replace with fc. 134x200


Name. 문나리 moon nari


♥️ 나리 아리아리 general nicknames
♥️ kidding face / lie face 뻥 얼굴 it is a nickname that she gained at the fansign. one of her fansite yelled "리나 언니 너무 멋지다~" ("rina you're so cool!") in which rina replied "이건 뻥이야!" ("just kidding!/it's a lie!") with a cute pose, she then went viral amongst the korean netizen. it has become an inside joke and fanservice that she does multiple times, and a lot of pandora's members for it
♥️ sea stomach 바다 복부 a nickname given by the members because of the amount of food she can eat


Birthdate. 24 march 1997

Birthplace. busan, yeongnam, south korea

Hometown. munhyeon-dong, busan, yeongnam, south korea

Nationality. korean

Ethnicity. korean


♥️ korean 100% / native language, she has a very strong busan accent
♥️ english 32% / very basic english but she knows dance terms and trendy slangs
♥️ japanese 25% / still being taught by the company


Faceclaim. (g)i-dle soojin

Backup. clc seungyeon


Height. 175 cm



nari has a very athletic and toned body, resulting from her regular working out. her hair is long and stops at her waist, she has a straight hair but she likes to style it into a semi-wavy curls. during practice she likes to put it into braids. the colour of her hair is currently jet black with platinum silver blue peekaboo. she has a beauty mark on the left side of her cheekbone. she never leaves the house without a cat eyeliner and a red lip tint, even for a dance practice. but if she's working out then she won't wear any makeup. she has 2 tattoos; the first one is a small lavender on her spine and a minimalist ballet shoes on her ankle, which will be covered by clothing or makeup



wadrobe | she usually wears the same thing for practice wear, but her top usually consists more of cropped oversized sweaters with sports bra underneath. she doesn't like to wear monochrome colours so she usually pops out in dance practices with her clash of colours. at home/dorm she'll usually wear sweatpants and tanktop. 


Personality traits. esfp-a gryffindor, dark magical girl and trickster girlfriend trope / fun-loving, social, charismatic, bold, observant / flirtatious, sarcastic, fast learner, thrill-seeker / impulsive, sensitive, conflict-averse, petty, insecure


nari's nature is best described as a seductive vampiress, but she's also an overly excited golden retriever at heart. the closest friends knows her best as the type of person who likes to crack jokes and able to dissipate tensions in rooms with her variety of humour. her generally fun and easy going personality has found herself to be in the company of many friends, as she flocks her way to groups and easily adapt into social environments. she loves to get to know people and figure out the intricacies of their personalities, the stories they have in their life. she is very well-liked and has gained a great reputation because of it. her charm not only make people feel comfortable around her, her charisma has also recently oozed in the stage. even her just staring at you could make you melt on the spot. she's confident enough to show it to the world, she always makes the first move and is always ready to take the risks to achieve her goals. a part of her that people need to really focus to notice this is how observant she is. it's not only just based on remembering things, sure she remembers where you left your keys and she knows how to get around in an unfamiliar places, but she also picks up on things very quickly. the way she can read people and her being able to read the room can honestly be terrifying. she'll be the one to notice your little mannerism or your ticks, what makes you angry or what makes you happy. she'll be the first one to notice if something's wrong or if something is going on. if someone is having a problem or there's a change in their usual personality she'll be the first one to notice. nothing gets out of her sight

the soon to be "seductive icon" lives up to the honour of that name. although most of the time she just does it for the laughs, the way she flirts can take quite the effect on people. it's not like she's unaware of it, most of the time she revels in it. she likes to do it mostly to the fans, as some of them will become a bumbling mess (which is her favourite reaction) or they'll flirt back (which she'll be very impressed). she never does it out of harm of course. a part of her that is still very child-like is her mischievous side that likes to poke fun on the other members. she just like to egg on them for a reaction. her observant nature come into play when she dances. mother always tell her to pick up on movements quickly so that she can understand the depth behind it & perfect her dance. it has been her mantra for years and she has taken it up a notch with her learning skills. adrenaline is her best friend, anything that involves pumping up those dopamine levels and intense sensations gets her going. when it comes to these things, she's not really motivated by danger nor is she deterred by it

