Give it a chance

"Ah.. With me?" you stammer, surprised at the suggestion. "S-sure.." you say quickly, but he's already starting to drag you around.

"Where to first? How about the park we played frisbee in?" he suggests excitedly, pulling you and dashing off quickly.

"I don't think.." you mumble, but he doesn't hear you. You sigh and decide to go with the flow. It turns out, she wasn't at the park. She wasn't at Starbucks, or the coffee shop, or the bookstore ten minutes away from your dorm either. Your stomach growls, and you remember you haven't had anything to eat for the past few hours. You want to go home and sleep, however, Jimin was full of energy and was more than willing to help. "Jimin," you say softly, clutching your stomach.

"Let's try the library, then! I know of one near here," he suggests, and starts to pull you along, but you refuse to move. 

"Jimin," you say louder, frowning. He tries to pull you again. "Jimin!" you yell, and he finally turns around and stares at you. He notices your glum look and his eyes widen, wondering if he did something wrong. "I think we should just go home."

"What? But-"

"Please, i'm tired." you sigh loudly. Before he could say anything, your phone rings. You answer the call quickly. muttering a 'hello?' softly, avoiding Jimin's gaze. From the corner of your eye, you could see him shift uncomfortably. Your bestfriend is on the other end, and she asks you where you are. "What? I was looking for you!" Jimin's eyes widen even more, and he gasps. Did we just waste our time searching for her? , You start to blush, feeling beyond embarrassed. What if I just wasted Jimin's time? I feel so stupid.

"You ! I was at home the whole day!" she yells into the phone, making you flinch. "Where are you right now?"


"Whatever, just get home right now! I've already made pasta for dinner, thinking that you were so busy that you had to stay in school just to complete your work." she hisses accusingly, and you start to frown.

"Why the hell are you so pissed off?" you shriek, your face burning. Despite the fact that you didn't want to show Jimin your bad side, Sabrina being so unappreciative pisses you off. "You should be grateful we even tried to find you in the first place!" Your fists clenches harder. "At least we cared enough to find you even though we have a load of homework waiting just to be completed! You should be grateful someone even remembered you weren't at school!" 


Jimin grabs your phone quickly, ending the call. "What the !" you screamed, reaching for your phone but he slides it into his back pocket. He grabs your hand gently and asks you where your dorm is. You answer softly, even though you were angry and embarrassed. He calmly nods and walks you to your dorm, quietly. The air is filled with tension, and you can't help but feel bad for letting Jimin see your angry side. How long as it been? Two days? And he has already seen you screaming your head off at your best friend. How unattractive is that? "I'm sorry." you mumble, and he glances at you quickly before looking away awkwardly. 

"It's okay." he smiles weakly. "Actually, I kind of enjoyed this."

"You what?" you almost stopped in your tracks upon hearing this. "You mean you enjoy wasting your time walking around finding someone who doesn't even need to be found, or did you mean you liked hearing me scream my lungs out at my best friend?"

"I liked both," he says softly. "I mean, walking around like this, I found out how much you cared about your best friend. I know you meant well. After all, I was the one who offered to help, so it isn't your fault if we wasted our time." he smiles, finally making eye-contact with you, making you blush harder. Why the hell is the walk taking so long? I just want to get home and hide. "And seeing you scream so angrily like that, despite the words being harsh, I know you only wanted to show her that you cared."

"I've never thought about it that way."'

"Well, yeah. That's what I thought." he smiles again. "And now I know how you'll react if I ever piss you off." he smirks, pinching your cheeks. You smack his hand away, blushing even harder. kkkk. You cover your cheeks with your hands, letting go of his hand. He frowns. "Don't let go," he whines, grabbing your hand forcefully. Oh my god, You avoid his gaze, trying to be calm. Does this boy know how much his words affect me? "Why do you look so nervous?" he frowns.

"N-no reaason." you mentally slap yourself for stammering again. You see the smirk on his face that he doesn't even try to hide.

"Oh! Is that your dorm?" he points excitedly.

