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About Me

Hey, everybody put yo' hands up!

Lol wtf am i talking about. So yea, i'm Ian Kim and will turns 17 by the end of this year. 

I used to be an EXO-L, still is actually, but ever since my duizzhang and lately my deer are both no longer a part of EXO, my love towards them seems to be fade away. I got no other bias to be spazzing over, duh. 

I also am in love with Infinite since they are all dorks who's old enough to get married but their mentals aren't. My bias is, of course, grandpa hamgyu. He must be so happy with his life these days, his tummy is getting bigger than ever. Other than his tummy, his eyesmiles and talkative mouth are also the reasons why I can never goes online without searching for his news first. 

Ah, did I mention YG's current hottest group, iKon yet? Ah god damn it. I thought I wouldnt be so into them(I used to love only Chanwoo since he always play LMH's younger self in movies) but damn, I did and thanks to Hanbin for that dance he showed in Running Man. I love Hanbin.


I may look like I'm someone who is so mean, but once you get to be close with me, I suggest you to wear cotton buds all the time. I love musics, singing which I failed badly at, sleeping and talking. 

I'm not as stupid as you all may think I am. I'm smarter but still, I'm stupid.