but with her love for adrenaline, she always seems to throw herself into any high-risk situations that can seriously harm her. even her charmingly adventurous personality can be highly dangerous, sometimes it's pretty hard for her to stop. especially if someone if challenging her. a lot of the older members still wants to protect her even with her very boisterous personality. as they know the nari they witness growing up together still has a pretty sensitive heart. she never show it to anyone that she doesn't know, as a matter of fact she would prefer people to not know. the child in her heart feel things very deeply and would get overwhelmed easily. it is something that is hard for her to change, albeit very easy for her to hide. as someone who is pretty adventurous, she always avoids emotional conflicts between people. when she already senses that the air in the room is off, she would want to run away and not deal with the situation. she doesn't like confronting people nor does she like to be the first person who speak up about it. the more childish part in her can only be triggered when she's really angry or upset, she would take unnecessary grudge and be very vengeful about small things. at the smallest comments or actions, she would have some kind of angry bravado of "i'll prove them wrong!" when she could've just ignore them. she's used to people liking her that she becomes baffled and full of herself when someone doesn't. it is honestly her insecurity in disguise. the hundred and thousands of compliments and validation will immediately be defeated by a word of disapprovement. so imagine how she reacted when she receives a huge amounts of criticism or just pure hate in her idol life. even if her facade is a lion queen, she is still a tiny spring princess at heart



the moon twins has always known dancing ever since they were little, as their ballerina mother wants her daughters to follow in her footsteps to becoming a world-renowned ballerina. but after a few years of listening diligently to her mother, moon nari has other plans for herself. she started watching other people dancing other styles in her mother's studio and started imitating it. one of the dancers noticed and started teaching young nari the movements, in which she picked up very quickly and danced joyfully. she started to do it more often that she starts to do even in her ballet classes, baffling her mother and elicit a scolding. nari grew weary of ballet and told her mother she wants to do other styles. she starts taking classes in other styles from mother's studio, and one of those studios are the newly opened 1MILLION studio. nari quickly become a regular in that studio and as one of the great dancers, she became featured a lot in the dance studios, even some of the instructors asked to dance with her in a duo. at 18 she became a teacher's assistant for hyojin choi and occasionally park bongyoung & lia kim, becoming known around the studio as a staff. that one faithful day happened in june of 2017 when she just finished a class, a man that has watched from outside the class approached her and gave him his contact number, saying that he is from an entertainment agency. nari is not completely oblivious to the idol world, her twin sister herself has decided to take a path to being an actress. not to mention some of the instructors has choreographed for a few kpop idols, so naturally she is curious. she consulted with said instructors on whether she should take up on the offer or not. they warned her that the idol path is a strict and difficult one, but if it's truly what she wants then they'll support her. after finishing up 1MILLION show & consulting more with her loved ones, nari decided to take a shot on it and she is on the path to stardom with BOX entertainment



♥️ spicy food; nari has a strong stomach and loves spicy food. she started loving it because her dad was making a new line of spicy food for his restaurant and she tried it, and after that she's obsessed

♥️ adrenaline & adrenaline pumping activities; she loves the rush the adrenaline gives and it what makes her a thrill-seeker. which is why she loves working out so much
♥️ y or seductive choreography/concept; she gets really excited when she learns or make any kind of y choreography
♥️ long manicures; she likes to have really long nails, not only for aesthetic but she also likes the sound it makes when she drums it at a surface. she likes matte for dark colours and glitter/holo on light/pastel colours
♥️ natural flower scent; lavender, hyacinth and honeysuckle are her favourite
♥️ challenges; she likes it when she's being challenged for the sake of adrenaline. most of the time she doesn't care about winning or losing, she just wants to do it
♥️ clubbing & drinking; she likes the nightlife because of the adrenaline and euphoria that she gets from it. another reason is because she likes drinking & dancing with her friends
♥️ when the older members babies her
♥️ when fans (or anyone honestly) gets flustered by her flirting


♥️ western food; she doesn't hate it but she just prefer not to eat it. usually she'll eat it if it's spicy enough for her
♥️ body odor; nobody likes body odor but because she has an intense sense of smell, she can smell it before anybody. she has to endure it in the end because she's a dancer and she does spend most of her time in the studio. she usually resorts to face mask
♥️ cologne; she hates it because it smells very artificial and very strong. she doesn't mind it when it's not too strong
♥️ being ignored by her close friends
♥️ having her concept change hated
♥️ when her legs are sore after working out and makes it hard for her to walk
♥️ being forced to do concepts she doesn't like
♥️ being controlled
♥️ unnecessary hate comments in criticism


