`chronicle. - gwak, bomi



NAME: gwak, bomi
ange ) her boyfriend, joonie. he was ill as a child and one day when bomi went to check up on him, the winter sun came in through the window and gave her an etheral glow, like an angel, and he's called her this ever since. origin: french. noun
( gwak pabomi ) friends. its a play on "pabo" and "bomi" because bomi is really dumb
BIRTHDAY + AGE: 02/18/97 + 18
LANGUAGES: korean - native
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 149cm, 52kg
YEAR: Junior; was held back a grade

FACE CLAIM + GALLERY: raina + Gallery
BACKUP FACE CLAIM + GALLERY: park hwan hui + Gallery
bomi is a medically classified dwarf (don't mention that though otherwise she'll punch you) and she stands at 149cm. she's also a bit chubby at 55kg. her thighs touch and jiggle and sometimes chafe against one another. she has a pear-shaped figure and is rather bottom heavy with a bubble that will most definitely jiggle when its hit. her hair is currently an auburnish-brown and it flows down past her chest. her face is rather rounded and she has high cheekbones. bomi will often wear her hair up in a messy bun because who actually has time to do their hair?

as for style, bomi loves sweaters, especially bill cosby sweaters. she'll wear them pretty much 25/8 along with some leggings because they're pretty much the only things that fit her size and figure. she absolutely loves doc martens and has so many of them, she also wears those pretty much all the time. when it gets warmer out, bomi busts out the crop tops and the skater skirts. when she's inside her dorm room, bomi only wears large sweaters and thigh high socks because ew, pants and also who doesn't look good in sweaters and thigh highs?

bomi... how do i explain gwak bomi? bomi is flawless. i heard her hair's insured for $10,000. i heard she does car commercials. in japan. her favorite movie is my neighbor totoro. one day she met 2ne1's cl, and she told her she was pretty. one time she punched me in the face. and it was awesome. but woah woah woah guys, bomi's not like that at all like???

bomi's honestly a simple girl who puts her bra on one at a time. she's best described as "kool aid in a wine glass" because she looks very high maitenance and unreachable but its funny because bomi is honestly just a dumb short kid who likes bug and taking selfies and studio ghibli films too much. bomi never understood why so many people thought she was cool, one time she tried to jump over a chair put ended up tripping over it mid-air and was practically split in half by it. bomi still counts on her fingers. she once thought the sahara desert was in america and to make it worse, she called it the sahara dessert. it was so embarrassing and she felt like she was going to die.

bomi has to be the biggest drama queen since julius caesar. everything is either really amazing like the grace of god or everything is horrible and the world's going to end. there's no inbetween. bomi overreacts to just about everything, someone ate her food? wow everyone in this dorm must hate her, she didn't even do anything all she wanted was to eat her gosh darn food. there is no such thing as "letting her down gently" when it comes to bomi and no one wants to release the emotional beast. she literally does not know how to be subtle about anything at all, not even when it comes to guys she likes. bomi always makes sure to make a scene when her feelings are hurt and she pulls out all the theatrics which include; sarcasm, shouting, crying, and belittling someone.

with natural charisma and a boisterous presence, its impossible to ignore bomi, which is great because she loves being the center of attention. bomi was made for the stage, and she always has great stories and jokes up her sleeve. people naturally gravitate towards bomi, she's a breath of fresh air with her fundamental understanding of the world way different from others, she has people hanging on to every word she says. bomi is very much her own person and she moves away from the "norm" in korea. she doesn't exhaust herself studying to get into s.k.y, she's not shy or demure around guys, and if you ask her why she'll respond with, "well why are you?'. despite her pint-size, bomi is actually quite the force to be reckoned with. she has the courage of a lion although she is the size of the mouse, her courage stemming from her stupidity and her own baseless confidence. bomi beleives that she is unstoppable. she's pro-girl and anti-douchebag and won't hesitate to pick fights with guys three times her size if they say something ist.

