Chapter Three


Fire burns around the edges of the forest. Hakyeon breathes out, feeling each edge and of it. The flame starts spreading out. Hakyeon panics, and pulls it back in. He breathes, allowing himself to find the path. He finds an overgrown section, and starts there. It burns the patch, reducing the amount of foliage there. Hakyeon lets it burn, looking around the area. He connects to another clump of of leaves. He sighs easily, despite watching the deer run and birds fly.

"For Sanghyuk. For someone who believes in me."


Wonshik guides the animals from Taekwoon's forest to his own. Taekwoon stands in the middle, forcing things to grow. Burns appear on his skin, spreading with the flames. The wall Taekwoon created burns, forcing a large splotch on his own skin. Wonshik turns, and runs to him.

"You need to get to safety. There is no point now," he whispers, pulling a coughing Taekwoon along. Taekwoon looks back, crossing the river. He frowns, as his side of the forest burns.


Sanghyuk sits in his river. The water evaporates around him. He forces the fish downstream, as smoke fills the air around him. He coughs, and watches the fire cross the river.

"Go Hakyeon," he mutters, before diving under the water to help the fish.


Taekwoon's burns stop growing, while burns start on Wonshik's skin. Wonshik watches as his own side of the forest burns out. He panics, before Taekwoon's arms surround him.

"We'll make it. Forests grow back. Animals will heal with time," Taekwoon mutters, leading him away. Wonshik nods, looking up into his green eyes.

"Thank you," he whispers, smiling weakly at him. Burns extend over his face, as the cross back into Taekwoon's half.


Hakyeon keeps pulling stray ends of the fire in. He's exhausted, not knowing where the fire is going anymore. He sighs, shaking his head. He debates just ending it. He pants, looking back at the river.

"Sanghyuk," he whispers, as animals retreat away from his flames. He smiles, knowing that Sanghyuk believed in him. The fire around him burns brighter, as he reaches the last piece of the forest.


Sanghyuk lays on the rocks of his river. His head lays in the water. Fish come up and nibble at his hair. He watches the burnt trees slowly wave in the wind. He sighs, as ash floats around. He closes his eyes, feeling the want earth around him.

Rocks shift around him. A hand rests on his cheeks. Sanghyuk moves into the warmth, humming happily. He opens his eyes, finding Hakyeon beside him.

"I did it," he whispers, not wanting to break the silence.

"You did. I'm proud of you," Sanghyuk speaks, as Hakyeon chuckles. He pulls his legs up, before pushing some of Sanghyuk's hair back. His hands hit the water, and Sanghyuk panics.

"I've cooled down. I don't steam when I hit water. I can feel trees without burning them," Hakyeon explains, smiling happily. Sanghyuk smiles back, grabbing his hand. He relaxes, sitting up.

"Good. Then, I can do this," he whispers, weaving their fingers together. Hakyeon blushes, looking up to make their eyes meet.

"This is my forest now," he mutters, as Sanghyuk scoots closer.


"The others will hate me."

"They'll adjust."

Sanghyuk leans his head on Hakyeon's shoulder. Hakyeon giggles, and leans his own back on Sanghyuk's head.

"Thank you."


"Believing in me. Thank you."

Sanghyuk moves his head, kissing Hakyeon's shoulder. "Thank you for taking my belief in you."

Hakyeon pecks his head. They sit together for awhile, watching the forest to begin to heal.







A/N: That's all folks. I may write more Chasang in the future, but Hyukken has kinda captured my heart. We'll see won't we. I'll see you all in my other fics. (-<) <3 ^_^

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title change from nymphs to sylvan. please don't get confused.


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HanaMzHz #1
I love this <3
wow, that was just an amazing story. I really enjoyed it.
Kokechan #3
Chapter 3: This was cute. Thank you!
Chapter 3: this was a wonderful story dear!
Chapter 2: don't worry, there's a plot. you're doing fine
Chapter 1: love the first chapter!!! can't wait for the next