I'm Sorry

Through Thick and Thin

Kyungsoo felt like one of the worst people in the world at this point. He had gotten pregnant and his boyfriend did not like that one bit, he had even stop talking to him because of this. He wouldn’t answer calls or texts and he didn’t answer the door the one time he came over. His boyfriend probably wanted nothing to do with him anymore.


He thought about aborting the baby, so that way Jongin would accept him again, but he knew that was stupid. He knew deep down that if Jongin would only love him if he got rid of their potential child, then he wasn’t worth it. And as much as that hurt, he knew that he would probably have to let him go.


If he didn't have Jongin, he was glad he had Luhan when he needed someone the most. His new friend also knew what he was going through and he didn’t judge him when they went to the library instead of lunch, and he opened up about himself and his feelings. He really felt like he could be himself with Luhan.


After Kyungsoo had calmed down, Luhan decided they should talk about baby planning. As both expecting fathers, it was a good thing that they could talk about which each other. The conversation made Kyungsoo think that maybe having a baby alone wouldn’t be too much of a struggle, at least emotionally.


They were both startled by someone slamming their hands down at the table they were sitting at near the back of the library. Kyungsoo gulped when he looked up and saw a pissed looking Jongin.


“Luhan, leave.” He practically barked out. The omega immediately grabbed his stuff, saying a quiet ‘bye’ to Kyungsoo, and went to the cafeteria.


“P-Please don’t be mad Jonginnie...I didn't tell anyone I swear.” Kyungsoo was starting to shake at the alpha; his omega was internally freaking out from the anger and dominance emitted from his boyfriend.


Instead of yelling or even a hit, he felt warm arms wrap around him. Kyungsoo froze and hesitated in confusion before hugging Jongin back. Jongin’s face was buried in the crook of Kyungsoo’s neck and he breathed in his scent. He still smelled like his usual vanilla scent, but something else. And he knew that something else was due to his child.


“I’m such an idiot, I’m so sorry Soo.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to his neck.


“S...Sorry for what…?”


“Shutting you out like that…and then you had to go through people finding alone.” Jongin held him tighter. “People are saying such nasty things and I can’t stand it.”


Kyungsoo let out a shaky sigh. “Yeah, I know. I keep getting called a and a . I texted my parents and they’re most likely going to send me to switch to one of those teen pregnancy schools. They told me they’ve been looking anyways since I told them and one already caught their interest.”


Jongin scowled. “I don't want to be away from you.”


“Well...you could go with me since you are the father. Both parents are allowed to attend.” Kyungsoo smiled slightly at the thought of going to a school together and not having to deal with Jongin hiding their relationship anymore.


That’s right, they were hiding their relationship. Jongin was extremely popular in their large school was afraid of what would happen if they revealed they were dating. He didn’t want people to talk bad about Kyungsoo because they were dating. An ex of his had dumped him because of all the rumors surrounding their relationship. So Jongin thought this was best to spare Kyungsoo from any cruel rumors by people jealous that he was dating someone so popular. High school was ridiculous sometimes.


Kyungsoo knew he did this to benefit him, but sometimes he wondered if Jongin really was just embarrassed of being with him. People never said nice things about him, even if they didn't know he was dating Jongin. They made fun of him a lot because he was “nerdy” and all that. It didn't bother him too much because half of their insults weren't really insults, but sometimes people didn’t want to be around him in case people would start making fun of them too.


He pushed those thoughts away. This wasn't the time to worry about that.


“I'll talk to my parents when we tell them.” Jongin said, pulling back and pressing a kiss on Kyungsoo’s temple.


He raised an eyebrow at that. “They still don’t know? I could've sworn my parents would call them up to tell them.”


Jongin shook his head. “Nobody called...speaking of your parents...how much do they hate me?”


Kyungsoo chuckled. “They don’t hate you, they're just disappointed in both of us. They wanted us to focus on our future before we decided to have kids. I also think they're expecting us to uh...mate before the baby is born.”


Jongin felt a blush creeping up on his cheeks and he could see a blush mirroring his own on Kyungsoo’s cheeks. Mating was a big deal to society, as they mate for life they need to pick the best suited mate. It would be unfortunate for someone to mate for life with someone who after a while they didn't care about anymore. That's why most people waited for a few years and after they graduate to think about settling down with a mate.


“I would love to be your mate,” Jongin said shyly. “But I don't want you to think I am only doing this for the baby.”


Kyungsoo shook his head. “I know you wouldn't do that. I want to be your mate too, I've honestly thought about this for a while.” He admitted.


