting of other people, except that one boy that has finally managed to pick up enough courage to befriend her. she doesn't like it when people in town look down on her and her friends, simply because of what she does instead of behaving herself. she is definitely one of the most blunt people that you'd ever meet and she sometimes lets the attention she gets can go to her head, causing her to become arrogant and boisterous. jae min is relatively fearless, always willing to try new and sometimes dangerous things.

background: jae min's childhood wasn't as eventful as quite a few of the citizens think it was. she was a rather normal child, living happily with her parents and brother, in the only place she's ever known. she was always a bright and happy child, playing with other children in the swamp and always listening to her parents every words. untli she turned 8, jae min was the perfect child, but then she turned to causing mischief and doing dangerous stunts to keep herself entertained. as she grew into her teenage years, jae min never noticed when people started to avoid her because of her dangerous stunts, but she'll never admit that she was happy when someone started tagging along with her.


  • dangerous stunts.
  • causing mischief.
  • discovering new things.



  • being told what to do.
  • being trapped.
  • having to do things.



  • exploring abandoned buildings.
  • writing stories based on her adventures.



  • leaving nightvale.
  • losing her family or friends.


other trivia: 

  • jae min is more comfortable around kyuhyun than she is around her family.
  • she never heeds warnings and it often leads to her getting into trouble.
  • there was only once when jae min got hurt on her little adventures.
  • jae min is still close to the top of the class, despite rarely attending.
  • she tries to avoid the citizens as much as they try to avoid her.
  • jae min is scared of being controlled.


response to the supernatural: jae min isn't scared by the supernatural phenomenon happening in town, but she is certainly not going to be like some of the citizens and ignore the fact that it is there. jae min finds the thought of supernatural entities in town thrilling and she feels like she should make an adventure of finding out where these things come from and why they're in the small town.


  • father | kim raejun | 56 | police officer | alive | realistic, methodical, proud | jae min and her father get along fairly well, although he does seem to try and get jae min to follow his rules more than her mother.
  • mother | choi kaeshin | 53 | school teacher | alive | persuasive, kind, intelligent | jae min and her mother get along very well, being together most of the day whenever jae min decides to turn up for school.
  • older brother | kim sungjong | 22 | waiter at big rico's pizza | humerous, loyal, kind | jae min and sungjong are the best of friends and he's always the first person she runs to if she needs help with something or when she gets into trouble.



  • choi sihyun | 17 | student | alive | quiet, loyal, trusting | sihyun is a sort of follower of jae min, sort of worshipping her, as he watches her as she goes off on her adventures and is usually the one to patch her up the rare times that she does earn a few scrapes.
  • seo taemin | 16 | student | alive | snarky, annoying, motherly | taemin is one of the people that usually try to get jae min to behave and to stay in school before she runs off to do whatever dangerous stunts she feels like doing that day.


rivals: han jooeun | 17 | student | attention seeking, obnoxious, egotistical | jooeun is the sort of person that sees someone doing something that others think is cool and has to copy them. jae min feels like jooeun is a threat to her status in the town and she would do absolutely anything to get rid of her, even going to as far as pushing her into the forbidden dog park.

love interest: cho kyuhyun - super junior

back-up love interest: zhou mi - super junior m

plotline: the highschooler


kyuhyun is a snarky, well known guy at school, who takes pride in being top of the class and a pro-gamer. and although his usual attitude is higher-than-thou, he takes a certain interest in jae min, following her sometimes in secret and keeping an eye on her when she does strange things. he's a quick-witted, smart and attentive guy, who is very protective over his family and loved ones. he hates being teased and he has a very sharp tongue.

background: ( optional )

relationship with character: ( at least one paragraph )

questions/concerns/suggestions: ( anything you'd like to ask? anything you'd like to say? anything you'd like to suggest? all goes here )

comments: ( anything you'd like to add? anything you'd like to tell me? all goes here )

scene requests: ( go crazy for this section. i'll do my best to use these! )

modifications: yes

and now: the weather

 back to town.


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