Chapter 17

Neverland* [Hiatus]

                I wake with a smack on my cheek. “Get up.” Kiseop yells as he walks around pushing the window curtains aside and letting in the blinding sunlight. He walks around the room picking out clothes to wear and brushing his teeth. I sit up and cover my eyes which are being burned by the stupid sunlight. I get out of the bed and go look out the window. Even though the sunlight’s a it’s really pretty out. Only a few people are walking around the beach and I can smell the ocean breeze from the balcony. I step out and walk over to the next room to get mom and dad up. I knock on the glass and walk back to our room when I see them getting out of bed.

                I get some clothes out but notice exactly how many empty wine cooler glasses there are spread out around our room.

                “Kiseop! What would your dad say if he saw all these!? And you know you’re going to have to pay for them! They charge you for all the things in the little fridge!” I yell and put them in the little recycling bin. Kiseop walks out from the bathroom and rolls his eyes. He’s wearing a white guinea-t and plain black swim shirts. Wow, this is the first time I’ve seen him wearing white.

                I pass him and walk into the bathroom to change into some shorts and a t-shirt. I wash my face and brush my teeth as well. I can’t believe I kissed Kiseop last night… what was wrong with me!? Thank god he can’t remember…  Ugh! Now I’m going to be embarrassed to be around him. I bang my head against the wall a few times before walking out of the bathroom.

                Kiseop put his hair in a little ponytail and it’s terribly cute.

                “Why are you making that weird face?” Kiseop asks and I want to face palm myself for making such a stupid face just because he looks cute.

                “Are we going to go eat breakfast?” I ask changing the subject.

                “I guess.” Kiseop says and pushes past me to get to the hotel door. I follow him out and we go to knock on our parents’ door. “Are you guys ready?” Kiseop yells anxious to go eat.

                “You can go without us, we’ll meet up with you in a few minutes.” Mr. Lee yells and that was all Kiseop needs to hear before he’s already at the elevator pressing the button. We ride down the elevator and I think Kiseop starts to freak a little when the door doesn’t open right away.

                We walk down through the lobby and into the small dining area. There are dozens of small little tables all around the room and a huge buffet at the center of the room. The huge windows let you look over the beach and board walk.

                We sit near the window and a lady soon comes to get our order. We just order some coffee and work off the buffet table as time goes.

                Mom and Lee join us after a few minutes and we eat breakfast in silence besides our parents trying to make small talk with us. “So, how about we spend most of the day at the beach and then once it gets dark we can check out the board walk.” Mr. Lee says and looks at the rest of us for agreement. My mom and I just nod our heads but Kiseop has to ask, “What’s the point of this vacation?” His attitude is sassy. His father looks at him with an unreadable expression.

                “This is just a family vacation,” He says sounding almost a little annoyed with his son. Kiseop rolls his eyes and that seems to piss his dad off.

                “We’re going to be a family weather you like it or not! For once, can’t you at least consider how I feel about everything? Learn to grow up and handle things the way they are!” It’s really awkward sitting hear listening to Kiseop’s dad yell at him… and now everyone’s staring at us…

                Kiseop seems utterly shocked and I can see hurt in his eyes. He sits there staring at his dad and his dad seems to become extremely uncomfortable about what he just said.  He looks like he deeply regrets everything he just said.

                Kiseop stands and says in a hushed voice, “I can’t believe you just said that.” Kiseop grabs my wrist and pulls me up, “Come one Kevin, let’s go walk on the beach.” He drags me along as he walks out of the dining area.

                We walk out of the hotel and across the road to get onto the beach. The sand is hot and burns my feet and the sun is so blaring I feel like I’m already getting sunburn. Kiseop lets go of my wrist and walks ahead of me. He drops down in the sand and lies down. I slowly walk up to him and sit a few feet away. His arms are covering his eyes, blocking them from the sun.

                I watch as a few people walk by. Since it’s still early only a few people are spread out along the beach, with their colorful umbrellas and towels.

                We sit for a while. After a while I guess Kiseop got hot and took off his guinea-t, but of course he kept his white, attachable sleeve on… I still don’t even know why he’s so attached to wearing it.