Jongin smiled before he kissed the omega passionately. The latter kissed back, wrapping his arms around Jongin’s neck and deepened the kiss. After a few minutes of kissing senselessly, Jongin pulled away, inwardly smirking at how swollen Kyungsoo's lips looked from their kiss. His own probably looked the same but he could care less.


“Hey Jonginnie?”




Kyungsoo hesitated before asking, “A-Are...Can...um…” He cringed at how he couldn't even ask what he wanted to. Jongin his hair as if to say ‘go on’.


“Are you going to make it known we’re dating yet…? I mean they're already saying bad about me, what’s anything new going to do? I'll probably transfer schools anyways so it doesn't matter.” He said quietly, expecting Jongin to say no.


“Of course.” Was his reply instead. Kyungsoo would be lying if he said that he did think he would agree.


“I love you, Soo, and I want to be their for our kid. And I want everybody to know this, to know how much I love you and our baby. I’m not ashamed of getting you pregnant. Yes I was scared, and that’s why I made the mistake of shutting you out, but I can confidentially say now I want to be there and be open about it.” Jongin finished, smiling at his boyfriend and gazing into his eyes to show he was serious about what he said.


Kyungsoo grinned at this and hugged Jongin tightly. Jongin froze for a second when he was hugged. He stopped because he could feel Kyungsoo’s baby bump against him. Jongin pulled away, meeting the shocked eyes of Kyungsoo. Before he could ask what was wrong, Jongin placed a hand gently on Kyungsoo’s abdomen where a small bump was.


“You said you were two months along?”


Kyungsoo nodded, smiling softly at how amazed Jongin looked at just touching his belly.


“I didn't know you would show so soon…” Jongin was grinning, glad that he was already showing. He couldn't wait till Kyungsoo was farther along and had a bigger bump, he would look so cute.


“Apparently some people show more than others.” Kyungsoo told him, placing his hand over Jongin’s.


Before anything else could be said, the bell rang to signal lunch was over. Kyungsoo pulled away from Jongin to grab his stuff and half expected Jongin to already go, not really believing that he was 100% willing to reveal himself as who knocked up Kyungsoo. But when he turned around, Jongin was still there, waiting for him.


Jongin laced their fingers together, squeezed them, and walked out of the library with Kyungsoo. People began to whisper about the two of them, gossip already forming and probably would be spread rather quickly. The two didn't really care at this point, they were happy after making up.


Jongin pressed a chaste kiss to Kyungsoo’s lips when they stopped at Kyungsoo’s AP Chemistry classroom. The chattering around them seemed to get louder but Kyungsoo didn’t pay attention, even when Jongin and he walked to his classroom. He just sat down at his seat when Luhan bounded over.


“Did you two make up?” He asked excitedly and Kyungsoo nodded enthusiastically.


“He’s going to be there for me and the baby.” Kyungsoo couldn’t help the grin on his face anymore, he was just so elated that Jongin still loved him and he wanted the baby. Things were going to get better and he just knew it.



To be honest I'm not satisified with this chapter. I was having a bit of trouble with what to write. I promise the next chapter will be better. 

I'm so so happy to say that I'm at 96 suscribers!! I love you all so much for suscribing, it honestly means a lot. I'm not very confident in my writing and to know that 96 people enjoy it makes me grow more confident about my writing. And thank you so much everyone for commenting, I haven't replied to everyone lately but I just haven't had all the time to do that. I'll make sure to do that today.

Until next time!

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Chapter 9: Chanbaek gosh ♥♥♥
What is sehun up to? Can't wait!
Chapter 9: Update soon... its interesting...
Chapter 8: Glad you're back! I hope Chanyeol won't jump into conclusion when he first see baekhyun and let him explain first.
Chapter 8: yes! another treat for me!! i really love mpreg.. I'm addictd to it! I'm also writing a mpreg story... hunhan too... well it's like seventeen and exo... lol! hahaha!
Iamanexol #5
Chapter 8: I hope their relationship status will still be strong and that they'll get together again
Chapter 8: AWWWW omg go baekhyun T___T
exoxoxo12daebak #7
Chapter 8: Please update soon hahA
Chapter 8: Omg poor Baek omg I'm crying... but its good that he contacted him, now they can be beautiful together ((´д`))
Chapter 7: Omg I'm so excited for this chapter ❤
ParkGa-in #10
Chapter 7: I'm in love with this story already~ <3 I can't wait to see what school life will be like for them!