✦ imbue ↷ kay kwon .


username: shinjigetintherobot | name: shinji  | activity: 10

full name :
kay kwon 
케이 권
other names: 
( kwon chae rin 
권 채 린) - HER korean name
nickname(s): kwon gay - used by her dumb sister winnie, because kay rhymes with gay.
age : 21
d.o.b : may 5th, 1993

birthplace : cape town, south africa
hometown : cape town, south africa
ethnicity : korean
languages spoken : 
english - native
korean - fluent


faceclaim : bambi
links :
1 2 3 4 5 gallery
back-up faceclaim: chae gyung
1 2 3 4 5 gallery

HEIGHT : 152cm
WEIGHT : 44kg 

Appearance : 
kay is the type of girl who likes keeping things simple. she hardly wears makeup and always dresses for comfort. she mono-eyelidded and dimples and has thick chocolate brown hair that flows down to her chest. she has a bunch of freckles on her back and shoulders.

style : 
kay is pretty much a jeans and tee kind of gal. her favorite type of jeans are high waisted ones though, because they're really rad. she wears crop tops and muscle tees on warmer days, and she even wears fashion leggings. kay loves boots and the only thing that can stop her from wearing them every day is the fact that it gets warm sometimes. other than that, she wears combat boots & booties, along with flats.


about me

personality : 
introspective, motherly, nostalgic
cheap, prudish, 

the default sensation in kay's gut is that sinking feel when you're leaning in your chair and you almost fall over. she's a very anxious person and is afraid of just about everything. everything can kill her and nothing is safe, and if something can go wrong it will go wrong. call her obsessive, but she has at least five plans to counter-act every worse case scenario that wriggles its way into her head. kay really just wants to live a happy and simple and slow-paced life, and she is often very torn between her quiet dream life and her love for music. kay often second guesses herself, and must do things impulsively, when they pop into her mind, otherwise she'd never do anything.

kay finds herself naturally gravitating to the intellectual side of life as opposed to the social, she just really loves learning--especially about herself. life is a learning experience, and she feels that one needs to find as much about themselves as they can so they can live a happy life. she thinks a lot, about everything from cute flowers to what would happen if the smog from china combining with the arctic blast is really the first sign of armageddon that takes place during the next ice age. kay's really an 85 year old man in the body of a 21 year old girl, she feels very old both in body and spirit. she's learned many things from her own life lessons and can give advice from everything she's thought about. kay often finds herself reminiscing about things that she wasn't even alive to experience. like who can forget the smooth jazz that played behind frank sinatra as he sang? or who could forget old school beat 'em ups at the arcade? kay is in love with old things, and she's not really up to date with kids and their eye-phones and their apple books.

kay has always been more mature than her siblings, and she's used to watching over them constantly. she has a soft spot for children, or those younger than her in general. she thinks they're precious and must be protected at all costs. she's quick to react to a junior's emergency, everything else--even her own inhibitions--aren't as important as helping that person. she has a primal protectiveness over people, and while she struggles to give people space she knows when to relcutantly let go. but if she sees one of her precious babes in distress, she will immediately jump in. kay is a mama bear and she can make grown men three tmes her size cry.

she is so incredulously cheap that its not even funny. you best believe kay's cupon game is so in' raw that cashiers have to pay her at the checkout. if you give her money and tell her to pick up "some tea and a bag of chips" she'll bring you a full meal from a five star restaraunt. no one knows how she does it, but kay always gets a great deal--even if there's no sale going on. kay is cheap as hell and literally refuses to pay more than fifteen dollars for clothes. you're paying sixty bucks for one pair of pants? nah son, kay'll get you a whole new wardrobe and a closet to put the clothes in.

ew no don't make out. why are you two grabing each other's thighs? ya nasties. kay has a pda phobia like ew stop being gross. the thought of... doing the do sends a sickening shiver down kay's spine. she's fine with whatever an adult wants to do in their bedroom, as long as it stays in the bedroom. 