                I start to sweat a lot and the heat is unbearable. But my abs are nothing compared to Kiseop’s perfectly defined muscles…  And now that’s he’s all sweaty his abs look even more attractive…. And every girl who walks by has to stop and stare…

                I watch as a colorful, plastic beach ball lands on Kiseop’s head. He sits up and looks around holding the ball. A girl with a very revealing bikini, who I assume is the owner of the stupid plastic ball, runs over and starts flirting with Kiseop.

                I get annoyed of watching after the two flirt so I get up, take my shirt off, and walk down to the water. I’m so hot right now I feel like I’m melting. I stick my foot into the water but decide to go no further. The water is ing cold!

                I’m stuck standing in front of the water, dying of the heat but too much of a wimp to actually jump into the cold, ocean water that looks so refreshing right now…

                After a few minutes someone walks up behind me and grabs my waist causing me to jump in shock. I was about to yell ‘’ but realize it’s just Kiseop. “You’re so skinny. Your waist is smaller than most girls’,” Kiseop says poking my side but I swat his hand away.

                “Go away and flirt with that girl some more.” I say annoyed. Kiseop humorously rolls his eyes but says, “It’s more fun annoying you, and I wouldn’t want to make you jealous.” He whispers the last part seductively into my ear.

                “Why would I be jealous?” I ask a push him away, causing him to smile.  

                “Well maybe because I’m so attractive and you only want to keep me for yourself.” Isn’t he a bit cocky?

                “You only seem to attract little kids who like to cling to your leg.” I say sarcastically. “And if all those girls knew your true personality, they wouldn’t find you to be so attractive.”

                “Ouch. That wasn’t very nice.” He’s such a dork, “Is that really how you feel about me?” He looks at me and I look at him back.

                “No. I actually find you to be quite attractive even though you can be a total . And you look really hot without a shirt.” I say this in English so he can’t understand. He looks at me with a dumbfounded look. “It’s too bad you never learned English.” I say sassily. Kiseop rolls his eyes and attempts to grab my arm but I pull away before he does. He tries again and I back away from him. “Stop it.” I say as he successfully grabs onto my arm and pulls me towards him. He grabs onto my waist and lifts me off the ground and starts wading into the water. “Kiseop stop!” I yell and try to get away from him but it’s now use. He takes me down with him as he goes under the freaking cold water which feels like a thousand stabbing needles. And he holds me under for as long as he can, and finally takes me back up with him once I start drowning.  “You’re… an ….!” I yell as I cough up all the gross ocean water I swallowed.

                Kiseop starts laughing so I take the opportunity to successfully splash water in his mouth and when he starts chocking I start laughing.

                We stay in the water for a little while splashing each other and seeing who can swim the farthest out from the beach. When I feel water logged I swim back to shore and sprawl out on the warm sand and close my eyes. I listen as Kiseop walks up and lies down beside me.

                I let my body dry in the sun. So far this vacation hasn’t been too bad. It was definitely awkward listening to Kiseop be yelled at by his father, and making out with Kiseop was really awkward….

                I open my eyes to see Kiseop burying my feet in sand. He’s so childish. I kick my foot so that the sand goes all over him and he looks at me all mad. “Let’s stay like this for the rest of the day.” I say and lay back in the sand again.

                “Okay.” He says and I watch as he lays down right next to me. We lay next to one another soaking up the sun for what feels like forever.


                I guess after a few hours of lying in the sun I guess I fell asleep…. Because when I opened my eyes my entire body felt like it was burning. I sit up but my entire body is over whelmed by fizzling sensation across my skin. “Ahhhhh,” I moan out feeling terrible. I look over to see Kiseop still sleeping in the sand and his skin is all pink. “Kiseop,” I say and poke his side put he doesn’t budge. The sun is almost about to set and there are very few people on the beach now. Could we have really slept here the entire day!?

                “Kiseop!” I yell at him but of course he doesn’t even move. I slowly sit up and stand up off the sand, my entire body hurting at every sudden move. “Kiseop,” I poke his side but it’s useless. I grab his arm and violently shake it but only end up hurting myself. I yelp as my skin feels like it’s about to tear off. Kiseop suddenly smiles in his sleep and makes some type of sound….

                I slap his stomach where he’s the most sun burn and that wakes him up… “AHHH!” He jumps up and stares at me. “That hurt!”

                “You’re even a ert in your sleep…” I say and he looks blushes like crazy.

