Drabble #1 | Regret



[ N O T I C E ]


Hello, it’s me.


How have you guys been doing? Good? Great? Wonderful? I hope so :-)


(I don’t know if anyone would read this because I’ve been gone for quite a while..)


So umm first of all, I would like to sincerely apologize for not being able to update my stories.

I know, it’s been like what, five—seven months? Almost a year?

But college happens and I’m majoring in design, so… yeah. The projects are keeping me away from writing anything. I’m currently having my final exams so /please pray for me/ HAHA.


And um… my laptop which has all my fiction documents is currently broken. Still trying to fix it somehow..

And I tried to re-write but the words didn’t come out the same.




Again, I’m truly sorry.


I would totally understand if you decide to leave this story behind. It’s poop anyways. Hehe.


So um I guess this notice ends here.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day, well not just today, but for days to come!

If you’re a bit down lately, cheer up! Smile, okay? ^^


Guess I'll see you soon! Bye!



If you happen want to talk to me, find me on twitter @yourelephantsky.

I just babble there, retweet pictures of chanbaek of course. HAHA.


And OH. I highly recommend these webtoon:


Always Raining Here

Raising A Bat (Bagjwi Sayug)


OMG. You should definitely read those. The storylines are beautiful. They’re still ongoing (I think they update weekly?) and you can search them on google.

/cries/ my babies carter+adrian and chunsam+mingyeom ;;;;;;;;;;


And one more thing, this fic:


Yenicall by viyeolent (on aff)


It's a chanbaek story and damn. Prepare your heart if you decide to read it. Like seriously. I really admire how the author builds up the tension and emotion. I cried while reading the lastest update (5 Ennui). I could feel the pain in my chest. Ouch.



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kiseob_cute #1
Chapter 4: Omgomg!! You're gonna continue this story right??? Please make chanbaek reunite!! Omg
Chapter 4: Omfg! Dont let ChanSoo happen please T T
Please makes baekhyun happy in the end

! ><
kiseob_cute #3
Chapter 2: Omgoshhh i want more! Hopefully there'll be more!! :((
Chapter 1: hmm, so maybe chanyeol cheating on baekhyun with someone else at that time

wow just a drabble? no more than this? ><
Chapter 1: hmm, so maybe chanyeol cheating on baekhyun with someone else at that time

wow just a drabble? no more than this? ><
Ranjana #6
Chapter 1: Damn it so cute love story but I feel like it's still baekhyun fault and not chanyeol ugh I am crying...
Aryyyy #7
Chapter 1: I need a sequel ;;
Chapter 1: But still an amazing drabble
Chapter 1: I hate you..... I just finished my lunch and was on my way to math class and I just had to read this.. Just no. No!
Channie~ come baaaaaack~ Baekhyun still wants you