likes : 
⇒old things - they're so cool

arcades - oh man they have such rad old games like she can play space invaders and get a high score
star trek - its so great and colorful and so amazing and includes poc!!! plus the story line and cast and planets are all so creative and engaging and aaa she loves star trek
girl power - girls are really hot
pastel colors - very cute and very easy on the eyes
bunnies - they're the cutest pets ever and she loves them so much. she's gonna buy a farm just for bunnies and grow her own carrots and have a little pond with fresh water they can drink from
robots - they're just so cute and precious like imagine an ai who falls in love with its owner but can't tell it so it always sends them nice messgaes every time they log on
bonfires - they're so warm and fun and you can tell the best stories around them
family - her family is the most important thing to her, they always come first, even before training and debut
africa - reppin' the home country
long socks and big sweaters - they can make anyone look good
winter - its cold and pretty 

Dislikes : 
eat your kimchi - she finds it extremely rude and unfair that they judge kpop stars on their english when they can barely read from a korean menu.
star trek - its boring and confusing and so bland and luke and leia kissed but they're related that's gross.
being hit on - its rude and gross and you're crusty as hell man
only being asked about her appearance - are you kidding? ask her about her career, ask her about her family. she's much more than a cute face
unrealistic girls - okay look no you're probably not gonna be chosen and placed into the hottest girl group of the century. and if you are chosen, you'll never be as popular as snsd
laziness - if you're gonna be dead weight, better not even think of coming with her.
worst case scenarios - okay so if imbue fails we'll be shunned by sm for the rest of our lives and will never be able to go back into the entertainment industry and mom would be fired and we'd have no source of income and would have to go back to africa but we'd have to live in a village in the middle of no where and be attacked by the militia
pda - ew no stop its gross, you all need jesus.

hobbies : 
reading self-help books/articles - she actually doesn't need help, she just finds them amusing
youtubing - she has a youtube channel that covers just about everything from life in korea, life in general, advice, comedy sketches, video games, rants, and important lessons. kay never actually sings or raps on her youtube.
boxing - she took up boxing as a way to relieve stress after a certain pain in the walked back into her life.
gaming - gaming runs in her family okay?

habits : 
cursing out her sister. even on the phone - it'll all be peacful in the dorm and the members will hear a " you winnie!"
thinking herself into a panic - sorry
groaning like an old man - she has old, weary bones
falling asleep in random places - kay runs 100% all day, if she happens to pass out in a laundry basket, just let her pass out in a laundry basket
thinking of all posibilities - its nice to be prepared
saying god/jesus a lot - she's not even religious, yet every other sentence that comes out of ends with "oh my god" or "jesus christ"

fears : 
worst case scenearios - yes she knows that a sea monster can't just rise from the water and wreak havoc on the city and kill her entire family, leaving her as the lone survivor with nothing to live for, but it still scares her.
failure - she's come so far, to fail now just seems like she'd wasted so many years of her life.

trivia : 
comes from a very large family
freckles actually run in her family. winnie has freckles on her cheeks and nose, october has freckles on her thighs, william has freckles all over his torso, and granny kim has freckles on her .
once she wakes up, she can't go back to sleep until its night time.
she's been to many different countries.
she has a pet rabbit named yeppoji, who she loves very much
insisted on taking yeppoji to imbue's dorm to live with them. more like refused to join the group unless they let her bring her babu
she has a flip phone
she's the one who has to kill bugs in the house.
her family lives in a traditional hanok, which is very unusual in this day and age in seoul. but her family has lived there for generations so they never got a chance to tear it down and make it into an apartment.
besides star trek, her favorite show is "the golden girls"
loves run dmc and anamanaguchi
has a giant south african flag in her room
has 50,000 subscribers on youtube
has been youtubing since she was 16
kay has a killer left hook
winnie is 158cm, while october is 149cm
holds the high score on space invaders at the local arcade
her pokemon x team is: dragonite, delcatty, gardevoir, mawile, blaziken, and greninja
she has taken part in a few pokemon tournaments with her family. she'll never admit to it though


