Confessions - stolen from janelovexo

1. Last hug: last month? O.O

2. Last phone call: wif my dad

3. Last text message: to one of my bff

4. Last song you heard: Boyfriend - Dark Carnival

5. Last time you cried:last week


6. Dated someone twice: O_O I have never even had a bf /blush/

7. Been cheated on: yes, the ones i thought they'd be my bffs (i have written about it in a fic, The Life Of A Second Character)

8. Kissed someone & regretted it: On lips? Then no .... cox i have never done that.

9. Lost someone special: Not yet

10. Been depressed: of cox

11. Been drunk and threw up: half yes, half no. I have been drunk for once and i didn't throw up. Lol but my friend told me i sat near the dog and talked to it xD lol it was on the beach and at night so ...... okay i am embarassed now /run away screaming/


12: white 13: sky blue 14: red


15. Made a new friend: Lots

16. Fallen out of love: fallen out of love....? O,o what does that mean?

17. Laughed until you cried : hell yes

18. Met someone who changed you: not yet. But kpop kimda changed me a lil bit tho.

19. Found out who your true friends were: YES!

20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah.

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: I dun even know them outside... But i give a lot of "Chu chu chu"s tho lol YOUR LIFE

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: u mean aff friend list or facebook friend list? If it is aff, no. I am secretly being a author here. If it is fb, there's a lot.

23. How many kids do you want: 2 boy twins and then 2 girl twins.... So 4? XD

24. Do you have any pets: No

25. Do you want to change your name : NO WAY

26. What did you do for your last birthday: spend time wif my bff!! Best birthday ever

27. What time did you wake u today: 6

28. What were you doing at midnight last night : Zzzz...... /dating with my yeobeo,Jo Youngmin, in dreamland/

29. Name something you cannot wait for: Boyfriend comeback!!!!

30. Last thing you had to drink: Lychee

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nothing! Everything is perfect in their own way for me.

32. What are you listening to right now: Pabo - Juniel & Younghwa

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No

34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: No one

35. Most visited webpage: FB.Tumblr.Aff.

36. What’s your real name: .... Guess it!

37. Nicknames: Yoon mi

38. Relationship Status: Single

40. Male or female: Female 44. Write w/e you want here : I am bored........

45. Tall or short: Short

46. Height : SHORT!!!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU ASKING SUCH A SENSITIVE QUESTION?!?! /punches u in the face/ lol

47. Do you have a crush on someone: Yup

48. What do you like about yourself: lips

49. Piercings: Ears

50. Tattoos: no, i dun like them

51. Righty or lefty : Righty FIRSTS:

53. First piercing: 2 yrs ago

54. First best friend: 4 yrs ago

55. First sport you joined: swimming

56. First vacation: I dun remember....


59. Eating: air.... lol i am on diet so i should fill up my tummy with air right?

60. Drinking: air O-O 61. I'm about to: write an update for Dark Prince of Shadows (Taoris hardcore)

62. Listening to: A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

63. Waiting for: ........ YOUR FUTURE:

64. Want kids: Yes

65. Get married: uh huh i am gonna marry with all members of Boyfriend! Just u wait & see!!! Bwa ha ha

66. Career: oncologist


67. Lips or eyes: lips

68. Hugs or kisses: kisses

69. Shorter or taller: Taller

70. Older or Younger: both

71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

72. Nice stomach or nice arms: i dun care

73. Sensitive or loud: none

74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship


76. Kissed a stranger: No

78. Lost glasses/contacts: No

80. Broken someone's heart: No. I was always the one broken by others 82. Been arrested: No

83. Turned someone down: no

84. Cried when someone died: yup

85. Fallen for a friend: no


86. Yourself: Yes

87. Miracles: Yes

88. Love at first sight: YES!

89. Heaven: Yes

91. Kiss on the first date: Yes


94. Had more than 1 boyfriend at a time: NO

95. Did you sing today: well....while taking a shower

96. Ever cheated on somebody: no

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: i dun wanna

98. The moment you would choose:....?


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nananeko #1
it's okay. we are the same (well , most of it including short and doesn't have bf yet but somehow gonna marry Zelo. MAUHAHAHHAHA)
kimsfangirl #2
You are on a diet? But I think you are already thin.