"Yeah," you say, relieved that the attention is finally off you. Why do I feel so pressured?

"Well, goodnight, I guess." he says upon reaching the door, and waits for you to go inside. You wave goodbye and start to walk in, but he starts to say something. "Wait-" he says quickly, and you turn around. "Uh, nevermind." he looks away, ruffling his hair. He seems to hesitate, so you wait for awhile, but he doesn't do anything. You shrug and walk inside, shutting the door and locking it. You take a deep breath, knowing you'll have to face your best friend now.

"Yah! ____!" you hear her yell once you shut the door. She rushes out quickly, fuming. "Why did you hang up on me? You didn't even bother to answer me after that?" she frowns. "I thought something happened to you!"

"Sorry, Jimin actually-"

"Jimin?" she yells in bewilderment. "What does Jimin have to do with anything?"

"Maybe if you let me finish my sentence for once...." you mutter, glaring at her. "He helped me look for you, together! That's why I was so mad. We wasted our time."

"Oh.." she starts to look guilty.

"And didn't hang up on you. He did. He took my phone and ended the call before you could say anything else."

"Wow, so you've been spending your whole day with him?" you nod. "And he didn't complain?"

"No, in fact, he said he enjoyed his time because he got to know me much better."

"Oh my god, did he walk you home?" she seems to conviniently forget about the incident before. You nod to answer her question. "Did he kiss you goodnight?"

"No," you sigh in disappointment. "But isn't it too early? We barely know each other."

"Oh my god, check your phone! Maybe he sent you a message."

"Oh, right." You reach into your pocket, but it wasn't there. You start to panic, checking the rest of your pockets, before remembering he took your phone away and kept it. "."

"What? Don't tell me you lost it." she sighs.

"No!" you say quickly. "Actually, after he ended the call, he kept it with him. I forgot to take it back."

"Awwww," This reaction stunned you, and you stare at her, surprised.


"It means he wants an excuse to see you tomorrow, duh." She claps excitedly. "Quick, go wash up then go to sleep. You need to be well rested."


"No buts!"

"Hehe, butts."

"Shut up,"


Sabrina was right.

Jimin found you in the morning before you went to class, and cheekily said he had forgotten to bring your phone with him to school, so he needed you to follow him. Of course, you were okay with it, and he happily bid you goodbye. Sabrina freaked out and asked if you needed her company, since you didn't know Jimin well and who knows what he will do to you. You told her he wasn't that kind of person, and it's okay for you to go alone. "Well, fine, but don't come back to me crying if he turns out to be somebody you never expected him to be." she grumbles, and it's obvious she's disappointed. Maybe she just wants to see Jungkook again?

For the rest of the day, yet again, you couldn't get Jimin out of your head. "Don't let go," You smile just remembering what happened yesterday, how on earth am I going to survive seeing him later? You were a nervous wreck, wondering if you looked okay, constantly annoying Sabrina, trying to look your best. "Dude, chill." Sabrina sighs for the umpteenth time, rolling her eyes. "He just wants to return you your phone, can you chill for a sec?"

"Sorry," you mutter, embarrassed. "I'm just nervous."

"Don't be," she hisses, trying to look like she's taking down notes. "Just be yourself. That's the person he's falling in love with."

"Right. Be myself." you take a deep breath, closing your eyes. "I can do this."

"Good. Now pretend you're listening before Miss Lee starts roasting your again." Sabrina mutters, and you frown, grabbing your pen.


"Where is he?" It's been five minutes, and you're already pacing around. "Did he decide to ditch me?"

"Oh my ," Sabrina groans, and you continue to pace around, muttering under your breath. "Just calm down, will you? I'm sure he's coming anytime now."

"Okay, okay." you repeat softly, and you stop pacing around. You try to look normal, as Sabrina tries to distract you while waiting for Jimin.

"____!" Jimin calls out your name, dashing towards you. "I'm so sorry, my teacher kept holding me back,"

"Yeah, he forgot to do his homework. Again." Jungkook rolls his eyes, walking towards Sabrina.

