I need a hug *opens arms* >~<

Hey everyone......

I have this friend that I love so ing much that I would die for her... This friend means the world to me and I nearly lost her.... Because I ing messed up... And ever since I did this I have watched her destroy herself and I can't do it anymore.. I have tried everything in my power but she says she's fine... I am crying 

Im crying so much I can't even process the situation anymore..

I just want to take all her problems and give them to myself in exchange for my happiness... She can take my happiness as long as she is okay I am fine... If I could take her problems away and give them to myself I will destroy them by destroying myself... One less person for the world to worry about....


sorry everyone ..

...I really want a massive long hug right now....


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I'll give you a hug!~ ^_^ Stay strong!
Ohhhh...poor her..
I feels the same too. For someone if I wish I could exchange my happiness with that person....

We dont know each other but if u wanna hug, I can give u one ^^
I know how you feel. I hope you can feel better soon
tyn_can #4
*a warm.

Ooops sorry for the typo.
tyn_can #5
Ohh sad to hear that. Sending you are big wark tight hug