bomi is a source of never-ending entertainment, a real riot. she lacks a mind-to-mouth filter and while she doesn't say rude things, she says rather questionable things, and she most definitely says dumb things like "swans are just larger, ier ducks," or "i want to kiss every bug but they are so small and my lips are so strong," or "i'm just a bean," or "i wish i was a tadpole. i wish i was 10 tadpoles,". is gullible written on the ceiling? bomi looks up to be sure. she finds sentiment in odd things like if a baby grabs her finger or if an animal sniffs her finger or if she gets extra fries in her meal, little things like that make bomi really really happy. bomi is very much into nature and wants to spend the rest of her life with flowers in her hair and sand between her toes. she's all about going green and plants and animals and buggies and just anything involving nature she loves so much.
⇒( its comedy gold ) bomi is the worst at jokes ever okay. "why couldn't the man find his map?" why? "because the man lost his map.
⇒( i got a 16-pack baby ) always laughs at her own jokes so hard that it hurts
⇒( definition of the word "irony" ) bomi can stop a charging bull in its tracks without flinching but let a butterfly pass by and she practically craps herself
⇒( protect every bug ) bomi loves bugs, all kinds of bugs. and she hates people who crush bugs (except for butterflies)
⇒( call me the selfie queen ) has taken over 2000 photos of herself
⇒( bubble ) bomi is very self concious about her and thighs. no matter how hard she tries, no matter how many squats she does, they're still jiggly and fat and its not fair
⇒( midnight snack ) only ever eats cereal at midnight, only eats cheerios, and always adds some peanut butter cookies to it
⇒( animals must be protected at all costs ) animals are her favorite things
⇒( a whole new world ) bomi really loves disney films
⇒( baby maker ) bomi wants to have lots of kids
⇒( doctor doctor, give me the news ) has more than ten pairs of doc martens in different colors.
⇒( makes the world go 'round ) loves soft pretzels
⇒( perfect date ) bomi's ideal date would be getting a projector and then hook up a bunch of old gaming systems to it and then they'd get a galaxy projector and eat soft pretzels and play games bathed in little stars
⇒( hey. shut up ) she hates hates hates nothing more than being told to lose weight
⇒( i'll punish you for messing with a young girl's heart!! ) hates people who point out appearances that they don't like or say things like "you'd be so much prettier if you were taller,"
⇒( 2 cute 4 u ) bomi often uses aegyo to get what she wants

⇒( baby, its fact ) she has a huge soft spot for her cute little boyfriend, joonie. hurt him and prepare to be in a world of hurt
⇒( savant idiot ) one thing bomi knows a lot about are video games. she's a huge game nerd and knows the majority of the history of gaming .
POWER + BACKUP POWER: power - alien physiology (power to use the traits of an extraterrestrial).
               bomi's form of alien physiology comes mostly in the form of plasma attacks, moderate invulnerablilty, and an unkown level of superhuman strength. for plasma attacks, she mostly has plasma bolt projection which allows her to do long-range combat  by shooting circular baby pink plasma balls from her hand. she is also able to engulf something in her plasma energy by exerting a certain amount of energy--the larger the obejct, the more energy she uses. with her moderate invulnerability, radiation attacks don't affect bomi and she could, theoretically, stop a meteor heading towards earth with minimal injuries. bomi's maximum level of strength is unknown. it is speculated that she could shake part of the entire city by slamming her fists on the ground. her emotions alos play a large part in the strength of her plasma abilities, which plays to both her advantage and disadvantage since bomi feels things so strongly. 

back up - enhanced condition (the ability to stay in peak human condition. think captain america).

-enhanced combat, since attacks are more effective
-radiation doesn't hurt
-long range combat
-plasma can serve as a light source

-can have plasma orbs orbit around her, creating a short of force field
-high pain tolerance
-plasma enhanced by emotions

-can't use plasma bolts if her hands are constricted
-firing may, at times, be involuntary or happen in a continuous stream
-invulnerability only applies to external attacks (so telepathic attacks could be leathal)

-exhaustion when too much energy is used, may become immobile
-bomi may be overcharged or even face muscular injury if too much energy is dispeled at once
-has to control (plasma) in order to avoid unneeded destruction
-takes a while to control superhuman strength
-is highly allergic to metallic chromium. it gives her flu-like symptoms and when she sneezes, she releases explosive plasma blasts from her nose and mouth


