Random survey that I stole from SweetLuv


Randomness Survey

My name is: Adrianna

This morning: Sort of got up, had a shower right before school started, debated whether to use my hair dryer (I smelt smoke last time....), and was late to school

I'm afraid of: REALLY TALL heights, being rejected by entertainment companies, losing friends or family

I dream about: SUPER JUNIOR!!!! and getting into sm which counts as super junior~

Have you ever...

Pictured your crush : no. (hehehehe~~~ wookie has abs~~hehehe~~)

Been in love: only crushes: only idols (if you met my class, you would understand)

Cried when someone died: Yes! I'm not completely heartless!

Lied: yup

Flowers or candy: CANDAY!

Scruff or clean shaven: CLEAN SHAVEN!


With the opposite ...

What do you notice first?: I don't know..... face?

Last person you slow danced with: I don't know.....

Worst question to ask: 'Are you gay?' or 'Who or what is THAT?'


Makes you laugh the most: EVERYONE (I laugh at really stupid things sometimes...)

Makes you smile: Not many (I either show no emotion or a lot)

Gives you a funny feeling when you see them?: SUPER JUNIOR!!!

Is easier to talk to boys or girls?: girls. (the boys I have met are idiots.....)

Do you ever...

Sit on the internet waiting for someone special to IM you?: yup

Save AIM conversations?: nope

Wish you were a member of the opposite ?: no... it's scary...

Cry because of something someone said?: don't cry much.....

Pray?: yup

Have you ever...

Fallen for your best friend: No way! (I'm not gay)

Rejected someone: I wish... I've never been confessed to before, that's how lonely I am T.T <---- what paintedwings and SweetLuv said EXACTLY

Cheated on someone: nope

Been cheated on: no

Done something you regretted: hehehe..... a bit.... or a lot....

Wanted to die: Rather live sad than die


Who was the l


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I am wayyyy too lazy to do this, xD
So I'm being a good person by not stealing you know. :3