It's nearly time!

Today is Monday.. On Friday I am leaving England for 2 weeks...... But I'm scared of the flight.... To think that in 4 days I could die... I'm going to cry... I honestly don't want to go..... 

Why do I have to be scared of planes and flying ..... My family are so excited and are smiling jumping around packing their bags... And I'm alone on the verge of crying not wanting to go anywhere near the plane.... 

*sobs* Yesterday my mum was talking to the other lady we are going with who has 3 children so all together 3 children and 2 teens (me and the oldest daughter out of the 3 are teens we are both nearly 16) out of all of us I'm the oldest and stuff yea... Well they were talking and I was getting more and more scared that's when my mum said that she would go to the doctors and get a drug that would make me sleepy and not know what's happening own mother wants to drug me to get me on a plane.... Last time she did that the plane got delayed and I came back to normal and started freaking out like crazy....... 

..... Does anyone have advice..........


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