Carméline || Han Yoonmi


username: zelouhan-exoticbaby
nickname: joyce
activeness(1-10): 9
415 x 400

Chinese - Xi Yanmei


- Yoon - this is the short way of calling her. Most of her friends call her with this name

BIRTHDAY + AGE - 11 11 1996 + 18 years old

BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN - Born at Seoul, South Korea but they moved to Beijing, China when she was 7 years old.


ETHNICITY - Korean-Chinese

HEIGHT - 168 cm

WEIGHT - 50 kg



- chinese ( fluet )
- korean ( fluent )
- english ( semi-fluent. She only uses the basic english words and she's sometimes troubled understanding a deep native english words )

416 x 310
Face Claim
kim shinyeong
416 x 310
back up Face Claim
park jihyun

APPEARANCE: Yoonmi have a long medim mahogany brown-colored natural straight hair that falls down  smoothly up to her waist, when she's in mood, she curled it. She still have the natural pinkish white soft skin because she loves taking care of her body. She have a petite body size with long legs. Her eyes are dark brown with a downturned-shaped. She have 2 contact lense, the first one which she used everyday is the transparent with grade and the other one which she use for special occasions is a black doll eyes. When she's lazy to wear contacts, she just uses her black specs. She have a piercing on her ear but she rarely wear earrings because they easily irritates her ears. 

STYLE: She likes to wear anything that looks comfortable and girly. Her favorite kinds of clothes are usually, dresses and shorts. Though she's fine with any style, when it comes too colors, she's totally picky. She totally hates wearing clothes with the color of brown and yellow. When it comes to shoes or sandals, she preferably wear doll shoes or sneakers that are colored with black, red, pink, blue or white. High heels are fine but she rarely used it, these kinds are only for special occasions. Her hairs always falls straight or wavy down to her waist, she rarely put it on a bun or in a ponytale because she's to lazy to do any simple styles on her hair. 

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Airport: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 56 | 7 | 8
Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

(+) Optimistic, Childish, Outgoing, Nice
(-) Blunt, Lazy, Arrogant, Stuborn


She’s really a bubbly, nice and down to earth type of girl but she can be outgoing and crazy when she’s comfortable to those she knows well. She always gives her ultimately best just to achieve her goal as a good idol. She's serious when it comes to practicing especially in performing and she doesn’t want her hard works gone to waste. And another reason why she wants to be a successful idol, she wants her parents to be proud of her and accept her as an idol and be supportive on her goals in life. She gives her best in fan service, variety shows and guesting. Fans like and idolize her because there is a characteristic of her that makes her stand out from the rest of the idols they know. When you really meet the real her, you'll enjoy being with her. She's fun to be with.

She is a girl who has a millions of dreams to achieve and will do everything to acquire these dreams of her. She would always risk every chance she has to obtain what she wants. She is  not so brave girl but will conquer it for her love to her family and friends. Despite her strong personality, she is sensitive and emotional unstable. She's also a girl who always wear a bright smile on her face. She likes to comfort people especially those who are so close to her hearts. She sensitive when her love ones are hurt. She loves bringing happiness to them since they're the one who bring joy to her.

She is an optimistic girl that always has a postive view in life and believes that challenges are just a tool to people to become strong. She always look at the bright side. She always hope for a favorable, positive outcome. No matter what hurtful words people say to her, no matter how people disgusted her, she always stays happy though it hurts her sometimes. She always tell to herself that it is just a stage of becoming a great person. It is just a simple obstacle that should be pass to achieve her goals.

She's also childish most of the times. She has a great sense of humor. When she's in a really good mood, she cracks jokes that would make her friends laugh and sometimes, whatever came out in her mind, without even thinking she will blurt out the lamest joke that doesn't even exist in other planets. She can also be the most talkative person you'll ever met. Whatever runs in her mind, she will share it. Whatever she wanted share, she will speak it out especially when she loves the topic. When her very talkative side activated, will never stop moving, it seems like she isn't breathing anymore.

She also have a bad side. Often, Yoonmi's not aware of her own behavior and doesn't want to recognize that sometimes she is being arrogant and stubborn. Since she achieved many of her dreams already and she was a top student, She ignores or downplays good ideas from others, as she cannot accept that others might have better ideas than herself that is why it is also difficult to argue with her. She's too over confident and not willing to hear others opinion.

She can also be called  a lazy-. She doesnt' like helping her co-members. Well not necessarily doesn't want to help them everytime there's a work to do. Since they're 8? on the dorm, she prefers to stay comfortable on the couch and watch, eat or use internet all day than to waste her energy in cleaning the house, washing dishes and being a "servant" to others.

She's always straight to the point, she doesn't like putting flowery stuffs in her sentence. She's a girl who proudly shouts out the truth. If she found something bad or good, she don't hesitate to tell it. She can also be one of the most competetive person standing on earth. Losing is what she hates most. Losing can't be found in her vocabulary. She's a very passionate girl who is full of confidence and never run out of ideas. She'll always bring out the best in her to achieve what she wants. She'll do everything and won't stop 'till everything in her plan is running smoothly and it seems just the way she wanted.


