黑珍珠 Black Pearl | Park Yoonji | Miss Cool-As-Ice

park yoonji
Asianpandii // panda or lynn whatever works// 8
» miss cool-as-ice
• Maknae: Called by her brothers as she is the youngest in the family
• Princess: Got that nickname from her family due to how sweet she was, and how bossy
DATE OF BIRTH: February 27, 1992
AGE: 22
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
• Seoul, South Korea~ Birth- 6
• Fairfax, a, U.S~ 6- 18
• Seoul, South Korea~ 18- Present
• Korean~ Native: She has spoken it ever since she was a child
• English~ Fluent: Spoke it for more than 10 years when she moved to America with her brothers
» Showtime
POSITION: Lead Vocal
FANCLUB NAME: YOOwon (Pronounced: You won)

SINGING TWIN: Soyou SISTAR  | Suzy Miss A 
DANCING TWIN: Namjoo APink ​ | Yubin Wonder Girls 
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Despite what people think, Yoonji was never born a quiet person. Since birth, she was always very always wanting to talk and be first. Whether it be first in line or first up the stairs she wanted to be it. She would always scold her brothers for not allowing her to be first when they by walking in front of her or didn't let her be the leader. Let's just say she wasn't the gentlest little girl ever. She would always punch or kick them for doing that even when she was reprimanded by her mother to be kinder, gentler and more elegant being a girl. Did she ever listen though? Hell nah. She stayed her loud, open obnoxious self all through her childhood years until she got to high school. 

Currently she still stays in her little bubble of iness, except letting only a few in including her family and a small amount of close friends. Around them she is still the ruthless little brat she was a kid. Constantly smacking or clearly showing distaste on her face when she doesn't like something. Around her friends she is probably the biggest baby anybody has ever seen. She tends to always be on Koala mode when around her brothers or close friends, always clinging onto them and hating being left alone. She will always show aegyo and try to cheer her friends up when they are sad. Whenever around her friends, she would always be giggling and have a huge grin on her face, something that a stranger who met her before would find strange to see on her face. She was always very selfless and would always think of her friends or family first before thinking of herself and many would say that she was weird due to how much she thought of other people. Even though she is extremely selfless, she is still quiet but can be whiny and loves teasing her friends and family no matter what its about. She always finds out about things. God knows how she finds things out but she always finds out about everything. Whether it be deepest secrets or shushed gossip, she aways knows.

Around friends she may be cute and adorable but in public or around strangers she is a poker-faced, unemotional, uninterested girl who almost never talked. Imagine Mai's face from Avatar X100. Many people stayed away from her due to her uninterested aura and face. She almost never spoke but would talk when someone of authority spoke to her. She hates people thinking she is weak which is why she would kept her heart always on defense and kept her emotions to herself. Whenever she does speak though to others, she would always give some smart remark whether it be extremely obvious or extremely sarcastic. All in all, many people find her a due to how uninterested she always looks and the facts that she pushes everybody who tries to get close to her away.

» Background

Park Yoonji was born in 1992 in Seoul, South Korea. She is the younger sister of both Park Yoochun and Park Yoohwan. As a child Yoonji was an extremely happy carefree girl who always had her big brothers protecting her. Her brothers became idols in Yoonji's eyes and she would always be clinging onto one of them like a koala. Whether it be Chunnie oppa or Hwannie oppa. As long as anybody saw both brothers together then that meant that their little sister was close by. She had a great childhood. Being the youngest, and only daughter, she was spoiled by not only her older brothers but also her parents. Of course she never abused her powers. She was known as the "Living Princess" as a child as she was perfect. Never spoiled, soft-spoken, kind, had great manners etc. She could honestly be described as a "Mary Sue" as a child but that is a lie. She was not perfect. Around her family she was loud and extremely bossy, always wanting to be the "leader." As a child, she believed that the leader was always first so she would constantly push her brothers back and walk ahead of them and order them around and stuff. Of course she was scolded (a lot) by her parents for acting this way but she was just too stubborn to listen.

It was when Yoonji was 6 did the family move to Fairfax, ia. Being still fairly young she got accustomed to the American culture and ways easily. She would constantly speak in slang that her friends taught her and on occasion forget about the Korean custom to always be respectful and bow, which again got her in a lot of trouble. She made friends with a lot of kids and rarely got bullied, except by those little ring of people who are just racist and picked on her only because she was Korean. The children were forced by their parents to take martial arts lessons as they thought it would keep them safer. It was during high school where she first started singing. She had joined the school choir, after being pesterised by the teacher who was always the band teacher which was a class she was apart of. She was constantly complimented for her voice and felt proud of herself for that. It was actually because of her voice did she suffer the most traumatizing event of her life.