background & family life : 
the kwon girls were born and raised in cape town south africa. they lived a rather luxurious life, taking trips to different countries on holidays. but whenever it was summer vacation, they'd go visit granny kim and grandpa kwon. growing up, winnie was rather shy, so she'd often cling to kay and they became very close over the years. the girls loved traveling to seoul and staying in their grandparents's big, cozy house. but although they loved visiting the grandparents, they didn't enjoy having to hang out with the neighborhood kids. they didn't like the kwon girls too much and would always pick on them, and kay often took the brunt of the abuse so winnie wouldn't have to. but they did make one friend: a stoic boy by the name of sehun.

visiting years later, when the girls were fourteen and had october in their lives, sehun suggested that kay audition for an entertainment label. she was a bit hesitant at first, but let herself be talked into it and set her sights on sm entertainment. years later, when kay was 16, grandpa kwon passed away and mama kwon's job was transferred to seoul. to accomodate with the current situation, the whole family decided to live with granny kim to keep the old woman company. kay started her official training with sm.


sister : winnie kwon : 21 : blogger : these two are like day and night, but are very close. they argue and call each other names and cuss each other out over who gets the bathroom first. winnie irritates kay to no end with her impulsiveness and her laziness and her lack of ambition and how all she does is sit there all day and blog. what is she even blogging about?? kay doesn't know. but at the end of the day, winnie is her twin sister and would fiercely protect her sister. they can share everything with each other from breakups to fears to anxieties to the struggles of trainee life. they can cry together and hug it out and then cough and say "no homo" except winnie will always respond with, "you seem pretty homo to me, kwon gay!!!" and then she'll laugh so hard she almost coughs up a lung. 

younger sister :
october kwon : 15 : student : october is a girl who has good intentions, but not always the best way of showing it. she often helps kay and dad around the house and keeping granny kim under control. she's loyal like a little puppy and would follow her unnies to the ends of the earth.

mother : lee danbi : 42 : vp of a fashion magazine : danbi is the more outgoing and fun parent, planning trips and making bad jokes with the kids. even though she's often working, she always makes time for her family, making everyone laugh and throwing shade at her coworkers who are fighting for the position of president. she knows kay is a mature girl who likes to do things on her own, but she's still her baby. danbi will often show her support subtly, like kissing her forehead and tucking her into bed after kay passes out from a long day of training.

father :
kwon william : 39 : stay at home dad/worker at granny kim's restaurant : papa kwon is kay's ventillation system. he's always there to listen to her troubles and soothe them away. but the two also totally nerd out over star trek and play old school snes games and have intense pokemon battles that are filled with trash talk and shouting but end in ben and jerry and hugs. william cries pretty much every time one of his babies are hurt and is there to rub their tummys, make them soup, and tuck them into bed at night.

grandmother : kim ah ri young : 69 : restaraunt owner : aw man lemme tell you 'bout granny kim. granny kim is the baddest chick in town she's taught the girls all of her tricks for life and is the reason why kay is so cheap. winnie, danbi, and granny kim are usually out raising hell and fliriting with hot young guys and kay, william, and october have to chase after them.



friends : 

yeppoji : yeppoji is very spoiled and hates being ignored, often thumping and growling to get attention. she only lets kay touch her, and growls menacingly whenever anyone else tries to. she tortures the family and is ultra-protective of kay.  


rival : ------
reason why this person is your rival : -----

inspire my world

position : triple threat
back-up position : main rapper, sub dancer
stage name : kay
personal : the doe
personal fanclub : fawns
personal fanclub color :
burgunday #996666
trainee period : 5 years
trainee life : 
kay auditioned for sm under sehun's pestering encouragement. she got in because her voice had an interesting, husky yet light quality to it. her parents had to sign a contract, saying it was okay for her to become a trainee. kay also had to go through extra branches of sm ent, since she wasn't stationed in south korea. that was actually pretty difficult to her, and she wanted to quit because she felt like she'd never become an idol at this rate but mama danbi wouldn't let her. when grandpa kwon died and the family moved to korean was when things got way easier. she began practicing part time because of school and she also had to take korean lessons. 

