Baby, Taste That Sugar Burn


Kai hadn't seen his flight attendant of a husband in four days, so when Kyungsoo came in late that evening, dropping his bags onto the bed, and approaching Kai with a sort of hungry longing, Kai was more than happy to oblige. They kissed once to say "Hello," kissed again to say "I missed you," and once more to say "I love you." After that, both were content to let their lips and hands and bodies do the talking as Kyungsoo pushed Kai onto their bed to join the bags, and straddled him without his mouth ever leaving Kai's own.

Kai whimpered underneath him, stretching his neck for better access and wrapping his arms around his husband's body to pull Kyungsoo so that they lay together, chest to chest. Both were breathless in minutes, their desperation for one another's familiar touch obvious in the way Kai's back arched and Kyungsoo's hips ground his pelvis down so they met deliciously in the middle.

Tired of being the one in charge, Kyungsoo nibbled at Kai's lip, knowing from years of being together that the move would push his husband's control to its limits. Almost as if Kyungsoo had planned it that way, Kai growled at the playfulness of the small bites and grabbed Kyungsoo's waist, ready to flip them both over so that their positions were swapped with Kai hovering over Kyungsoo.

This change only occurred half-way, though, before Kyungsoo's back hit his bags and they toppled to the floor. Startled by the noise, Kai let go of his husband the instant the bags hit the ground, so Kyungsoo followed soon after, landing onto their bedroom's carpet with a softly surprised "Oomph!"

"Kai," Kyungsoo groaned his husband's name in reprimand, but it was very difficult for him to stay upset when Kai's sheepish face appeared to look down at him from over the edge of the bed.

"Sorry, yoebo." Kai apologized, clearly trying not to laugh at the sight of Kyungsoo, face disorientated from his fall, work uniform wrinkled from their make out session, and hair completely mussed by Kai's hands which liked to play with it while they kissed.

"Not funny," Kyungsoo was pouting, reaching a hand up for his husband to pull him with loving amusement back onto their bed. Kai wrapped his arms around his husband once more as Kyungsoo snuggled up to his chest and leaned his head back to look at him.

"I love you," Kyungsoo confessed, using actual words this time, rather than just kisses—though he pressed one sweetly to Kai's pulse when he finished talking.

"You'd better," Kai muttered, his voice gruff but his embrace gentle and his wink teasing. "You know, Soo," he added suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence before it even began, "it's a shame we can't have kids."

Kyungsoo had returned his head to rest against Kai's shoulder tiredly, but at his husband's comment, he lifted it to meet Kai's gaze searchingly. "I don't understand, love. I thought we'd agreed to adopt?"

Noticing the faint hurt as it ran fleetingly across Kyungsoo's face, Kai realized the way his words must have sounded and did his best to revise his statement. "I didn't meant it that way, Soo." Kai paused and tried to find the right words so that his husband wouldn't misunderstand, "I want children with you so much that I'll take them any way we can get them. And I know for a fact that you'll be a great dad when we do."

Kyungsoo colored at the compliment because Kai knew how important this conversation was and his words of encouragement meant a lot. He pushed his body higher up on the bed so they could lie facing each other on their sides, and kissed his husband languidly once he got comfortable.

Kai kissed him back with the same easy familiarity and smiled as he felt Kyungsoo's lips move against his own. "You're just so beautiful," he concluded his explanation feelingly, "and it's a disservice to the world that there won't be a couple of mini-you's and mini-me's running around with a perfect combination of my smirk on your heart lips. I'd give anything in the world to see that, actually." Kai admitted this last part under his breath , eyes closed in a funny kind of embarrassment over having such an impossible dream.

When he opened his eyes again, Kai was horrified to see his husband's eyes shining with unshed tears. "Soo, baby? Don't cry, yoebo. Whatever it is I said, I'm sorry."

Kyungsoo shook his head and sniffled, laughing shakily before reassuring Kai. "That was beautiful. I had no idea that's how you felt because you were always just so excited about the idea of us adopting."

Kai kissed his husband once on each cheek, his lips brushing away the tears that had slowly started falling while Kyungsoo spoke. "Like I said before," Kai explained, "I love you and I want to raise kids with you because I know that will only add to our happiness. But yeah," he confessed again, suddenly shy again, "that's how I feel.

"I love you," Kyungsoo repeated, the lips with which Kai was so enamored forming a small smile before they met Kai's once more.

"More," Kai challenged, away the salt of Kyungsoo's tears in between their kisses.

"Maybe sometimes," Kyungsoo compromised willingly, "but not right now."

So now I've done all three! How were they, especially all from the same prompt and presented side-by-side-by-side?

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yehet_pcy #1
cute: I WAS ACTUALLY REALLY CURIOUS ABOUT WHO EVERYONE ELSE WAS BUT THATS FINE BECAUSE KAISOO WINS and in the end kai couldnt even think of a nickname for kyungsoo because he has such perfect lips..... oh my god this is so cute plus was that a flirty!soo over there???? OMFG perf. chocolate emergencies are the best hahahahahha

hot: omfg..... at first i couldnt even imagine stripper!soo but then hOW GOOD WOULD THAT BE HAHAHHAHAHA what a tease????????????? that part when he literally sat on jongin (it was jongin ryt of course it was)'s lap and made him find his own lollipop in his apron and he was kissing him on the lips omfg that was beST. NOW HES ASKING FOR A PRIVATE DANCE AND OFC HE IS DUH omfg

perfectly balanced: AWWWWW OH MY GOODNESS MY HEART AT THIS FLUFF I CANT OMG actual husbands!kaisoo omfg this is so cute and jongin's confession about his dream of having mini-soo's and mini-kai's was so sincere and heartfelt omfg my heART theyre both going to be great dads in this au awwwhhhshshshh

THANK YOU for writing and sharing all three!!!!!
docryi #2
the change if theme wow @_@@_@
huntress_lune #3
I love how you write and how you make a history just incredible. I don't even missed the kiss, it were not necessary to make the fic awesome.
I love you, I love your plots and I loved this.
I wish I could write like you, really.
Bye <3
I was contemplating whether or not smirking kitty was chenchen or Tao but who are the others?
Chapter 1: So cute :) this deserves a sequel ;)
//prepares body and feels