Personal Message

Beauty can be deceiving to what's on the inside.
» four . nine . nineteenninetyone
» 162 cm
» 46 kg
» 21 years and aging slowly
» street dancer
» straight as you can get it
»»why is my reflection someone I don't know
Ah Ri grew up with a semi normal family. It lasted until she turned maybe 14; when her elder brother was killed in what the police called a 'freak accident'. But she'd be damned if she thought it was a freak accident. She saw them. Them? The people who would follow her brother everywhere.
Follow her everywhere. Creepy voicemails. Weird letters. She knew something would happen one day; but she couldn't piece it together until the day he supposedly crashed his motorcycle on an empty road. Then, she snooped around until she found that Them, as we'll call them, had been planning it all along. And she was next. She wasn't scared though; She was prepared.
While the air was thick, the ground covered in fog, Ah Ri sat near the tallest lamp post and waited for them. When they did come however, they weren't the ones prepared. The words that she last heard from her brother the night of his death echoed through her head like a broken record played.
Riri, always fight. 
And that was what she did. She fought until her body could take no more, until each one of them had a bashed in skull. Returning home that night, she simply laid in her bed and thought about the events. They contributed to many things leading up to her becoming an adult. After moving from her parents house and living in her own cozy apartment, that was when the problems started. One minute she'd be bubbly and giggly, the next she'd be crying, and about 5 seconds later, she'd be angry and prepared to kill someone...again. After consulting a psychologist, they contributed the mood swings to her brothers death. But that was 6 years ago. Visiting another, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. No amount of pills or therapy treatments could fix her. She was like a broken doll.
Her personality changed; she was no longer happy, bubbly Ah Ri. She was either hell, heaven, or in between. It drove her insane; literally. Her parents up all their tears and forced her into a Mental Institution. All the voices, they ravaged her mind like a virus. It broke her down inside. After a good 4 months, she left, and was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. She didn't quite frankly give a . The voices would only come twice every month. And when they did, it was like total and utter hell.
She got used to it. The mood swings. The voices. The flashbacks. Though her parents didn't. It drove them to the point of divorce; along with the death of their son still following them like a tick that won't leave you alone. It didn't matter to her; they were just fine without her, and she never forgave them for putting her in the mad house.  And then came time to get a job. She was always, and had been skilled at dancing. It was a stress reliever; besides . So, she set up her little corner and would dance for hours on end. Often bringing in around $500 a night and day. It made her proud. Extremely proud. She continued dancing and got to pay for everything she needed to. Content she was, and content she'll always be.
Even with the voices.
you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
single - taken(Kai) - waiting - crushing - maybe - not looking - looking
feeling: bored, tummy troubles
eargasm: nothing; watching awkward
mood: neutral, kai you better give me a hug orz
Mentally married;
I can't see myself with anyone but you, it honestly hurts to think of myself with someone else
You're a dork
You're stubborn(Yes, I'm refering to the vitamins~)
You're cute
But mostly, you care. You love me for who I am, and I the same.
Oct. 17th makes a month, y'know? That's kinda long..Well, to me it is.
I love you, and that's anything and everything I've ever wanted you to know.
Take me as I am, and never hurt me, Okay?

About Me

Roleplaying @Sinful City as Song Ah Ri