
1001 Ways to Attract Sandara Park

So.. Here i am, laying in my bed. I ran away from Seungho hyung because he cant stop being so prideful about the kiss from Dara noona. Hyung, please get over it like seriously.

"Ya! Maknae, can you drive Dadoong to the pet saloon for a bath? I have a schedule today." Cheondung hyung suddenly appears in front of the door.

"Hell no." i'm hidding inside my blanket. Cheondung's phone is ringing, and silent.

"Oh can you just drive Dadoong to Dara nuna's dorm? She said she will take care of Dadoong." hearing the name 'DARA' are feels like getting an electric shock.

"You can count on me." I jumped from my bed, taking a quick bath, picking my finest clothes and spray some perfume.

"Ah you dummy. I put Dadoong's cage in the living room, dont forget." Cheondung hyung rolled his eyes, sighting heavily and walks away. I get some stuffs and put it in the bag quickly.

"Ya! What's this smell?!" G.O hyung went out from the kitchen.

"Sorry hyung, its me." i chuckled when i walk to the kitchen to get some water

"Cheolyong ah, where are you going?" The sleepy Joonie hyung walk out from his room while yawning.

"Washing Dadoong, with noona~" i winks and leaving the dorm. I drive alone, discovering Seoul with my car. I rarely do this, so right now i'm feeling so damn awesome. I finally arrived at the building by driving for 20 minutes. It's not really hard to find the building because Cheondung hyung already sended me the address. I'm standing in front of the door, taking a deep breath and press the bell.

"Nugusseyo?" A cheerfull voice answer.

"MBLAQ's Mir. I delivering Dadoong.."

"Oh! Wait." The door is opened. I saw CL, holding a teddy bear opening the door for me.

"Ah, Mir-ssi! Wait a minute, kay? Dara unnie is changing her clothes. I sit in the sofa and put Dadoong's cage on the floor. Dara came out from her room.

"Oh, Mir! Thanks for driving Dadoong here.." Dara noona greets me and down on her knees to check out Dadoong.

"Yeah, no problem. Cheondung hyung is having a schedule today so he told me to drive Dadoong here." "

Yeah! He called.. Chaerin-ah, can you go to take Dadoong for a bath with me?" Dara noona ask CL.

"i'd love to but i cant.. I have a schedule with Bom unnie. Mingkki is going to her Parent's house.. Why dont you ask Mir?" CL pointed at me.

"Ah, ya! Mir ah, please go with me, i'll be lonely if i go alone." Dara noona pouts. Undeniable cuteness /dying

"Sure!" i cant hide my happiness.

"Wait here, i'll get my key~"

"It's okay noona, i'll drive." i open the door and grab Dadoong's cage. We were driving in silence, untill i realized she was messing with ny CD collection.

"So which song you like the most, noona?" i asked her, starting a conversation.

"I like everykind of music.. I cant believe you have my CD!" She speaks happily, after seeing a CD of 2NE1 in my car.

"Yeah! I like ur music a lot.."

"Ah, thank you... Oh! Monalisa CD!" She put the CD into the player. Our song Monalisa is playing. I pretend to rap in this song, making various facial expressions. Dara noona laughs so bad.

"I seriously like your rap a lot!" "Thanks.. Kekeke" "Oh, we're arrived!" i park the car infront of a pet cafe and shop.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" The receptionist ahjumma greet us. We bowed.

"Oh, Dara-ssi! Are you going to wash Dadoong? Where is Dadoong?" The ahjumma asks Dara noona.

"Yeah, of course! ... Mir?" I put the cage into the table.

"Oh.. You're MBLAQ!" The unexpected words came out from the Ahjumma's mouth. 

"Ah ne, Mir imnida bangapseumnida" I bowed deeply.

"Bangapseumnida.. So you can sit there in our cafe, waiting for Dadoong!" The ahjumma points at the cafe beside the shop.

"Ah ne, kamsahamnida." Dara pushes me slowly into the cafe. We sit in the corner.

"Annyeonghaseyo, do you want to order something?" A waiter greets us, hand us a menu.

