ㅤ❛ ON WINDSOR, AXEL (still a wip, but it'll be updated, y'know?)

— "sometimes things are bull. but that bull gets people to believe, right?"

axel windsor.
rosevold  micro  5.4/10
nameaxel windsor.
dob & age10/06. 17
windy. a nickname given to him by tony stark, deriving from his last name. he doesn't actually like it, but it's caught on with the rest of the project l, since peter still calls him by the nickname.
ethnicitysome sort of european-japanese mix.
special ablitycauses illusions.
faceclaimconan gray
backup faceclaimi don't need this but you guys do sO this is important y'all!!!
appearance. axel is extremely put together and uptight. his back is always straight and his posture is utterly fantastic. it's like there's a string keeping him straight at all times. the only time he really lets out is when he's around the people that he's closest to. he has a crooked finger—his left ring finger. he's never really said why he got it before.
fashion. for someone so put together, his clothing style is so... loose? there's been a rumor at the academy that axel is a time traveler from the 80's, if that's a way to get an idea about how he wears his clothes. high waisted, baggy pants, baggy, big, bright and colorful shirts, oh, and short shorts aren't too odd for a boy like him. 
when it comes to training, he wears the entire tracksuit. he doesn't always have to do physical fighting (peter makes him. axel hates it.) but when he does, it gets a little hot, so if he ever takes off the track jacket, which almost always has a bright shirt under it that definitely does not match the navy blue sweatpants of the training uniform.  
physical quirksdo they have a lisp? is there a certain pattern in the way they speak? a little subconcious habit that they do, like twiddle with their thumbs when they think. 
personality. let's get down to business, since that's the only type of axel you'll see most of the time. while he is one of the students of the academy, he's also been one of the first members. kids see him as this veteren figure.
ㅤhe's a guiding hand to the new students, acting as the person who introduces everyone to the systems. when it comes to the school, he's all business. he's serious about it because, well—that's like his baby, you know? axel definitely doesn't want people ing around with his baby. this causes a more robotic introduction to most students. and even though he's smiling, he doesn't seem real. more like a stark invention of a very, very clever ai. 
ㅤaxel is the epitome of a perfectionist. he strives for everything to go right, even if it's unrealistixc. that's why he's taking project l (his other baby) so seriously. he wants everything to go right. and yes, these are totally different people from the originals, but this is so important to him and literally the whole world. 
ㅤhe's also really stubborn. maybe that's due to his perfectionism, but sometimes, when he thinks he's right, he doesn't want to listen. he's not always the most open minded person when it comes to things he comes up with. it takes an army of people (or one tony stark) to set him striaght in times like this. 
ㅤeasing out of the serious aspects, let's talk about axel when he's not all "the academy, blah blah blah, project l, blah blah blah" and more when he's more axel. (yeah, makes sense, right?) axel's dorky, and geeky, and an all out nerd. he grew up on dnd, and comic books, and star trek. of course he's a nerd. 
ㅤif kids ever saw axel acting like himself, most would probably think, "????? he's a real person???" because they don't ever see him smile at school. but when he's around people like peter, he smiles a lot
ㅤthe kid loves music. you'll see him with headphones plugged into his ears if he's not talking. and when he is talking, sometimes it can be really sarcastic. the sarcastic part, however, comes up very often. you'll often see or hear axel make a little side remark. it could be about someone's stance, or their attitude, or the fact that they aren't the one in charge here so they should probably  off, but hey, it's just a suggestion. 
(will add more, but this is the basis. things to add: don't with axel's clipboard. like, really. do not. also his insane creativity.)
abilitiesaccording to his mother, axel's powers manifested when he was 3 years old, but he can't actually remember it. his mom told him that she was suddenly seeing things in front of her,things that shouldn't be there. it only happened when axel was crying or whining, then it would die down.
she told him that it would occur for awhile, but when he was 6, it seemed to have stopped completely. it wasn't until axel turned 13 that the powers had started to resurface. this was his time to really hone in on his skills. 
his creativity grew miles because of this. with the power to cause illusions, to make people see, feel, hear, taste and smell things, he needed to expand his line of thinking. think outside the box, if you will. 
as said before, axel has the ability to create illusions. he creates this imaginary stimulus to any one (or more) of the senses. he's had nearly 4 years to master his skills. at first, it caused him to get very tired, maybe even get a few nosebleeds. now, he gets a few headaches. nothing that'll make him puke, so it's nothing an ibuprofen tablet won't fix.
axel isn't very good with fighting or combat. he's strategic and uses his illusions as an advantage to avoid where he's going. he has to be analytical, though. he tries to assess a situation, find out a person's weaknesses, and uses it against them. he's a rather dirty player sometimes when it comes to his powers.
historyI swear we'll add detail to this. but some important events to in the timeline! you guys should totally write with more detail but because i'm lazy™ and 
age 0. axel's father, a man supposedly with the last name windsor leaves axel's mother (naomi takeuchi) just before axel is actually born. hopeful, naomi believes that he'd come back to her, so she had the boy take up his last name. axel's father never returned. she says she doesn't want to change his anme as a sort of reminder.
