EXO Members + Elements n



Name: Kim Jong Dae

Element: Fire

Specialty: Able to create and redirect lightning at will.




Name: Huang Zi Tao

Element: Water

Specialty: Can bloodbend not only animals, but humans, at any given time.




Name: Zhang Yi Xing

Element: Water

Specialty: Can heal any living thing or anything that has died within the past 24 hours.




Name: Kim Min Seok

Element: Water

Specialty: Abnormally strong frost. The temperature of something frozen by him is far colder than anything frozen by anyone else.




Name: Wu Yi Fan

Element: Air

Specialty: Can fly to extreme altitudes at insane speeds with no problem.




Name: Lu Han

Element: Air

Specialty: Telekinesis, the ability to move faraway objects with your mind, without physically touching them.




Name: Park Chan Yeol

Element: Fire

Specialty: Power of the Phoenix rests within him.




Name: Byun Baek Hyun

Element: Fire

Specialty: Creates lightbeams that can permanently blind someone if direct contact is made




Name: Do Kyung Soo

Element: Earth

Specialty: Earth waves: waves of rock to ride on as a form of transportation.




Name: Kim Jong In

Element: Air

Specialty: Long-distance air travel used in the form of teleportation.




Name: Kim Jun Myeon

Element: Water

Specialty: Highly skilled at using octopus form.




Name: Oh Se Hun

Element: Air

Specialty: The longest-lasting and most durable air spouts known to exist have been created by him, and can create disastrous tornados that last for extended periods of time.


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KpopLover415 #1
such amaze.
me curious.
/wait patient now/