"Mmm.. I want a chocolate milkshake! And a lemon cake might be great.. Mir?" Dara reads the menu.

"I'll just go with an ice chocolate, please." 

"Okay, please wait.." The waiter bowed and leaving. There's silence between me and Dara noona. 

"Aiishh.. I forgot my iPad!" Dara looks disappointed.

"Here noona, you can use mine." I hand her my iPad.

"Aww you're so kind.. Thanks."  She smiled and take the ipad from my hand, while i plays with my phone. She's playing angry birds, and she giggled everytime she wins or lose. So cute..

"Dara-ssi! Your cat is ready!" The receptionist ahjumma called us. Dara went to take Dadoong, caressed him with love.

"Ahjumeoni kamsahamnida!" Dara bowed and i did too.


"Mir-ah. Can we go to Han River? I wanna take Dadoong for a walk." Dara whining. I drive the car to the han river. We arrived just in 15 minutes.

""Oh, it's almost sunset! It will be great.. Wait here, i'll get some drinks." I jumped out from the car, i go buys some drinks in a a store near the river. I see Dara noona was sitting alone in the grass, so i ran to her.

"Here." I hand her a can of drink.

"Thank you.." I sat beside her, looking at the sky that turned into red.

"It's so pretty, right?" Dara asks.

"Yeah, just like noona." She chuckled.

"Mir.. Is years is matter with you?" She suddenly ask, makes me very shock..

"Uhh.. No, ages is only a number, the most important thing is the love and how can you fullfill each other." I answered wisely.

"I agree with you."

"Why did you ask me that?" 

"No.. Umm nevermind." Dara noona suddenly puts her head in my tough shoulder. I awkwardly put my hand in her head, caressed it slowly. I can feel there is something that bothers noona's mind.

"Noona, you can tell me anything... I'll keep it secret." I look at Dara noona's eyes deeply.

"Promise?" She pulled out her pinky finger.

"Promise." I pulled out mine. She get closer to me, REAL CLOSE.. Until i can feel her breathe in my neck, she breath heavily. She's so cute.. Very inch of her skin is very smooth and pale.. And i lose my self in a daydream... Damn, I really wanna kissed her

"BANG CHEOLYONG!!" A voice that i really recognize who's the owner suddenly called me. We both froze and turn around.. 

"Cheondung hyung.. It's not.."

"Like what i see? Heh? Moron!" Cheondung yells at me. He look really pissed. I even can see his anger in his eyes.

"Kkaedoong-ahh.."  Dara runs to Cheondung hyung.

"Get inside the car." Cheondung hyunf commanding Dara noona.

"Hyung, it just a simple thing. how could you be so mad?" I asked him.

"What? How dare you said that? Bang Cheolyong, i thought we are brothers." He punch me in the face, leaving a bruise in my face, and my mouth is bleeding. He look at me deeply, and walk away. While i drive back to dorm with blood all over my face.... What i supposed to say to the hyungs?

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: Ahahahaha so basically Mir paved the way for Daragon
Chapter 6: Lee Joon didn't kiss by Dara? Oh, poor Joon. ^^
YunitaVi3 #3
Chapter 6: kkkkk...its funny..
satrina7 #4
Chapter 6: kekeke so I guess GD is cool XD
cute..hmm I don't know if Thunder will reach that point( punching )
I just find him gentle though firm when it comes to her noona's fanboys lol
khymAF: Sorry about the spaces i'm writing it in my ipod xD I rly wanna finish this FF but my laptop is working so slow..
hahahahahhahahahahahah!!!! after all the trouble... It's DARAGOn till the end!!!! :D

kekekekekkekeke!!! nice shot...

but i prefer if you put spaces on every sentence... hhahahahaha.. i get dizzier each time good thing is i LOLed every chapter .... :D

good luck dear!!! :D
zeth06 #8
lolololol.. DaraGon!! :))))))
sujukat #9
"Damn it, Bang Cheolyong!" LOL! DARAGON AT THE END!!! nice fic!!!
ellisd #10
Hahaha cute ending!