EXO-L website....

Right so for the past 2 days I have been trying over and over again to register for that damn website! Now I am so pissed I can't believe it's being like this yes I understand many people are trying at the same time... But for me it's urgent I'm leaving my country in 9 hours (as scared as I am) I am pissed off that it won't let me register, I'm leaving my house at 4am and I need this arhhhhh 

Am I the only one here having trouble registering.....


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I've been trying since Tuesday and at first I couldn't even get to the website and now it won't let me register after I've typed all my info it comes up with the message saying there are roo many people on. I've tryed so many times and hope I can get in before the deadline ( apparently there is one) good luck :)
I know... *sigh* I've been trying it more than twice. But Idk if it'll work now. We have so many EXO fans. So many...
Ahh I had the same problem for 2 days :/ What I did was I kept on signing up (It's best to register on the computer so you won't get any trouble with the -terms and conditions- boxes) and just keep on pressing the 'subscribed' button.Like I literally just kept on pressing it.If you get an error page,just keep on refreshing and going back the sign up page and try again.