1997 - 2012: born and raised to two loving parents in seoul, south korea
          1999: parents open adoption center called "little hearts". bomi is very happy with all her new brothers and sisters
           2007: on a cold winter evening, as bomi was walking to the store with her father, she came across a small boy in the alleyway. he was cold and dirty and was drenched by the freezing rain. she approached him with all of the innocence a child could have and said, "do you not have any parents? i know lotsa kids who don't have any parents, they're my brothers and sisters!" the boy wept silently, nose and cheeks flushed red with the beginnings of frostbite. he nodded meekly and when he opened his mouth to speak, his breath reeked of garbage, his only meal for the past two days. "n-no, they left the house while i was at school a-and i got lost trying to find them!" his silent tears turned into desperate wails, "i-i don't wanna be alone anymore, please!!" bomi felt a pang in her chest, she was all too familiar with the harsh relaties of her brothers and sisters--how their parents didn't want them or couldn't care for them--but for some reason, the little boy resonated most with her. she removed her brand-new winter coat and gave it to the boy, "you don't have to be alone, my umma and appa will care for you!!" her father came back after making it to the convenience store and realizing that his daughter wasn't at his side, and immediately brought the boy inside and cared for him
           2012: joonyoung confesses his feelings for bomi. a
fter years of giving her roses for Valentine's Day and getting caught when trying to put in her room a huge bouquet of red roses and a love letter from 'a secret admirer', it was great time he confessed seriously. One winter day, he gathered his courage and told Bomi to go meet him at the park they used to play at. When she arrived, he was waiting for her at an illuminated gazebo with a bouquet of roses - again - and a huge white Teddy Bear. He confessed his love and she accepted him, making him the happiest man, ermh teen on Earth. 
             2012: bomi takes st. pauline's admissions test. to her, it was very difficult, and she got in due to praying, cheating, and crying to the head of admissions to get a little bit of an advantage
2012-2014: life at st. pauline's
               2014: bomi slept through the entire meteor crash. in fact, she thought everything was normal until she had to wander into the science department to fetch some metallic chromium for her chemistry teacher. as soon as she entered, she started sneezing out explosive plasma bolts, effectively destroying the room.

kim hyuna // 4minute // friend // hyuna is very capable and has complete trust in her abilities. the girl's practically perfect, she's beautiful, funny, charismatic, the whole package // the two have seen everything about each other: barefaced, , the aftermath of eating a 7-bean burrito, after no sleep, hyuna and bomi will remain together forever. they will also firecely shoot down any rumours about the other. hyuna is a touchy feely loser who's always looking for an excuse to grab bomi's . she practically worships it and mentions it every five minutes. they like to talk mad smack and sneak in junk food and laze around watching bad movies together. they've actually shared many secrets and insecurities and there have been many times where bomi has cried on hyuna's shoulder, and many times where hyuna cried on bomi's.

cl lee chaerin // 2ne1 // Friend // cl can go on talking about herself for hours. everything is her charm and she claims to have no flaws. despite her seemingly arrogant outside, she's really a giant old ajumma // these two are peas in a pod, they know exactly how to make each other shine. the two are very close and exchange a lot of intimate gestures like cuddling and playing video games. they shower together and do each other's hair and sleep in the same bed. cl would much rather stay in on a friday night, although she can't resist bomi's aegyo and often gets talked into going out, so the two make blanket forts and order chinese food and just in general have a girls night where they do each others makeup and talk about boys. bomi has always been cl's protector and rock, and now its cl's turn to return the favor. they make the worst jokes and laugh like horses at them, and they laugh so hard their abs hurt. the two have seen every side of each other, even the really gross sickly side of each other  

LOVE INTEREST: kim joonyoung (applicant: Soonyangel)
PERSONALITY: see applicant
see applicant
The two of them are currently dating, and have been dating for about 2 years. They've lived together when they were children and know each other by heart. They're really close and it's impossible for them to stay away from each other for a long time, especially for Joonyoung. bomi is very open with him and will tell him anything in the whole wide world. bomi really really loves her joonie, and thinks he's the best boyfriend in the whole world. he'll even go out and get feminine pads if she asked. she always assures him that he doesn't need to shower her in gifts to get her to love him and she does whatever she can to encourage him. and in return, joonie loves her despite her new alien-ness. bomi's always trying to teach him about technology and how to play video games, and she watches fairy tail with him (even though she's not a big anime fan). she leaves a copy of her dorm key under a mat just for joonie when he comes to visit. she's the one to initiate the more deeper skinship like kisses on the lips and rubbing circles on his thighs. she knows her joonie is an innocent one, and she'd never want to force him into doing something he's uncomfortable with. she always protects him ever since he was young and she first met him. she can't help it, her joonie is too kind and sweet and people pick on him a lot, so she destroys them. she doesn't get jealous often, but that's because joonie isn't that popular with girls.
POWER + BACKUP POWER: see applicant

whoops i cut it too short for comfort ha ha
also i totes based her power off of teen titan's starfire bc i love her.
oh and my love interest (soonyangel) recieved an extension
i'll add some later


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