                “You were the one !” He yells defensively.

                “Yeah! Because my body hurts! We’ve been lying in the sun the entire day!” I say and calm myself. Right now is not the time to fight….. “Wait… why did you start … because you though I was….?” I say and he blushes bright red, “WHAT ARE YOU DREAMING ABOUT!?”

                “Not you!” He says and I find that a little offensive for some reason….. I start to walk back up the beach regretting lying on the beach the entire day with this .

                “Wait! KEVIN! It hurts to move! I can’t get up!” He yells after me but I just give him the finger as I walk back up to the hotel.

                I stand in the shower for almost two hours letting the cold water run down my chest. My entire body is bright pink in the front, but my back is pale white. I look like a dork. When I’m done I gently dab the towel over my body since it hurts so much to even dry off and put my clothes on. I can barely even walk!

                I walk out in to the hotel room to see Kiseop passed out on the bed on his stomach in pain. Once he hears me come out he rolls off the bed and runs into the bathroom yelling, “IT BURNS!” I can hear him turn the cold water on and sign in relief just like I did at the amazing feeling of cold, ice water on extremely sun burned skin. I lay down on our bed, my entire body aching like crazy. Even though I spent the entire day sleeping I somehow fall asleep.

                I wake up again feeling all confused. I really shouldn’t sleep like this…. It makes me feel all disorientated.

                I watch as Kiseop walks out of the bathroom all wet, with only a small towel wrapped around his waist. Of course as he walks around the room searching for his clothes his towel begins to slide down his hips….

                “Kiseop!” I yell feeling like a total creep for watching this. Kiseop jumps and hurries to readjust his towel. He turns and looks at me, I can’t tell if he’s blushing or if it’s just sun burn.

                I cover my eyes as he dresses but I still feel awkward… 

                When he’s finish dressing we just stare at each other for a few awkward minutes. I decide to get up and walk out to the balcony and to our parents’ room, wanting to escape Kiseop for a little while. I slide the glass door open and walk up to my mom intently staring at the TV. “Mommy!” I say and she turns to look at me shocked.

                “Honey, why are you all pink?” She walks up and looks at me.

                “I got sun burn…” I say feeling childish but I want her to make it stop hurting.

                “Oh geese… alright honey. Let me go get some skin cream for you.” She walks off and then comes back with a huge bottle of skin cream.

                I walk back to our room covered in hand cream and feeling much better. Kiseop’s already sleeping….again. It’s probably only 9, and you’d think he wouldn’t be tired…. Oh well. I lay down next to him feeling kind of cold because of all the hand cream. I look at Kiseop and he’s completely wiped out so I slowly move closer to him. I can feel his body radiating heat. I gently touch his back and I’m surprised at how hot his body is. I lay right next to him just so that my arm is touching his back. He feels so warm I want to hug him. I fall asleep but a wake back up when Kiseop turns on his side and wraps his arm around me, laying his face is the crock of my neck………………… This is awkward………………….. But Kiseop looks so cute when he sleeps, like a little child. I relax and try and fall asleep but I find it very difficult to.

                For some reason I can’t stop thinking about Kibum.


I don't know why this took so long to write.... T^T Oh well, i hope you all like it~ ^^

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【9/7/13】 The story is coming to an end so there will probably only be a few chapters left. I want to thank everyone who's read and supported throughout♥


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milkythings #1
Chapter 34: This is so good please please please update
audrey0189 #2
Chapter 34: Ugh!! I don't want this story to end!
aiag08 #3
Chapter 34: I've enjoyed alot reading this fanfic. Hope you can find time to finish the story, it seems it's pretty close to it's end :)
Chapter 34: Erm... author-nim, I just read it all again and I love it, so.... just let me know if you're going to update~ please! :3
hahakissu #5
Chapter 34: pleasa update soon!!!!!!!!!! u___u
StillMeadows #6
Chapter 26: I really like this story. TT
Are you ever going to update it? TT TT
Your story is really one of the best I have ever read! The story line, the characters, and your writing style are really amazing! Especially with how the story and Vinseop's relationship developed throughout the chapters made this a great read! Thank you for writing such an awesome story! I hope you will continue the story and hopefully update soon when you have time! ^^
Chapter 34: Omoo..
update please... i fall in love with the story already.. ^*^