Merch problems

OMG Hi guys!! So, I'm having the same problem as KatyMikayla. She wrote in her blog post about her troubles with buying K-pop and I totally agree!!!

Here's the deal: I need to save some money to buy my mom's friends some presents... so yeah. BUT aside from that, I have maybe $75. Yesterday, I went to a Book/CD store, and here are the things I REALLY want to buy, like I-Literally-Could-Not-Get-My-Hands-Off-Them:

-K-POP magazine, w/ a HUGE Special on SHINee, and also a bit on EXO ($10-ish) (But I probably can't read most of it, and the pictures aren't the best...)

-Kanjani8 (J-pop band that I love <3) CD ($3-ish)

-FTIsland CD (I don't really like them, but I could get into them XD) originally $11, now around $3...


-a pack of 5 CDs/albums (2 things from 2PM, INFINITE's New Challenge, Oppa Oppa by EunHae, and i think something 2AM) for $5!

[- something B.A.P? (I only have a pin and that's it lol)]


another problem: I still want to go to Shin Okubo one last time and buy a B.A.P. pencil case and the One Of A Kind sweatshirt (That's prolly around $30 total there...)

People start suggesting combinations!! (I need to take pictures... :( b/c I can't buy everything...) OTL too poor XD


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UKISSKissMe1313 #1
I'm thinking about not getting the magazine... IDK! so hard to decide...