It was her final year in highschool and she was proud of herself and her high school life. She had made great friends, gained the trust of many teachers and got above average grades. She had finally landed herself a solo in her school's musical and she was ecstatic. It was opening night and she sung her heart out. After the show a bunch of friends got together for a group dinner in celebration. Being the babo that she is she forgot her bag and went back to the theatre to grab it. She was stopped by an akward, shy guy from her Chemistry class whom claimed that he couldn't find his glasses. Being the sweet girl she is she offered to help him. Hah too bad she didn't know that he was crazy. Turns out that he had been stalking her since the day he saw her which was during her second year in highschool when he transferred. He loved her voice and wanted to make her his so he locked her inside the control room and tried to do "it" with her, after finding both his glasses and her bag. She was able to push him off due to him being skinny as a twig and the martial arts lessons. She ran off and went straight home, begging her parents to leave Fairfax. The couple was confused and shocked. They knew Yoonji loved it there but nevertheless agreed as they believed that she needed to connect back to her roots in South Korea. She left the moment she graduated and avoided the stalker. To this day she has never breathed a word about what had happened that day in the control room and slowly shut herself off from the rest of the world. To prevent something lilke that ever happening again she grew quiet and unemotional except to those whom she really trusted. 

She joined SM when she went back to South Korea as she did not want to stop singing because of one terrible thing. She joined their Weekly Audition and got in. She knew all the crap that her brother and SM faced but she felt that through her brothers rants about how terrible the company is she somehow got some sort of connection with it and desired to train there. During her trainee yers she was extremely distant. Sung well but never really associated with anybody for too long. She was the cliche wallflower. The one nobody noticed as she hid her singing abilities, except for Weekly Assesment, and moved away from the spotlight. Her real close friend that she had at SM was Shim Changmi and Jung Yunho, whom she rarely got to see due to their busy schedules as being "the kings." They were like more big brothers to her and helped push her through her trainee years. They were just as supportive as her own older brothers were and would she would constantly be the bridge that connected them to JYJ as they still wanted to be brothers but had no way of communicating except through her.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • Roses: They are her favourite flowers and have loved them since she was a little girl
  • Citrus Fruits: Loves the way it smells and tastes, the only fruits that she'll eat
  • Ice Cream: Has a small (large) addiction to it and is currently going through Ice Cream depression (self made. When she is craving ice cream and doesn't get it she goes into a small state of depression which can be cured by a bucket of ice cream). For her all ice cream is her favourite flavour.
  • Mango Pudding: She has the same obsession with mango pudding as she does with Ice Cream
  • Green Tea: One of her favourite things in the world, will eat anything green tea but her favourite is green tea pocky
  • Thai Food: She loves the mix of sweet and spicy
  • Her Cell Phone : It is her life and would be lost without it. She even named it Lisa. Her phone
  • Junggigo: Her favourite artist. Absolutely in love with his voice and is his #1 fan
  • Perfume: She likes wearing perfume to smell nice but hate's it when people spray too much. A little goes a long way in her opinion
  • Acoustic: Loves how clean it sounds and how natural it is without all the electronic crap people put in music nowadays
» Dislikes
  • Loud Music: No. Just No. She will refuse. Needless to say she hates clubs
  • Yellow: She hates the colour and finds it super ugly
  • Candy: She doesn't liike it due to it being too sweet
  • Drama: Hates it and likes things getting straight to the point. Cannot watch KDramas
  • Carrots: Hates and calls it the devil's food
» Fears
  • Centipedes: They are a big bundle of nope for her. She hates how creepy and crawly they are and will immediately go on Koala mode to the closest person if she sees one
  • Birds: Specifically Chickens as she was chased by one when she was a kid and developed a fear of them but has no problem eating them
  • China Dolls: Scared that they will come alive and kill her
  • Deserts: Feels like she will sink if she goes on it
  • Windchimes: Has a strange fear of the sound of windchimes
» hobbies
  • one: Listening to music
  • two: Loves playing her guitar
  • three: Loves watching people and how they act even though she always looks uninterested
  • four: Curling up on a sofa with a blanket and watching tv shows
  • five: Eating
» Habits
  • one: Pushing people. Both physically and mentally
  • two: Walking around while brushing her teeth (can't stand still)
  • three: Laughing or crying in her sleep
  • four: Talking in her sleep
  • five: Looking down and biting her lip when nervous
» Trivia
  • one: Sister of two famous people. Park Yoochun (former DBSK current JYJ) and Park Yoohwan (Actor)
  • two: English name is Nicky Park
  • three: Made a brief appearance in Junsu's Tarantallegra at 1:54 -1:55 
  • four: Ideal type is a guy who loves her for her and has a great voice
  • five: Hero is Adele
  • six: Has perfect vision
  • seven: Can play the violin, guitar and piano
  • eight: Took latin dance classes when she was in highschool 
  • nine: If she's doing something then she can't focus on that one thing. She has to multitask at all times
  • ten: Favourite Kpop group is Akdong Musician, loves Chanyuk
  • eleven: Has small hands and feet
  • twelve: Great actress
  • thirteen: Has a super low alchohol tolerance and get's slightly tipsy at a small sip and drunk at half a glass
  • fourteen: Has been fairly close with Shim Changmin ever since his debut due to him being in the same band as her brother
  • fifteen: Uses an Iphone 4S instead of the mainstream Samsung
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
must be something
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics

How to describe Chen. Oh goodness, let's just start with that he is a total crack head. Ok no not literally, he has never done drugs in his life but he always acts like he's high. He's crazy and acts like he eats 6 large pixie sticks an hour. Ok so he doesn't but nobody could be able to tell. He will always say weird things at weird times and makes things super awkward at times. He gets super comfortable around people quickly and complains about personal matters that people may not be comfortable hearing or matters that they just don't care about, for example she had a 15 minute rant to Xiumin about how annoying his roomate is. He is the neighbourhood troll, part time jokester/prankster and part time smart . He will troll anybody any chance he gets and will constantly be pulling pranks on them. Whether that be putting green dye in someones shampoo to swapping out detergent with bath salts. Let's just say that he is extremely funny but can take things too far at times. Has he hurt anybody yet with his pranks? No not yet. YET. He is a huge smart . He will either always point out the obvious or just give the cheekiest comments ever. He has a great sense of humour and will laugh at practically everything. He knows how to have fun and always lives life to the extreme. 

Alright so we know that he is a crazy boy with great humour but he still, like all humans has his bad traits. He will always keep his nose out of other people's business but not because he is being kind but because he just doesn't care. That's one of his flaws, the fact that a lot of the time he just doesn't care about others or their feelings. He has tried to get himself to care but as some people say, nature is stronger than nurture. He is very self-centered and will always be thinking of what is best for himself, unless he decides to think about others which he rarely does. Not because he doesn't want to, but because most of the time the thought just does not cross his mind. He is very impulsive and will do whatever comes to mind before thinking about it. For Chen chen what's his is his. Period. He is extremely possesive and will literally kill anybody who tries to take it from him. Whether it be people or possesion. It is HIS item and he will not hesitate to ruin anybody's life who takes it. 


Yoonji and Chen have a very interesting relationship. You know how it is usually the girl going "Oh oppa saranghae. Oh oppa have my babies. Oh oppa I love you" and all that crap? Yeah Yoonji doesn't do that. At all. Hell she finds Chen extremely annoying. Ever since they met he has been trying to break down her walls. Always acting crazy and making her try new things and break down her pokerface, which Yoonji refuses to do. He will always be a happy, smiling bundle of sunshine who can make everybody laugh while she is the gloomy, depressing clouds of darkness and despair. She is constantly pushing him away and will refuse to allow him to get close to her as she finds him untrustworthy due to his big mouth whhen in reality he is probably the most trustowrthy person anybody has every met. What he is told will never be repeated from the boys mouth and he will only keep it to himself.

Many may ask how these two very opposite people meet? When they actually met when she was with TVXQ Oppas. They were laughing, giggling and goofing off in the practice room, yes Yoonji was goofing off as she is practically family with TVXQ and has no need to put up a pokerface around them. Chen was extremely suspicious as to why there was girl laughter coming from the practice room and he needed an answer. Of course after coming up with a million assumptions as to what his sunbaes were doing. He dragged Lay along with him and the two barged right in. Of course they apologized after as it was quite rude but they found it suspicious to see how one of the most quiet trainees was the only female in the room. Alone with ther sunbaes. Whom was just heard laughing with a female. Could the laugh been from the quite trainee? Of course, being Chen he was suspicious and ever since then he has been bugging her to see if his theory was correct.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Ok so I really like how authornim created plotlines that are super unique. D; I hope she's ok and that she'll come back TT^TT AUTHORNIM HWAITING
SUGGESTIONS: Ummmm noting really :P
~Weekly Idol and during the random dance play have someone mess up and as punishment have to call one of their guy idol friends (preferably their love interest) and confess their love (OMG IF IT IS YOONJI I WILL LOVE YOU BECAUSE JUST IMAGINE HOW AWKWARD THAT WOULD BE)
~Have a sweet brother sister reunion between Yoonji and Yoochun? OMG NO A SWEET DBSK REUNION DURING BLACK PEARLS DEBUT STAGE OR SOMETHIN
~Fluff between Chen Chen and Yoonji
~Omg internal conflict to make the fanfic seem more real. Or like conflict between a member and someone in EXO? (Not their Love Interest)
PASSWORD: Purple and Black (Two different colours and two different songs cuz honestly these two are tied right now and I can't pick a facourite kekeke. But can I just say that Rain is like. One of the iest creatures alive when dancing)
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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