she had the most trouble in dancing, but she progressed throughout her training and actually improved quite a bit. kat wasn't as dedicated to training as others were, she didn't practice for all hours of the night and come late to school the next morning. but kay did show committment and would often stay after to practice her vocals and rap on holidays. things weren't really that stressful until a familiar blank face appeared in front of her--oh sehun had returned. kay made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him, but he didn't listen and actively chased after her, stressing her out majorly.

twins : 

singing : lim kim 2 3
dancing : dara 2
rapping : jucy 2 
talking : lim kim 2

falling in

love interest : oh sehun
back-up love interest : huang zitao
relationship status : unrequited love 
how you met :  
they met as children. the other children in granny kim's neighborhood would pick on them from having poor pronounciation and an accent that didn't match with their english teacher's. naturally, kay would stand up for her sister, she'd hold winnie's hand as she was crying and hold her head high until the meanies left. even though she held her tongue when the other kids were around, kay herself would cry after they left. one day, she was crying by the swingsets and winnie was desperately trying to calm kay down, on the brink of tears herself. a little boy approached them and said he wanted to use the swings, and kay was so upset that she tried to shove the swing in his face. blankly, the boy got on the swing and asked the girls who made them cry. they ignored him, and he seemed to disappear for a while before popping back up with a daisy in his hand. he said, "you two will be my princesses, and i will be your knight,".

every summer they'd return and as they got older, the chemistry between sehun and kay changed and winnie--and eventually october--became the awkward third wheels. after moving to korean when they were 16, kay was really excited because her and sehun would pretty much be neighbors.

when they got there, she rang his doorbell and instead of seeing a familiar blank face, another family was there instead. she was so confused and was desperately asking aorund, trying to find out what was going on, where was her friend? kay found out from granny kim doing detective work--gossiping with other grannies--that sehun and his family had to move to another city to support a sick family member. turns out he changed his phone number and everything.

sehun and the girls grew close and became really good friends. after kay was accepted to sm and found out that sehun moved away without saying anything, their relationship immediately soured.  kay hated him and never even wanted to hear the name "oh sehun". now she has this brat chasing after her and trying to win her back.

interaction : 
the two are trapped in a game of cat and mouse--sehun as the cat, and kay as the mouse. she wants nothing to do with him after he abandoned her and cut all ties with her. but sehun is annoyingly persistent, and kay finds her defenses wearing down when she looks at his matured face or when he sticks his tounge out. he figured that apologizing wouldn't work too well with kay, so he's slowly chipping away at her defenses.

kay is one hundred percent sure that sehun is a sadist because he loves to torture her and pester her. he'll get kay all worked up and fuming mad and then just leave, kay insisrs that she doesn't like the guy--that he's just a bully and a brat--yet she finds herself falling into his clutches.

His personality :
sehun is the all-ruling maknae of exo. he has a certain charm to him that no one can resist, and he has his hyungs wrapped around his finger. all he has to do is ask, and he shall recieve; as an idol he can have whatever he wants, from girls to food to money. he usually keeps his emotions in check and observes with a blank stare sehuna is very harsh towards most people, but will show his softer side to tao and luhan some people. he's mouthy and sarcastic and a lot of people just want to punch him in the face--its surprising no one has so far.


this isn't goodbye

password : tonight
comments / questions / concerns : sorry i was so descriptive with her family, they're just very important to her.
scene requests : a saseng trying to sneak into the dorm, but being frightened away by yeppoji
anything else? : i would much rather have kay not end up with sehun but if you want her to and she's chosen, we can talk it out uwu


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