Clumsy Onew

Korean Pop Drabbles

He was almost there, there was only a few more to go. He was almost there.
''and the winner of the race is Choi Minho, of SHINee. Points to SM Town!!''
The audience jumped in excitement, everyone turned to pat the tall member of the group's back. He watched it all, with a wry smile. He'd hug Choi Minho too, good sportsmanship would be his reason for doing so.
Later on, he'd run, run again. He was going to do it, land gracefully, only to find himself propelled against a short girl's stomache.
The audience roared with laughter at his fall. He could only hide his face in the young girl's jumper while he waited to compose himself and laugh with them too. For now, he would fight back tears. Three seconds, two one second.
Onew stands up, facing everyone and laughs at himself along with them all. Silly me.

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