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late the only word that pops in your head at 4:30 in the morning waiting for minho you 22 year old brother on your shared apartment. normally you wouldn't even care he was a grown man ,but he had promised to take you out to the movies for a early b-day present. now you are spending it waiting for this idiot . uggh frustrated and tired you decide to call it a night ….well morning . you walk to your room and fall asleep thinking about how you would give him a piece of your mind. when you wake up the next morning you make a b line straight to his to, but to your surprise he wasn't even there THE NERVE OF HIM NOT TO EVEN BE AT HOME  now you were fuming whatever you choose to put that on the back burner and get ready for work. you work at a small clinic in the middle of a small town just outside of seoul . you have always wanted to be a nurse but you never like the fast pace of big hospital so the clinic was a nice fit for you and since the town was small you got to know your neighbors, store owners, and farmer. after a long 9 hour shift you meet up with your close friend abby who is trying to convince you to go out to  a popular seoul night club. “ come on hana you need to have fun its your birthday for goodness sakes” “ i don't know you know i don't like crowded places like that abby” “ come on you're 25 years old you need to live a little” “ fine fine what's the worst that could happen. you and abby went back to her place since you didn't have party clothes she lets you borr

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Maan2442 #1
Chapter 8: so is it going to turn into a P.O love line??
Maan2442 #2
Chapter 7: enjoyed the chapter please update soon or when you feel like it!!
Maan2442 #3
Chapter 6: who is bibi??
boknim #4
seems like a good story!
cant wait to read it.
Maan2442 #6
Chapter 5: I've been waiting and keep up the good work!
Maan2442 #7
Chapter 4: Mino sounds so cute!! ! wonder how she's going to react when she meets the cute P.O. Update soon please!!
Maan2442 #8
Chapter 3: Keep up the good work authornim!!!! Fighting!!!!!
Maan2442 #9
Chapter 2: Please update soon!! It's a really good story and I would really like to read more of it! :)