Symphony Entertainment - Kimmi




username — Lulyssahyun


nickname — Kimmi, Mia, Kimdi or Kimchi (lol)


activity rate — 8-9




name — Kimya Lu


nickname — Stage name: Kimmi // Nicknames: Same as above


birthdate — 1st of January 1996




face claim — Yoon Ara


gallery — Here! and Here!


backup face claim —Kang Sura


gallery — Here! and Here!


tell me tell me


likes — Music, cats (fluffy animals in general), cofee, sweet things, books


dislikes — Heights, fast speeds, closed spaces, bugs, SNAKES, little kids


hobbies — Singing, hip hop, reading and writing, internet, drawing


habits — fiddiling with her hair when she's worried, a restless sleeper, biting her lips, humming her fave songs under her breath, changing to different languages when she's talking very fast


trivias — Has the same birthday as SJ's Sungim (but he's 10 years older), is alergic to Asprin, is a persian-korean who was brought up in England, is the eldest of two kids, plays the flute


audition song links --




comments/suggestions — I actually speak both English and Persian fluently, but my Korean is only basic. I'm trying to learn more  but  my pronunciation may be a tad bit off!






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