Yoonmi comes from a wealthy family. She live most of her childhood life at Korea  ‘till her father got promoted in China, that means they have to fly back to China and lived there. From then on, their status from good it becomes better. And now, they own a big Oil Company at China. She’s the only child so she’s the one and only heiress of their company which she hates. Her parents strongly disagree on her decision of travelling in Korea and fulfilling her dream as an idol.

She is one of the Top 3 in her school that's why her parents expect more something her. Yoonmi began listening to Kpop when she was 10.  From the first time she did it, she got addicted to it and all those songs never got out of her mind. She did some research about Kpop then she found lots of amazing songs, music videos, and variety shows that always make her laugh out loud.  She was really mesmerized with Hallyu wave, they're totally flabbergasting. Since that day, she dreamed to be one of those Kpop idols singing, dancing, rapping or rather performing in stage infront of the spotlight with fans supporting, idolizing you, and the most important reason is because she is being loved for who she really is.

During her birthday, she asked her parents for their permission of letting her fly to korea and become what she wanted. They made a deal that they'll fully support her during her trainee days until she becomes a real idol, but if she didn't debuted as an idol withing 5 years, they'll send her to Cambridge so she could study about business management.

During her stay in China, she was also enrolled in a talent school and she was in a class specialized for singing so she could enhance her talent and make it more amazing. 



Father || Han Hongjae || 50 || CEO in an Oil Company || strict, competetive but nice and loving
Mother || Jiǎng Huiqing || 47 || manager in their company || caring,  understanding, supportive


Choi Danbi  || 20 || college student || creative, adventurous, cheerful  ||  when they're both bored to death, they always explore different part of seoul and they also daydream together. They only share their deepest secret with each other. When Yoonmi's down, Danbi always cheers her up and when the DAnbi is sad, Yoonmi always treats her with her favorite food. They both love doing crazy and impossible task. They always seeks for adventure.



Byun Baekhyun || 22 || idol (EXO) || funny, sassy, loud || They are like siblings. Because Yoonmi forgets some of the Korean words, Baek teaches her. They also play video games and eat ice cream on free time
Kim Jiwon (Bobby) || 20 || idol(iKon)/YG Trainee || mood maker, supportive || They spend talking each other about their hometown, on how it looks like, what's the taste of the food and more. Bobby comes from America while Yoonmi is from China. They shared funny, embarassing and difficult days of their lives. They also cheer and encourage each other not to lose hope and also they tend to compose song/raps on free time
Name || Age || Occupation || Traits || Interaction*
Name || Age || Occupation || Traits || Interaction*
- please use shift+enter to add more



-  chocolates (ice creams, cakes, beverages, anything that is flavored chocolate)
-  colors black, Pink, White, Blue
-  dogs
-  amusement and theme parks
-  winter
-  night
-  Pearl shakes and Frappe
-  ghost stories
-  watching any genre of movies except pure romance and war
-  reading
-  ice waffles and ice cream sandwich
-  Graham balls
-  anime



-  Crowded and Noisy Areas
-  Very Hot weather
-  Sea foods
-  back stabbers
-  vegetables, raisins and anything that is flavored cinnamon or nut
-  bugs
-  Being embarrassed
-  Using hers stuffs without permission
-  Annoying people
-  Flirting
-  Bashers


- Mumbling curses in 3 different languages
- Doesn't want her hair to be cut short
- she Sleep talks and sleep walks
- Loves Travelling
- She loves swimming but she doesn’t even know how to swim
- She lost her phone and it was found inside a refrigerator
-  has 2 dogs named Bomi and Jambi
-  Before she goes back home, she always eats ice waffle or drinks chocolate pearl shakes

-  She's afraid to ride very high Ferris wheel, viking and drop tower because she always feels that her soul is leaving her body, her heart is going to pop out of her chest and everything inside her is turning upside down
-  Being alone in a dark room with a huge mirror is also her fear, after watching the movie "Mirrors" she was really terrified and scared with it and she's afraid that something like that would happen to her


-  Reading fanfictions
-  Listening to music until she falls asleep
-  composing songs
-  taking selcas
-  searching for wifi
- watching anime


- Happy - hits anyone near her, hug something she's holding
- Sad - stays quiet, forcing her self not to cry, stay in her bedroom and lock the door
- Angry - sends death glare, clenches her fist, and if she is holding something she squeezes it as hard as she can
- Nervous - she speaks very fast when you're talking to her, she also tends to shout/jumps/hit her face/walk round and round
- Lying - avoids eye contact, fiddles with her fingers, bites her lips
- Shy - smiles, always looking on the ground, she blush
- When watching horror movies, she covered her ears instead of  her eyes, as well as inside a horror house
- Irritated - frowns, cursing under her breath
- always looking at the time

404 x 310



BIRTHDATE + AGE: April 12, 1994 + 20 years old



PERSONALITY: For Yoonmi, Sehun is a cocky erted annoying selfish jerk who always wants to be the center of attention but the truth is Sehun is a nice, childish, cute manly sweet boy. He is also very easy-going and a bit mischievous. He loves to play pranks and that’s the only thing we’re common, I guess. His sociable nature makes him more popular in the industry and gain more friends. Everyone view him as a lively, handsome, talented, hardworking, smart, sweet boy. His feelings are always unexplainable and he cannot let it out well. The number one personality that everyone loves about Sehun is that he's persistent; He'll do everything to achieve his goals. He don't give up easily especially for love.