♥️ taking dance classes
♥️ making choreographies and learning new dance styles
♥️ working out
♥️ showing and teaching her choreography to other people
♥️ flirting with the fans


♥️ drums her nail to the table just because she likes the sound of it
♥️ nagging when somebody missed a step in cooking
♥️ laughs when she's scared or got surprised, then proceed to get annoyed
♥️ gets really quiet and serious when she's tired or down on the dumps
♥️ sleeptalks
♥️ taking off her top in her sleep


♥️ nari has a strong sense of smell and is well known for her extreme love of food. she has extensive knowledge about culinary as her father is a well-known chef. most of her appearance in variety shows (that isn't with the group) are food related. variety queen also likes to take her to food variety shows because she likes to see when nari eats and everyone is amazed by how much she eats
♥️ she has a good reputation among staffs and the crew on various shows for being friendly and generally a good kid
♥️ her mother is a retired prima ballerina and currently the owner of primo dance studio. she trained her daughters classical ballet since 3 years old

♥️ she was a staff and teacher's assistant in 1MILLION studio
♥️ she's still in close contact with instructors and staffs of 1MILLION
♥️ she's a really good cook, but only korean food. usually the members have to taste test it and have their own batch because nari makes her food super spicy
♥️ his father's kimchi is very famous for being really delicious. she once brought her father's kimchi to a variety show and it was praised by the cast of the show. her father always sends kimchi for pandora so they're never out of supply for kimchi

♥️ she wishes to go on food variety shows
♥️ she has a very exaggerated way of talking, sometimes she gets scolded because she sounds rude even if she's being really polite. but sometimes people like how strong the way she speaks
♥️ she is extremely flexible. she used to be able to fit herself in a suitcase when she was smaller, but now because she's very tall she can't do that anymore.
♥️ she is aual, but demiromantic

♥️ she used to date a lot during high school, but it wasn't until she met her love interest that she's actually in a serious relationship
♥️ she frequently parties and clubs



twin sister / 문솔리 moon solri (fc; 9muses sojin) / 23 / actress / solri debuted as a young actress under c-jes entertainment. their relationship with each other is not as close as people would expect them to. her mother has always force the more introverted solri to follow nari everywhere around and protect the sensitive child, whilst she wants to do her own thing. she doesn't hate her twin but they don't exactly have a tight knit sisterhood, their relationship doesn't go more than just hugs when they pass by each other, general conversations and introducing each other while the camera is around. but behind those cameras, solri barely even look at her in the eye unless she really needs to. nari is deeply wounded whenever her twin sister acted like this, and she tries her best to mend their relationship. but it takes two hands to clap, and solri doesn't even put her hand up

best friends / member of pandora / these two are the most beloved duo by pandora and are deemed to have the best chemistry. both of them trained at the same time and has been glued to the hip ever since. nari hypes up at everything member does and lives to makes her feel flustered. member also oddly feels comfortable with her being overly affectionate, maybe because memb er is used to it. nari always tries her best to make member feel involved. as a matter of fact, she's always involved in nari's shenanigans. they would definitely prepare a skit or even when they haven't prepare anything, nari's extrovertedness always comes out on top that even member's reaction to be really funny. they still pretty much act the same way in casual settings, you can spot them in the studio making funny choreographies or just playing games together. the staffs and other members are grateful for them being together because nari is infamous for being one of the energetic ones, so member's presence really balances their dynamic and makes her dial it back down a little bit. whilst nari is able to make member shine in ways that people don't expect. they're always seen standing next to each other and has the most selfies together

member of pandora / 고은 go eun / 22 / they're supposed to be same-aged friends, but alas the lack of exposure to each other does not lead to that. nari doesn't actually hate her as she doesn't feel that she did anything wrong, but she does feel the company made a hasty decision on putting her into a group that already has a relatively close relationship with each other. nari really tries to socialise with her and be nice, however she doesn't exactly contribute in actively being her friend. nari never stood up for her whenever goeun is treated unfairly by the other members, partially because she's too afraid to cause any conflict. she tries to make it up to her by being extra nice whenever the others are not looking. of course she feels bad for treating goeun like this, but not bad enough for her to do something about it

