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Personal Message


tumblr_ma4dfhoQju1qmjdypo3_250.gif*your favorite doll.


pooped out on may 16. 1993 with the name lee jieun, is then given the name iu and

made into a terminator, creating the nation's little sister. i bite, i cling and loves skinship. may flirt at times but you know i love you. ; u ; /slapped

tumblr_ma3r1x5Xp51rc5f8mo1_500.png  tumblr_ma3jdwRPqP1rcwphao1_500.gif tumblr_ma1zpl0NZD1r727dko1_500.png

single | straight | youual 

daily reports.

thoughts - gull, i is beautiful and you is pitiful. /slapped 5ever

eargasm - 

eyecandy - sehun | exo  

 " It doesn’t matter where I stand; whether at the front or at the back, in the middle or at the side. As long as I can get on stage and do what I love, that’s enough for me. "

- kim hyoyeon



artisee «「 aff roleplay 」

roleplaying ----「 lee jieun


About Me