Dark & Wild Status update!

Hello everybody!

It's 9:51 am here in Spain and here I am! (Courtesy of my cutie dog who has woken me up and left without regret).

Well first of all, thanks to everyone who's showing interest in Dark & Wild. I didn't expect that much love~

Honestly I really like the idea and I was afraid of disappointing myself and you of course. Yeah I just said WAS because *double drum roll* yesterday night (more like this morning at 3 am) I completed the Spanish version! Wooooooho!

I'm not used to write in Spanish lol but I reaaaaaaaaally like how it turned out to be! I wrote it divided in parts and I think everything has something like a flow (?) that makes the lecture fluent and I do like that smoothness. I kind of feel proud hahaha

I'm not going to lie, it's quite long so I'll have to upload it in two parts because I don't want you to miss anything. It has a few quotes and sentences all over the story that I want you to notice ^-^

So, I'll write the English version this weekend, please wait a little bit more!

Hope you'll have a woooooooooonderful weekend and eat lots of delicious food :3


- Mónica.


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