

XD hi ya guys.... well exam finished last friday ...ㅋㅋㅋ but i wemt to 2ne1 concert on saturday.... 


Me and my friends waited for the stadium door to open for 6 hours in the heavy rain...and all the fans waiting outside got soaked. And i got sick when i came back home because of the cold air in stadium and me being wet. XD 


Well i just recovered today... oh i miss 2ne1!! Park Bom is perfect even when looking from afar!! And mizy is damn hot...x3 omg and dara was running around the stage hopping here and there... damn cute. X3 even CL was cute when she forgot to go back to their original position bcoz she was busy giving fan servjce at the corner.... Bommie looked a bit tired at first because she was not feeling well. But after 3 or 4 songs she began to smile!! XD oh my bommie~~~♡♡♡ 


Anyway... i am gonna start typing up yes, master... so yea... maybe tmr or the day after tmr i will upload the new chapter~

Horork~~~ lol


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baekxiu #1
waiting yes master....