
Yesterday I came home from school and was minding my own business being happy because the teacher I hate at my school is leaving!! *party*

Well I had my phone upstairs and my laptop and Ipad there to so I was oblivious to the announcemet of the giveaway winner of a giveaway I entered not actually thinking I would stand a chance in winning against the other fans............

Well the lady who was doing it messaged me on facebook, telling me if I had seen her post and the giveaway announcement and I said no I had not but should I check it out... and she was like 'yes do check it out' so I sat here watching the video but suddenly she started reading out the comment of the Winner.... and my heart rate trippled it was my comment....... I was like no way there is like no way in hell that I won....

But at the end of the comment she showed it and IT SAID MY NAME IT SAID ME OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY PARTY PARTY PARTY

And I won a Poster of Taemin and 5 pairs of SHINee socks and guess what TAEMIN IS MY BIAS IN SHINee ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH




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Congrats :D
Wonapham #2
Aww...congrats :3