best friend / 표해니 pyo haeni (fc; ozarayau) / 24 / makeup artist & 1MILLION staff / haeni first started as a regular in 1MILLION in 2016, and they both become friends because nari wanted to make the girl comfortable during her first days as a student in 1MILLION. that interaction was what made haeni felt less awkward or alone in her classes, eventually making her a regular and an official staff when she is of age. that interaction was also what made her become nari's best friend. they both clicked well because of their love for dance and nari strongly admired haeni's fashion sense, essentially becoming nari's inspiration on her current fashion. they acted like how typical supportive best friends would, but haeni is more of a chosen sister than a normal best friend. the 2 of them are frequently seen together on an outing and haeni is always at her side during clubbing


Stage Name. rina 리나 it's basically her name backwards
Plotline. the debatable


Vocal Twin. twice tzuyu [(g)i-dle shuhua]
Dance Twin. choi rian (simeez)


Trainee years. 1 year & 6 months

Trainee Life.
nari was very ecstatic just being there around multiple talented people, she was especially excited learning from the people around her. the other trainees was genuinely amused by her excitable and innocent nature, she was easily liked by them. but they warned her that not everybody is going to like her because in a way, it is a competition for them. and the trainers can be quite harsh on everyone, even towards people that has a likeable personality. nari soon realised that she's not just there to have fun, as multiple scoldings are given to her when she doesn't take things seriously. she started to dislike it, she just want to be there to have fun. but the determination of the other trainees puts her to shame, and seeing how serious people are about this, nari decided to take even more serious. by the end of 2018, she was put in the lineup for y.i's next girlgroup and things got even more intense. but she managed to go about it victorious



2014-2018 / featured in multiple 1MILLION dance studio's videos

2015-2018 / 1MILLION dance studio, teacher's assistant for hyojin choi

2017 / 1MILLION Up All Night, dancer



20?? / True / PANDORA's RINA caught clubbing & drunk / pandora's rina is caught on camera outside of the club looking visibly drunk, slurring and occasionally walk off somewhere whilst her entourage tries to keep her from going too far away from their watch. netizen crucified her for her actions, with multiple comments saying that she's not being womanly and trashy. the other part of the netizen says that it's okay because she is of legal drinking age and the person who recorded her was invading her privacy. [update; BOX entertainment and rina has apologised for the scandal & she promised that she will be more responsible in the future]

20?? / True but she lied about it / dispatch speculate PANDORA's RINA to be in a relationship after they took a picture of her holding hands with an 'unknown man' / this 'man' turns out to be one of the staffs in 1million studio where rina used to be s teacher;s assistant. and this man, as it turns out, is a woman. netizens mocked dispatch's incompetence and the rumour was brushed off immediately after rina released a picture with her on instagram "anita!! you're the best~ thank you for always taking care of me" [little did they know, they were actually dating]

20?? / discussion / PANDORA's RINA not improving as a vocalist? / after the recent comeback of pandora, netizens are quick to discuss the vocal skills of rina. or more accurately, the lack thereof. a lot of them discussed on how she should've been given more vocal lessons and improve each comeback, but they determined that she has not done that. some even went on a limb and said that she does not deserve to be in the group. . this caused a huge uproar from the fans and they came to rina's defense, although some of the fans also made a note that what they were saying regarding her stagnant vocals were true. netizens just hope that the company will give her more vocal lessons 


Love Interest

Name. 福永 アニタ fukunaga anita (fc; gwsn miya)

Backup. (fc; twice mina)



quiet and charismatic are the outline of who she is on the outside. her good looks and equally good manners has gained her some admirers from people who just like to observe her. she is quite mild mannered and polite towards everyone that she considers a stranger or someone that she doesn't know that well. sometimes people think of her as enigmatic and elusive, but around her friends she is much more light-hearted and relaxed. anita is the kind of friend that laughs at everything that you do and would comply if you ask her to do something no matter how random it is. she is still quite passive and non-initiative though, however she is loyal and patient with her friends. she never crossed out nor betray her friends, that's why she needs to make sure that she has a small circle of friends that she could trust. she isn't without any flaws, she is quiet sure but she can be opinionated and stubborn when she wants to. it is very hard to change her perspective and for some reason, she finds it hard to put herself in someone else's shoes. despite being able to be patient with other people, she only believes in her own reasonings


Love Story.

