Mundane Mask

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When people think of monsters they think of the one in their closets or the one under their beds as children. They think teeth, claws, and hideous features. They don't tend to think of the monsters that do not change faces. And some people have met monsters, human monsters even, ones that do not change faces or crave blood to drink, but they do crave for blood, to be spilled. In this story there will be werewolves, werecats, vampires, faeries, and much much more. None human but all out for blood. Humanity is waning. All these creatures either once human or born into their beastly - Ness are fighting for power, whether to protect humanity or destroy it.


The humans did not know the dangers of the forest and I planed on keeping it that way.



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OMG! Please update soon I need this kind of Daejae fanfic..
foreveranonymous3288 #2
Oooooh... Sounds bloody interesting XD