"I told you, I was busy." Jimin sighs, and glances at you. He must have been so tired helping me yesterday that he didn't have time to do his homework.... I feel so bad now,

"Hey," Jungkook greets, smiling politely, but Sabrina rolls her eyes and walks away, leaving Jungkook stunned. "Wow, what did I do, seriously..."

"Let's go grab lunch before you follow me to the dorm, okay?" Jimin smiles warmly, grabbing your hand. You felt your heart skip a beat. ing feels. 


"The blonde guy?" Jimin almost falls off his chair laughing.

"Yes, him. He seems like he's always agitated." you crease your eyebrows, pretending to think. "Does he have an attitude problem?"

"He sure does," Jungkook comments, smirking. "You should see him at our dorm- always unsatisfied with something."

"He's Yoongi, not the blonde guy," Jimin says after taking a deep breath, and continues to laugh, dramatically clutching his stomach. "Oh god, just wait till Taehyung hears this later."

"Who?" you frown, trying to remember to he was. "The high pitched voice one?"

"High pitched? Oh my god, no, it's the complete opposite."

"Oh, I think I know who it is!" you say excitedly, remembering the boy with his unique smile and friendly personality. "He's cute, I like him," you add, smirking.

"What?" Jimin frowns.

"Aw, hyung is jealous." Jungkook teases, and Jimin threatens to hit him. "Ah, geez!" he complains, flinching.

"Okay, I can't take another bite." you stick out your tongue, pushing the basket of fries to the boys. The both shake their hand, and Jimin announces that he's too full to finish it. Jungkook sighs and stuffs a handful of fries into his mouth, muttering something about Jimin. He shoots Jungkook a glare before turning back to look at you.

"Do you want to come with me first?" he smiles, standing up, and offers a hand. You nod and grab his hand, waving goodbye to Jungkook. Jungkook looks at the two of you bitterly and rolls his eyes, stuffing more fries into his mouth.

"I'm sorry you had to go a whole day without your phone," Jimin says shyly while leading the way. You shake your head and say it's no problem, and the both of you become quiet again. "So, how was your day?"

"It was fine."


It becomes quiet again, and you start to wonder if Jimin was always this awkward. Or was it only when he was with you?

Upon reaching the dorm, he warns that it is messy, and you reassure him that your dorm is way messier, making him chuckle. You step inside and almost gag at the smell. "Okay, you're right. It's messy and smelly."

"Oops," he rubs the back of his neck, blushing madly. "Sorry, I probably should have cleaned up first." he walks to his room, and noisily searches for your phone. You walk cautiously, and sit on the couch. "Ah, where is it.." Jimin shouts frustratedly, and you try not to giggle. You walk towards the room softly, and nudge Jimin. He shrieks and loses his balance, cursing. "You-"

"The look on your face," you fall to the ground laughing, and he frowns.

"Looks like I have to punish you," he hisses, and grabs you forcefully. Too surprised to react, you look at him with wide eyes.

"What are you-" 

He presses his lips to yours, surprisingly gentle. "Jimin-- wha--" His mouth continues to explore yours, pulling and your lip with the lightest pressure of his teeth. He backs you up slowly, and you feel the bed with your hands behind you. He leans over you, pushing clothes out of the way so you can sit.

"Jimin?" you hear Jungkook's voice yell, and Jimin mutters curses under his breath. "Are you guys still here?"




Sorry this chapter was pretty short!
I'll try to make it longer next time~
See you in the next chapter!!
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Maliha #1
Kawaiiworld #2
Chapter 3: what just happened! Oooooo this is so good, I can't wait for the next chapter!
Kawaiiworld #3
Chapter 2: It's so good! I wonder where Sabrina might be? Well keep up the good work and when will the next chapter be out?
Maliha #4
Chapter 2: UGHH writers block is such a pain in the arse and i loveeeed this chapter cant wait for the next one lol<3<3<3
Maliha #5
Maliha #6
Chapter 1: im already in love with this story tbh<3