HOW YOU MET: Yoonmi first met Sehun when it's her 1st day in Seoul. She was walking in the street when she noticed that someone was following her and the hooded guy is holding her wallet. Goosebumps grew all over Yoonmi's body. She started panicking and adrenaline rush came that made her speed of walking increase and the guy (Sehun) copied her action. Yoonmi is really scared so decided to make a run for it but Sehun is still running at her back then she saw a guard and ran towards him and shouted "HELP". She hid behind the guard and she told him that someone stole her wallet and that person is also following her. Sehun stood infront of the guard dumbfounded. His chest is rising up and down rapidly. She pointed at him and told the guard that it was that person. Sehun panicked as he tried to explain himself and speak out his reasons but he just muttered incoherent words so he was brought to the jail. When he finally has guts, he told Yoonmi that she dropped her wallet and he was just trying to return it to her.


INTERACTIONS: Her day would never be complete without him insulting her. They always fight even in a very small thing. When they fight, they’re like two kids fighting for one candy. But there are also times when they are nice on each other and they even look like a cute couple.

On stage, they just smile at each other and rarely talked to each other but when they're at the back stage, that's the time they start to bicker and teased each other.



BACK-UP: Kim Jong In

404 x 310

LOVE RIVAL: (optional)





PERSONALITY: at least one paragraph

HOW YOU MET: at least one paragraph


INTERACTIONS: at least one paragraph


RELATIONSHIP: refrain from dating


BACK-UP: just in case

410 x 288

RIVAL: Bang Minah


BIRTHDATE + AGE: May 13, 1993 + 21 years old

GROUP: Girl's Day


PERSONALITY: She’s nice almost to everyone except to the trainees and rookies. She's a very hardworking girl and doesn't want anything blocking her way to achieve her goals. She loves what she do. She's considered a two-faced according to the trainees and also bigmouthed. She likes spreading unfavorable rumors which may cause a bad issue to an idol. She is also too vain. She always worried on she'll look, on how people look at her. She considers herself to beautiful, precious and important. She tends to think that everyone likes or loves her, idolize her and always on her side that's why she have confidence that is as high as the tallest mountain in the world may also be consider a flirt.


HOW YOU MET: They met at the backstage of Mnet before Carmeline's comeback performance


INTERACTIONS: When we saw each other, we usually glared and exchange evil gazes. When no one's around, that's the only time we could bicker at each other.


WHY ARE YOU RIVALS: She dislikes Yoonmi because she feels that Yoonmi is a threat in her career and she also likes Sehun


BACK-UP: Krystal Jung



PERSONA: Unpredictable Empress

POSITION: Main Vocal, Rapper

BACK UP POSITION: Lead Vocal, dancer




DANCING TWIN: Sulli (f(x))

RAPPING TWIN: Sulli (f(x))

TALKING TWIN: Bomi (Apink)



TRAINEE LIFE: the auditioned at SM Youth Global Competition 2012 and luckily, she was one of the few lucky contestants who passed. At first, Yoonmi was quiet to everyone, she prefers to be alone. She felt really small and like an outsider as if i didn't fit in, but that all changes. It was hard for the first few days but then it got easier. Her instructors are really good instructors.  During her trainne days, it was pretty hard for her. There are always competitions and tight rigorous schedules. All trainees are very competitve, some are nice and some are bullies. Yoonmi was not an exeption. She was also bullied by some of the korean trainees, when they saw her, they scowl and make faces at her. Sometimes they also shoved her away when they're passing by her. As time goes by, she met new friends, and she became close with them. Slowly, she became open and friendly. She also gives encouragement to her friends when they are going to performed.


​- none


- none

COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: Hope you like her and Goodluck with this applyfic ^_^ I'm sorry also if I put too many scene requests 



-  EXO and Carmeline at Lotte World
-  Black Ocean, WGM, Running Man, Weekly Idol 
​-  Before their comeback, one of the members will be in a car accident
-  Collaboration of some EXO members and Carmeline members as a sub-unit
​-  Truth or Dare
-  Sehun and Yoonmi were both forced by their co-members to ride a roller coster and both of them almost passed out because of nervousness
​-  Sehun and Yoonmi have an ice cream eating contest and the next day, both of them are sick
- Carmeline and EXO were busy spazzing and daydreaming while watching a romantic movie, meanwhile Yoonmi and Sehun were fighting because of popcorn then later on they got tired and end up sleeping during the rest of the movie
​-  Sehun and Yoonmi playing on stage at SM+YG+JYP concert
- Some members will star on a drama shows or become an MC on some shows








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