2014-2016; they first met when 17 year old nari first came to 1MILLION as a student and 19 year old anita was the one who greeted her at the receptionist table, asking for her information and what class she's taking. this would be a common reoccurence for the rest of the year, and by the 2nd month they started to become casual friends when nari decided to strike up a conversation while waiting for class. they became even closer as nari become a regular and they talked a bunch before & after class. they started to regularly meet each other almost every day when nari becomes a staff at 2015, both of them could always be seen together whenever nari is not with her instructor or in class. nari is also known to bring out the unexpectedly more social part in anita, having known to have a cute chemistry whenever anita is attending a class for fun. by 2016, they become really close friends who goes out together out of 1MILLION activities and frequently having a heart to heart

2017-2018; on february of 2017, nari and anita was having another heart to heart in nari's home, where they both lay in bed just comfortably talking with each other. nari decided to open up about her recent discovery of auality, saying to her that the past time she was dating people and having ual activities, she felt no spark nor any interest in it. anita was understanding and patient in helping nari who is utterly confused on her uality. for some reason, the mention of nari dating someone fueled the jealousy inside of her. anita always knew that she liked nari, but she never realised that she liked nari this much. so when they had another private alone time and a heart-to-heart, anita decided to confess to her. nari does like anita back in the same way, but she wants to take it slow as nari is still rediscovering her uality. they took it from the top; going on dates, texting and calling more often. even though they can't exactly be public about their dating because of the stigma, they still relatively had more freedom. as time goes by they fell more in love with each other, and their relationship not only become more intimate, but also official. they are exclusive to each other and only a select few are aware of their relationship

their first fight happened when nari told anita that she wants to try the path of an idol. anita was aware of the fact that idols have a hard time dating, and even more worse they are a lesbian couple. that in itself would get nari kicked out from the idol world, but also blasted out of her will and disgraced if they were ever get caught. nari didn't fight back and seemingly wanted to give up on it when anita blew up, which made anita sad. they didn't talk for 2 days before anita apologised and only saying that she only wants her to be happy. nari reassures her that they will be okay and they don't have to sacrifice their love for her supposed career. after further discussion, anita folded and lets her do what she wants. but on the inside she's terrified on what's going to happen


Status. dating in secret

Ending status. up to you, canonically anita would feel antsy about how they have to keep dating in secret and confronts her, in which they break up because nari has to make sacrifices for her career, even though they're in love. but i will leave it up to you



🌧 she's born on july 18th 1995
🌧 she is japanese but have been living in korea for most of her life, only spending 5 years in japan
🌧 she is a staff member, a teacher's assistant and a dancer for 1MILLION studio since 2014. most notably as lia kim's protege
♥️ nari saved her number as "nita <3" and anita saves hers as "powerpuff girl". she said it's because nari is "sugar, spice and everything nice"

🌧 ♥️  anita can surprisingly be cheesy and very romantic, balancing the more flirtatious and playful nari
🌧 ♥️  would video call in every chance they got
🌧 ♥️  nari would introduce anita to the group as her best friend and would jokingly say that they're "dating", which makes anita uncomfortable but they have to go with it anyway. perhaps when nari trusts her members to not whistleblow, she will tell the truth


replace with fc. 134x200


Comments/questions. as promised, here is nari! i tweaked a little bit of her app and decided to have anita as her love interest~ i honestly really ship them both and kinda regretted making them break up in sowon :c but anyways here she is! i hope you consider her for the story and look forward for my second character theo!

Suggestions. i just want #nanita #anari moments even if it's just from videocalls ;w;

Password. hope when pandora opened the box and released all the evils to the world, hope remained inside the box



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Hey Oddish! I am so happy to see Nari again as I loved her. I was hyped to see you ask if you could apply with her again so let's get right into te review!

There are just a few things I need you to fix/adjust before I can accept Nari. First off, I feel Soyeon is a little too good of a vocalist to be used for the debated plotline, so could you please change her to someone a little weaker and also add a backup vocal twin? Also as it says in the cheatsheet, all members should have been trainees under Box Entertainment for a year and a half, so can you please just extend her trainee by half a year? Other than those things, I love Nari and think her app is wonderful!

If you fix what I have mentioned I would be more than happy to accept Nari! Thank you for applying for Pandora!