age 1. axel is born in queens, new york.
age 8. axel's world is opened up through things like dnd (what a nerd), star trek (which he believes is superior to star wars, but "sw is kinda cool, i guess"), and comic books.
age 10. axel finds out he's pretty good with science. hey, look at that, the kid's kinda smart. 
age 13. axel discovers his powers. and holy , they're so cool!
age 14. trying to get into high school, axel realizes, . the whole thing with entrance exams is a little too stressful to him. 
age 15. yeah, bard high school is en cool,  but this tony stark internship? way cooler. unfortunately, they won't let him be a high school drop out to pursue this stuff.
age 16. actually becomes a high school drop out! but that's after he officially makes plans to create the academy.
age 17. boyo gets busy. tony stark is in a coma, and axel starts project l.
lifestyle. he spends his hours with peter (sometimes ned, but they aren't as close,) most days. contrary to what most students believe, axel does not live in a hole at the bottom of the school, but he still lives in an apartment with his mother.
sometimes people forget that this boy is 17 years old. he still has a life to live. sometimes it's at a part time job, or sometimes he's helping his mother bake something for her shop. also, he could be playing video games or geeking out. maybe he's at a thrift store, axel's kinda into those. 
but the thing is, axel's always in a state of work. he's always thinking about project l and the future and he's always stressed out.  
peter parker. ah yes, the star on his christmas tree, the peanut butter to his jelly, and the yee to his haw. axel silently believes that he wouldn't be who he is if he hadn't met peter parker.
probably someone that he considers to be one of his best friends. he was the perect guy met at the most wrong timing ever. he feels like if he had met peter some other time, or maybe actually knew that this cute, funny, ridiculous, nerdy kid that's just like him. 
(i'm not going into too much depth bc i feel like everyone should know how peter parker is like since he has a whole 3 different actors with different movie franchises but!! pls detail me these relationship bad boys pls. also i wanted their relationship sort of slowly reveal and blossom you know? also he's a love interest lmaolmoa)
tony stark. before stark was put into a coma, axel was working for tony stark under an internship. ("there was an actual stark internship!?" peter had said, the first time he had met.) it wasn't actually glamourous, having to work with people that asked him to get coffee and food and do paperwork, without actually meeting tony stark. but in a certain case, the moment he actually speaks out during the internship, tony stark steps in. 
tony stark is the overhead figure to axel. this person that just seems too high up to touch, but when tony stakr starts to come down (or maybe axel is starting to come up?) the bond between tony and axel started to grow. (also wants to keep the tony stark relationship a secret oops!!!!)
ha, i have the clipboard now, you know what that means? axel shakes his head, sighing. i don't know, peter, what does it mean? mumbling to himself. god, why am i doing this anyway
it means i'm the one in charge now, and you have to answer everything i ask you. rolling his eyes. wow, i'm truly fearing for my life out here.
okay, you don't have to be so rude about it. a-anyway, when did you first think to create the academy? it was a talk that tony and i had for awhile when i was working with him. i think this might have been around the time that an influx of youths were shown to have powers or abilities. some of them mutants, some of them like you or bruce banner.
i thought it'd be good to have a place to train them, without having them feel like they needed to save the world. it's a place where they could feel normal around people like them without the burden of having to make sure that people are safe 24/7 and... i'm going to save my spiel for the press conference.
so if you didn't want people at the academy to be superheroes, why make project l? why not keep this away from turning into the next xavier institute? because there's a difference between x-men and those apart of project l. 
is there really though? shut up, peter.
hey, hey. just playing devil's advocate, alright? but really, though. the x-men have their own name, and while they're all apart of a team, they all have their unique factors. carrying on this legacy is important because it shows this imortality in a hero, and the name lives on. i think it's kind of important to have this ever lasting figure the world can look up to, you feel?
why are you yourself not participating in the project? i just... don't think i'm significant enough. i thought about it for awhile, you know—putting on a suit, but i don't think it's really suited for me.
a hypothetical scenario, just for fun, ya know? you're on your death bed, and you have a special heirloom you want to pass down. who do you give it to? why? i wrote this ing question, peter. (just answer it, dammit!) okay, okay! fine! i don't know... if at this point, my mother's gone then... maybe you? axel looks at peter, who makes a face up to your interpretation. oh, don't give me that look. i'm serious. i don't know. you're, like, kinda important to me. i feel like it'd be the only logical choice...
aaaanndd... that's it! how's it feel to be the one without the clipboard for once? i will make sure you see horrible things for the rest of your life, peter. now put my clipboard away, and let's get some shake shack for lunch?
get personal with me.
trivia. gimme some fast facts.. contrary to what most believe, i actually want the stupid . give me your character's favorite color and ice cream flavor or talk about the weird mole on their foot. dooo it. fill me up with useless information and important information all alike. i wanna know, cutie.
comments? questions? concerns? something i missed? suggestions? tell me about it, my friend. tell me allll about it.
cheatsheet    turn in    story


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